
  • 网络Yu Dan;DANN YU
  1. 几周前,XM的妈妈问我们可不可以帮她买一本近来活跃于银屏的演讲者于丹的《于丹〈论语〉心得》,因为她听说这本书通俗又新颖地阐述了中国经典古籍。

    A few weeks ago , XM 's mother asked if we could help her buy a copy of TV lecturer Yu Dan 's Insights on " The Analects ", since she had heard it was a popular new explanation of the Chinese classic .

  2. 结论星点设计-效应面法适用于丹参酮ⅡA-PLGA纳米粒的工艺优化,所建立的数学模型预测性良好。

    CONCLUSION The central composite design and response surface method are useful for the optimization of preparing tanshinones ⅱ A-loaded PLGA nanoparticles . The estimation of the established model is good .

  3. 于丹总是用简单的例子阐述深刻的道理。

    YD always uses simple examples to explain a profound theory .

  4. 于丹现象的镜像效应

    Effect of mirror image of YU DAN 's phenomenon

  5. 于丹是如何回应这种个人批评呢?

    How does she respond to such personal attacks .

  6. 挪威的两种官方语言之一;接近于丹麦语。

    One of two official languages of norway ; closely related to danish .

  7. 现代性文化批判的别样呈现:于丹现象

    " YU Dan Phenomena ": another type of presentation of modern cultural criticism

  8. 于丹现象与新时期妇女发展的文化解读

    A Cultural Interpretation of " Yudan Phenomenon " and Female Development in New Times

  9. 于丹是现代中国的矛盾体。

    Yu Dan is a modern Chinese paradox .

  10. 你仿佛置身于丹的位置。

    It puts you in dan 's shoes .

  11. 年,叔本华出生于丹思克,可他一生的许多时间是在法兰克福度过的。

    Schopenhauer was born in Danzig in1788 but spent most of his life in Frankfurt .

  12. 而保加利亚语则是一种斯拉夫语言,其与俄语的相近程度不亚于丹麦语和瑞典语的关系。

    Bulgarian is a Slavic tongue , as close to Russian as Danish is to Swedish .

  13. 易中天和于丹能如此受欢迎乃在情理之中。

    It 's not surprising that Yi zhongtian and Yu Dan are so phenomenally popular these days .

  14. 从某种角度上来说,这一切都开始于丹东尼去年夏天那个疯狂的想法。

    In a way , this whole ride started back last summer with Coach D'Antoni 's crazy idea .

  15. 侏儒也将起始于丹莫罗,因为他们的家园被远古的恶魔们摧毁了。

    Gnomes will also start in Dun Morogh , since their homeland has been destroyed by an ancient evil .

  16. 辗转于丹佛高原,费城和达拉斯过后,麦基在2016年选择与勇士签约。

    McGee , after stints in Denver , Philadelphia and Dallas , signed with the Golden State Warriors in 2016 .

  17. 安徒生1805年4月2日出生于丹麦欧登塞,他是一个多愁善感而富于想象力的孩子。

    Born on April 2 , 1805 , in Odense , Denmark , Andersen was an emotional , yet imaginative , child .

  18. 结论:卡必醇和油酸为主的复合透皮吸收促进剂适用于丹参酮经皮给药制剂的研制。

    Conclusion : Both Carbitol and Oleic Acid can be used as complex accelerators for the preparation of transdermal Tanshinone delivery system .

  19. 但是于丹的书也招致一些学者的批评,他们指责她用一种不完整的、甚至是扭曲的方式介绍孔子的教导。

    But Yu Dan 's book has been criticized by scholars for providing an incomplete , even distorted view of the philosopher 's teachings .

  20. 于丹承认她自己未能全面地介绍孔子的思想,她解释说并不是所有(的内容)都适合现代的中国。

    Yu herself acknowledges that she did not present all of Confucius 's ideas , because she feels not all are relevant to modern China .

  21. 中国儒学学者于丹2006年撰写的一本书卖出了1千万册。贝尔说,清华大学的学生在争相选修这方面的课程。

    A 2006 book by Chinese Confucian scholar Yu Dan sold 10 million copies , and Bell says students are flocking to classes on the subject at Tsinghua university .

  22. 《百家讲坛》造就了大量的学术明星,于丹就是其中最耀眼的一位之一,也是最受争议的一位。

    The " Lecture Room " has created a large number of academic stars , and Yu Dan is one of the most dazzling , but also one of the most controversial .

  23. 近来,围绕孔子最著名的思想录《论语》,于丹撰写了一本书并录制了一些列电视节目,试图让这位圣贤的教导能为中国大众所理解。

    With a recent book and television series on the Analects , the best-known collection of the sage 's musings , Yu Dan has tried to make the teachings accessible to ordinary Chinese .

  24. 应进一步解放思想,端正认知态度,学《庄子》把哲学思想体现于艺术形象,学于丹讲究教学艺术,学方永刚做党的路线方针政策的“政治翻译”。

    We should learn from the thought of Zhuangzi s philosophy in artistic image , teaching art of Yudan , and Fang Yonggang s " political translation " of route policy of our party .

  25. 这个启示可能直接来源于丹布朗的畅销书《达芬奇密码》,书里述说,据说蒙娜丽莎隐含着有关圣杯的线索。

    The revelation could have come straight from the pages of Dan Brown 's best-seller The Da Vinci Code , in which the Mona Lisa is said to contain hidden clues about the Holy Grail .