
běn dì rén
  • native;local people;a son of the soil
  • autochthon
本地人 [běn dì rén]
  • (1) [native;local people]∶生于特定地方的人;与某地有联系者(如通过父母的户籍或童年的居住地),即使实际上出生于别处或者后来移居到别处

  • 本地人和出生在外国的人的总数

  • (2) [autochthon]∶指出生于所住地方土生土长的人

  1. 我是本地人。

    I 'm a native of this place . ; I was born here .

  2. 在迈克尔·乔丹(MichaelJordan)之前,世界上最为著名的篮球运动员之一也是一位来自北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿市的本地人:梅多拉克·莱蒙(MeadowlarkLemon)。

    Before Michael Jordan , one of the world 's most famous basketball players was another native of the North Carolina city of Wilmington : Meadowlark Lemon .

  3. 有一本地人被指控为这起谋杀案的凶手。

    A local man was accused of the murder .

  4. 他是本地人。

    He 's a local boy .

  5. 选举委员会由四名女委员组成,她们都是本地人。

    The election committee itself was formed with four women members who were natives .

  6. 凯不是夏威夷本地人,但她十分喜爱夏威夷的本土文化,喜欢夏威夷人重视亲情的风俗。

    Kai wasn 't Hawaiian but loved the Hawaiian culture and spirit of family it cherished .

  7. 通过改变不同的飞秒脉冲激光的脉冲数,对自然氧化的单晶Si表面进行了烧蚀。本村人、本地人与外来人&经济发达村庄的封闭与开放

    The silicon surface with native oxide is modified by different pulses . The Native and Non native

  8. 许多本地人的应对之道,是开办临时的果冻工厂,刘洪园也是其中之一,他们中多数人使用universal这一品牌。

    Mr Liu is one of many residents who responded by setting up a makeshift jelly operation , mostly using the brand name " universal " .

  9. 泰安市来自外省并与本地人结婚的农村妇女已造成HIV的传播,是泰安市艾滋病防治的重点人群。

    HIV was spreading among immigrated women in some rural areas of Taian city , they were important population for HIV / AIDS prevention and control .

  10. 丈夫升职调任马德里从事新的工作以前,阿根廷本地人玛丽安娜•萨内蒂一直在布宜诺斯艾利斯担任壳牌公司(Shell)的产品经理。

    Mariana Zanetti had been working as a product manager for shell ( RDSA ) in Buenos Aires when her husband got a promotion to a new job in Madrid .

  11. 如果你来自这附近,你就会知道道格·弗里德兰德(DougFriedlander)并不是本地人。

    If you are from around here , you know Doug Friedlander is not .

  12. D2计划将亚洲最有名的电子音乐连接到上海最好的本地人人才的舞坛上。

    D2 plans to bring Asia 's biggest names in the circuit electronic dance-scene coupled by some of Shanghai 's best local talent .

  13. 在该部门的推动下,本地人可以在政府补贴费用的速配活动和萨尔萨(salsa)舞蹈班上擦出爱情的火花。

    Thanks to the unit , locals can sow the seeds of romance at government-subsidized speed dating events and salsa dance classes .

  14. LeRicher把本地人流连忘返的温馨感与现代风格小餐馆的高水准合二为一,作为为数不多的混合经营咖啡馆,正在改变巴黎的咖啡文化。

    Combining the warmth of a local hangout with the high standards of a modern bistro , Le Richer belongs to a handful of hybrids that are transforming Parisian caf é culture .

  15. 胡珀是《经济学人》杂志(TheEconomist)和《卫报》(TheGuardian)的记者,在罗马生活和工作。前不久,他给那些想从本地人的角度欣赏意大利的游客提了一些关于文化和美食的建议。

    Mr. Hooper , who lives and works in Rome as a journalist for The Economist and The Guardian , recently gave some cultural and culinary advice for travelers wanting to see Italy from an insider 's perspective .

