
  1. 截至至2010年中国旅游年总收益

    By 2010 , China 's total tourism revenue

  2. 世博网3月16日消息:“2010中国世博旅游年全球百城世博旅游推广月”活动15日在意大利首都罗马举行启动仪式。

    The official promotion campaign of the2010 World Expo was launched in Rome yesterday by Italian and Chinese officials in an opening ceremony featuring traditional dragon dances .

  3. 2009年国家旅游局将这一年度确定为中国生态旅游年,宣传的主题为走进绿色旅游、感受生态文明,以此为契机,各省市纷纷加大生态旅游发展力度。

    In 2009 , the National Tourism Administration established this year as the " the year of eco-tourism in China ", described the theme as " go into the green tourism , to feel the ecological civilization " . So , many provinces or municipalities have increased eco-tourism development efforts .

  4. 开拓、务实在探索中发挥职能作用&中国旅游协会十年历程回眸

    Ten Years of China Tourism Association

  5. 从以下角度反思中国旅游地理学25年的发展和问题,对这一学科将来的进步不无裨益。

    This paper reflects on several issues in tourism geography in the last 25 years of development .

  6. 中国旅游研究30年:阶段、特征与规律

    The Development of China 's Tourism Research from 1978 to 2008 : Stages , Characteristics and Patterns

  7. 中国旅游研究14年&《旅游学刊》反映的学术态势

    A Summary of China 's Tourism Research Work in the Past Fourteen Years & Academic Trends as Reflected in Tourism Tribune

  8. 据中国国际旅游监测2016年的数据显示,2015年,中国出境游客人均消费额达到22592元。

    According to Chinese International Travel Monitor 2016 , the per capita spending of Chinese outbound travelers hit 22592 yuan ( $ 3370 ) in 2015 .

  9. 中国旅游心理研究二十年述评

    A Review of Recent Twenty Years ' Tourism Psychological Researches in China

  10. 从理想主义、现实主义到理想主义理性回归&中国旅游地理学发展30年回顾

    From Idealism to Realism to Rational Idealism : Reflection on 30 Years of Development in Tourism Geography in China

  11. 中国旅游业运行几十年的经验表明,强化跨部门、跨地区协调管理的力度,是实现旅游业顺利运营和健康发展的基本保证。

    The experience of Chinese tourism industry for running several decades shows that strengthening inter-departmental and inter-regional coordination and management efforts is the key to achieve a smooth operation and the healthy development of the basic guarantee .

  12. 中国旅游业发展三十年来,同样在经济建设上取得了巨大的成绩,但在旅游业三大效益,经济效益、社会效益和环境效益之间的发展并不是均衡的。

    The tourism in China has also got a tremendous achievement after thirty years ' progress , but the development among economic results , social effect and environmental effect is off balance , which makes up of three parts of tourism .