
yǐn xínɡ hōnɡ zhà jī
  • stealth bomber
  1. 在自己的网站上吹嘘说,“精灵”B-2隐形轰炸机几乎是看不见的。

    ( NGC ) boasts on its Web site the B-2 spirit stealth bomber is nearly invisible .

  2. 状若蝙蝠的B-2隐形轰炸机曾一度被人中伤为无法在雨中执行任务的价值20亿美元的废铜烂铁,由于在两次战争中展示了威力。这些天来它一直高高翱翔。

    Once ed as a $ 2 billion boondoggle that couldn 't operate in the rain , the bat-winged B-2 Stealth Bomber is flying high these days , having proven its in two wars .

  3. 飞机墓地亚利桑那州,图森市外的戴维斯—蒙森空军基地,是旧飞机报废的地方,基地上停着从B-52s到隐形轰炸机等共超过4000架军用飞机。

    Airplane Graveyard The Davis-Monthan Air Force Base outside of Tuscon , Ariz. , is where old planes go to die . More than 4000 military aircraft are parked on the base , from B-52s to stealth bombers , where they are salvaged for parts and broken down for scrap .

  4. 就像是大海中的隐形轰炸机一般。

    This is like the stealth bomber of the ocean .

  5. 隐形轰炸机将有机会在第一波攻击中派上用场。

    Chances are the stealth bomber would be in the first wave of attack .

  6. 当以下类型的舰船被摧毁时会掉落残骸:截击舰、后勤舰、侦查舰、隐形轰炸机。

    The following ship types are now leaving wrecks when destroyed : Interceptors , Logistic Ships , Recon Ships and Stealth bombers .

  7. 我被告知说这架隐形轰炸机,是被美国部署在这地区的美国舰队射击而被逼迫降。

    I was told that this stealth bomber was shot at and forced to land by an American fleet based in the area .