
But reduced consumer spending would just cause GDP to decline unless there was also a fall in the exchange rate to stimulate exports something precluded within the eurozone .
G20 nations agreed not to target their exchange rates in search of a competitive edge but the tensions that led to talk of a " currency war " remain .
The IMF continued to argue that direct capital controls were not a substitute for macroeconomic responses to rapid inflows , including tightening fiscal policy , cutting interest rates and letting the exchange rate rise .
Meanwhile , Ukraine , which has seen its foreign currency reserves and the value of its currency plunge in recent weeks , was in talks on Wednesday with the IMF on a new bailout .
In written answers to questions from senators at his confirmation hearing , Tim Geithner , the treasury secretary , said : President Obama backed by the conclusions of a broad range of economists believes that China is manipulating its currency .
Most other member governments of the IMF , particularly the emerging markets , find themselves somewhere between the two – concerned about Chinese currency misalignment undercutting their manufacturers but also worried that investors with cheap borrowed dollars are driving their currencies higher in the search for yield .
Switzerland has intervened substantially to hold its currency down .
Another possibility is to allow the money in and let exchange rates appreciate .
Early skirmishes are beginning as Japan and Switzerland try to weaken their exchange rates .
Officials are primarily aiming to curb what they see as excessively wild swings in their currencies .
Deliberately weakening a currency while running a strong current account surplus has raised eyebrows in Washington .
The US bill will seek to put pressure on countries that the US determines are deliberately misaligning their currencies .
The most extreme case is the massive intervention by China and surrounding countries to keep their currencies severely undervalued .
Other developing countries are also feeling uncomfortably inflated by the hot money pushing up their currencies or flooding their economies .
And yet it is the only major trading nation to use capital controls to prevent its currency rising to market levels .
Adequate foreign exchange reserves can meet the national government need to regulate the balance of international payments , and pay external debt .
Although no one was banging the table for change when emerging growth rates were still being powered by deliberately undervalued domestic currencies .
These trends only add to the pressure on other Asian emerging economies to hold down the value of their currencies and accumulate reserves .
Nor does one exist now between the US and the several countries including China which have pegged their exchange rate to the dollar .
It also complicates efforts by some developing markets to hold their currencies steady , an important mission because their economies tend to be export-driven .
Some central banks , concerned about the hot money driving up their currencies , as in Brazil , are imposing controls on capital inflows .
The proliferation of countries trying to manage their exchange rates down is also making it difficult to co-ordinate the issue in global economic forums .
Emerging markets are less vulnerable to currency crises now , as they have built reserves and ( mostly ) allowed their currencies to float .
By law , the Treasury must produce semi-annual reports that declare whether important trading partners manipulate their currencies to gain trade advantages against the US .
But that has consequences for other central banks , whose own currencies are rising in value as Switzerland sells its euros back to the market .
But others , most obviously the US and European " gold bloc " countries , were sharply constrained in their ability to adjust their currencies .
US lawmakers have already proposed legislation targeting China that would punish countries for manipulating their currencies , a move that Chinese officials have strenuously opposed .
That is partly because Beijing is not pursuing the conventional Asian mercantilist policy of driving down its currency to support exports in a zero sum game .
The estimates suggest misalignments are mainly confined to smaller economies such as Australia and New Zealand ( overvalued ) and Taiwan and Malaysia ( undervalued ) .
With fears rising about a global currency war , government and central bank officials across emerging Asia are contemplating more intervention to hold down their exchange rates .