
  • 网络Harlem Globetrotter
  1. 哈林篮球队在1948年及1949年打败全是白人的明尼阿波利斯湖人队(MinneapolisLakers),为NBA的种族融合作出了贡献。

    The Globetrotters have been credited with integrating the N.B.A. by beating the all-white Minneapolis Lakers in 1948 and 1949 .

  2. 第二年,哈林篮球队的纳特·“甜水”·克利夫顿(Nat“Sweetwater”Clifton)成为了首位与联盟签订合同的黑人球员。

    The next year , the Globetrotters " Nat " Sweetwater " Clifton became the first black player to sign a contract with the league .

  3. 这是因为当莱蒙(上图前排左三)1953年加入哈林篮球队(HarlemGlobetrotters)时,他们对喜剧和篮球花招的融合是比赛中最具吸引力的地方。

    That 's because when Lemon , above front row third from left , joined the Harlem Globetrotters in 1954 , their mix of comedy and basketball legerdemain was the biggest draw in the game .

  4. 也曾是哈林篮球队的一员。

    and also played for the Harlem Globetrotters .

  5. 尽管名为“哈林篮球队”,但这支球队其实是1926年于芝加哥成立的,它直到1968年才在哈林打过球。

    Despite their name , the Globetrotters were founded in Chicago in 1926 and didn 't play a game in Harlem until 1968 .

  6. 2015年去世的莱蒙在回忆录中这样描述哈林篮球队:“他们为人们对黑人的认知,以及人们对美国的认知所做的,远远超出你们的想像。”

    Lemon , who died in 2015 , wrote in his memoir about the Globetrotters : " They had done more for the perception of black people and for the perception of America than almost anything you could think of . "