
  • 网络Chubu;Chūbu region;Chubu region
  1. 加州最高法院及中部地方法院。

    Supreme Court of CA , Central District of CA.

  2. 中部地区地方高校教师流失对策探析

    Countermeasures of Central Region Local University and College Loss of Talented People

  3. 威尔士地区、英格兰西部、北部、中部等地方政府也已收到几十份申请。

    Dozens of requests have also been sent to local authorities in Wales , western , northern and central England .

  4. 报刊称高桥鹏二已于周二将他的控诉材料提交给位于日本中部的名古屋地方法院。NHK称在他们研读法律文件之前不会给出任何评论。

    Mr Takahashi filed his complaint on Tuesday with the Nagoya District Court in the central region of Japan , the newspaper said.NHK said it would not comment until it had studied the legal documents .

  5. 中部非洲防治地方病协调组织

    Organization for Coordination in Control of Endemic Diseases in Central Africa

  6. 下一站我也下了车,那是个位于荒原中部的小地方。

    I got out at the next station , a tiny place in the middle of the moor .

  7. 中部地区大部分地方可种植乔木,但在山坡、岗地应以灌木为主;

    Arbor planting was suitable in the most parts of Middle Jilin , but more suitable to plant brush in the hill slope and hillock .

  8. 在东、中、西部比较中,发现中部地区的地方政府更加重视对于投入产出的目标指向。

    Comparison in the East Midwest and found that the central region of the local government pay more attention to the target point for the input and output .

  9. 要不就是这个教授在美国中部的某个地方?

    Or this professor is somewhere in central america ?

  10. 在英格兰中部地区偏北的地方,人们有时候会用燕麦饼代替煎面包,而苏格兰早餐会有土豆煎饼和方形香肠。

    In the North Midlands , oatcakes sometimes replace fried bread and the Scots includes tattie scones and Lorne sausage 。

  11. 仅在今年,布莱尔就已造访了20多个国家,从东亚到中部非洲,许多地方还去了不止一次。

    This year alone , he has touched down in more than 20 countries , from East Asia to Central Africa , often more than once .

  12. 高等教育快速发展和中部崛起,给中部地区地方高校带来发展的机遇和严峻的挑战。

    Due to the rapid development of higher education and economy in central China , the local higher learning institutions are facing with both opportunities and challenges .