  16. 美国人西娜·霍尔(SheenaHall)是美国马里兰州本地人,在华盛顿霍华德大学(HowardUniversity)攻读政治学,她今年春天曾作为本杰明·吉尔曼(BenjaminA.Gilman)学者在印度的海得拉巴(Hyderabad)学习过6个月。

    American Sheena Hall , who is a Maryland native studying political science at Howard University in Washington , studied in Hyderabad , India , for six months last spring as a Benjamin A.Gilman scholar .

  17. 然而,当我为自己的小说做研究时,发现了一份告示。本地人有可能在1817年7月28日,奥斯汀去世10天后的《索尔兹伯里与温彻斯特杂志》(SalisburyandWinchesterJournal)上读到这条公告。它写着:

    However , while researching my novel I discovered this note , which local residents could have read in the Salisbury and Winchester Journal on July 28 , 1817 , 10 days after her death :

  18. 作为一个台北本地人,Kao从没去过印度,也承认自己并不知道真正的印度玛莎拉茶到底什么味道,不过她对台湾夜市版的拉茶很满意。

    Although Ms. Kao , a Taipei resident , has never been to India and admitted she doesn 't know what real Indian masala tea tastes like , she is happy with the Taiwanese version .

  19. 后来,SEG开始直接向国际伙伴提供贷款,不过后来也开始帮助爱荷华州本地人。

    The Social Entrepreneurs of Grinnell - SEG - was launched . Later , SEG moved toward making loans directly to international partners . But as time passed , the group started helping people in Iowa .

  20. 然而像AdrianLi这样的香港年轻人仍持怀疑态度。在律所工作的AdrianLi说:“内地游客的素质短期内大概不会提高。许多香港本地人宁愿丢掉生意,也不愿内地游客来这儿。”

    Yet young Hong Kongers such as Adrian Li , who works at a law firm , remain sceptical : " The quality of mainland visitors will probably not improve in the short-run . Many Hong Kong locals would rather lose their business than have them here . "

  21. 许多会说当地语言的本地人都被雇佣起来了,包括阿拉伯语,波斯语,乌尔都语,Pushup和保加利亚语。其中一部分的人说纽约警方所雇佣的阿拉伯人比FBI还要多。

    Scores of native speakers of around 50 languages , including Arabic , Dari , Persian , Urdu , Pushup and Bengali , have been hired - some say the NYPD has more Arabic speakers than the FBI .

  22. 前往低调时尚的科勒加勒斯(Colegiales),在餐厅AstorManduquePorte(翻译过来大致就是“本地人用餐的地方”)享用晚餐(双人晚餐含葡萄酒售价1300比索左右)。

    Head to the quietly trending Colegiales neighborhood for dinner ( around 1300 pesos with wine for two ) at Astor Manduque Porte ( the name translates , roughly , to " where locals eat " ) .

  23. 无人居住的北冰洋荒岛冰岛的本地人或者居民。

    Unpeopled Arctic wastelands . a native or inhabitant of Iceland .

  24. 这就是为何本地人相信教堂被诅咒了。

    That 's why the Turkana fear the church is cursed .

  25. 也很肯定嫌犯是本地人。

    We are certain the unsub is someone from this community .

  26. 他这四年都是在工作和与本地人交往中度过的。

    He spent those four years working and socializing with locals .

  27. 许多旅游者和本地人仍决意享受奥运会。

    Many visitors and locals remain determined to enjoy the games .

  28. 特别是在他们都不是,檀香山本地人的情况下。

    especially given that none of them are actually from Honolulu .

  29. 特异性血管生成抑制素的制备及其抑制血管生成作用结果:(1)急性胰腺炎组随着病变的进展,血浆淀粉酶升高;本村人、本地人与外来人&经济发达村庄的封闭与开放

    Preparation of native angiostatin from human plasma and its antiangiogenesis effects

  30. 本地人花费很多精力在环保方面。

    Local people have made lots of efforts to achieve this .