
  1. 通过对模糊控制器和PID调节器原理的分析,将模糊控制和PID控制相结合的PID参数自调整的模糊控制器应用于清蜡车控制系统中。

    Though the analysis to PID regulator and fuzzy controller principle , fuzzily-PID controller combined with fuzzy control and PID regulator was applied to the control system of dewaxing .

  2. 这种图案源于清乾隆时期出口英国和欧洲的青花瓷设计。

    This pattern derives from the blue and white Ch'ien-lung designs exported to England and Europe .

  3. “我最近感到头很晕。”梁说,红色的夹克披围于清拔身形之上。

    " I 've been feeling very dizzy lately ," says Leung , pulling his red nylon jacket around his lean frame .

  4. 改进后的清管工艺及清管工具更适合于清管的实际需要,提高了清管作业的安全性和效率。

    The improved pigging process and devices are more suitable for practical applications and raise the safety and effectiveness of pigging operation .

  5. 产品描述:京剧于清光绪年间形成于北京是中国的国粹。

    Description : Peking Opera was originated at the end of Qing Dynasty , it is regarded as one of the greatest Chinese art .

  6. 该报的创办并不是仅仅为了开启民智,呼吁爱国而已,其本质是服务于清政府,服务于新政的实施。

    It was not only to open their wisdom and appealed to the patriotic , but was to serve the Qing government and the New Deal .

  7. 现在我们所看到的建筑就是于清同治四年(1865年),主要建筑有拜殿、宝晋斋、仰高堂等。

    Now we see the building is on four-wen ( 1865 ), the main building there is of prayer , Po Chin Chai , Yang Gao tang .

  8. 作者通过长期实践经验的总结,将硅藻土成功地应用于清汁型饮料的过滤,得到了清亮透明有光泽的滤液,产品经长时间放置均无明显沉淀产生。

    Based upon long-term practical experience , the author has succeeded in using diatomite for the filtration of clear juice beverages and obtaining clear and transparent filtrate .

  9. 金石之学奠基于宋而复兴于清,影响清代学术和艺术者甚巨。

    The study on in epigraphy laid a foundation in Song Dynasty , and developed in Qing Dynasty , it greatly influenced the academy and art in Qing Dynasty .

  10. 据沙边陈氏族谱记载,陈氏始迁祖于清乾隆年间通过承办盐田,以外来人的身份迁入海晏。

    According to the Genealogy , Chan 's ancestors , the identity of outsider , moved into shabian Village of Haiyan Du in the Qianlong Period through contractors salt words .

  11. 运用PC机查看清分机的工作状况等功能已经不只是用于开发调试方面,对纸币清分机的控制也越来越多的应用于清分机的维护方面。

    Using a PC to check the status of the sorting function is not only used for the development of debugging , and currency sorter control is more and more applied to the sorting machine maintenance .

  12. 指出李西月是清朝中晚期著名的道教内丹实际修炼家和理论研究的大师,于清咸丰年间创立了道教内丹西派,开启了精细内丹学的理论与实践。

    It points out that Li Xiyue is a remarkable master of inner alchemy in mid and late Qing Dynasty , as a practitioner and theorist . He founded west sect inner alchemy in Xian Feng reign of Qing Dynasty , opened the fine inner alchemy theory and practice .

  13. 对污较重且伴有节段性缺损大于5cm的开放性骨折伴骨缺损者,适用于早期清创,后期取带血管蒂的骨块伴载药自固化磷酸钙人工骨植入治疗。

    The open and severely contaminated fracture with more than 5 cm segmental defect was indicated for the treatment with debridement at early stage and with autologous bone grafting with vascular pedicle and ACPC impregnated with antibiotics at late stage .

  14. 卵磷脂富集于鸡蛋清中。

    Lecithin is found at high concentrations in egg whites .

  15. 两种材料可以很好的作用于手术清创缺损区,有效剂量多于传统材料。

    Both materials have excellent retention within the surgically debrided defect , more than conventional materials .

  16. 型阀:规格有3/4-3英寸,进出口为螺纹连接,最适用于脉冲清灰系统上。

    Type of T.valves : Specification is 3 / 4-3 ins . Inlet and oulet is screw thread joint . Used for Pulse-dust-cleaning system .

  17. 清片各剂量组均可明显降低血瘀大鼠的全血粘度,降低血浆纤维蛋白原含量,作用强于尿毒清颗粒剂组。

    Each dose could reduce the viscosity of whole blood and the fibrinogen in the blood stasis rat model , and had the superiority to NDG .

  18. 干冰喷丸应用于芯盒清砂

    The Application of Dry Ice Blasting to Corebox cleaning

  19. 至于明、清以后,舞蹈融入戏曲的史实,前面已有说明,此处不赘。

    After the Ming and Qing dynasties , dance and drama blended together , a fact that has been elaborated on in previous chapters .

  20. 应用于烧伤创面清创消毒,其细菌清除率为94.5%,临床总有效率97.1%。

    In addition , when ozone solution was applied on burn wound , its clearance rate of bacteria was 94.5 % and the clinical effective rate was 97.1 % .

  21. 始于宋元、流行于明、清的“文人画”使中国画意象造型得到更大的变化和发展,集中代表了中国画形似上的基本特征。

    A literary painting , beginning in the Song and Yuan Dynasties , popular in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , makes imagery shape of the Chinese painting change and develop and fully reflects the basic characters of its imagery shape .

  22. 旅客必须于中午前办清手续离开,否则将收取全日费用。

    Guests must check out before noon , or they will be charged for the day .

  23. 如果这指南有助于你们分类,清告诉我们!

    If this guide helped you sort something out , please tell us !

  24. 同时登革病毒样颗粒也可作为诊断抗原应用于登革热血清学诊断中。

    Meanwhile , dengue VLPs could also be applied to serological diagnosis of dengue fever .

  25. 借助于计算机程序,清考中的课程分组和考试安排可以高效地实现。

    With a computer program , the course grouping and arrangement can be effectively implemented .

  26. 山东省图书馆创建于1909年(清宣统元年),是我国创办最早的十座省级综合性公共图书馆之一。

    Shandong library was set up in 1909 . it is one of the ten most oldest comprehensive common libraries in china .

  27. 于此同时,清政府陆续把京师的旗人向东北迁移,垦荒僻壤,与流民争夺资源。

    At the same time , the Qing government continued to migrate capital banner to the northeast for reclamation and competition for resources with the displaced persons .

  28. 经常食用燕窝可以帮助缓和哮喘,使呼吸顺畅,有益于哮喘控制,清痰,恢复体能和长寿。

    A regular diet of bird 's nest can help alleviate the trachea , smooth breathing , benefit the control of asthma , expel phlegm , recover vital energy and extend longevity .

  29. 这就相当于,当我清完喉咙,开始读“上周一,英国……”时,她就已经搞定了。

    Which means by the time I have cleared my throat and started to read : " Last Monday the Finan ? . ? . ? . ? " she has already finished .

  30. 1857年,英法联军攻陷广州,于1861年迫使清政府签订《天津条约》,强行把沙面租给英法帝国主义。

    In 1857 , British and French troops capture Guangzhou in 1861 forced the Qing government to sign the " Treaty of Tianjin ", forcibly leased to the British and French imperialism sand surface .