
  • 网络books;notebook;ACER
本本 [běn běn]
  • [book] 书本;本子

  1. 我喜欢本本,本本成为我生活中的一部份!

    I like the notebook , the notebook become me to live a part !

  2. 我哥还没回来,开他的本本上会网先。

    My brother has not come back , I will open his notebook to net first .

  3. 通本本论文可以看到开发COM组件的流程。

    Through this paper , we can see program flow of COM component .

  4. 孩子们会带很多电器:从手机到iPods,再到本本。

    Kids arrive with a lot of electronics , from phones to iPods to laptops .

  5. 本本介绍了双酚F硼改性酚醛树脂的合成,并对其结构、性能以及由此制成的摩阻复合材料的性能进行了研究。

    The synthesis of the phenolic resin modified with bisphenol F boron has been described . The study has been done on the structure and property of the resin as well as the properties of its friction resistant composites .

  6. 不过,尽管VAIOY笔记本设计上层,但对一款没有配置光驱,并且配用超低电压处理器的笔记本而言,这款本本的尺寸却稍显大了一些。

    As a design , our view is somewhat mixed . It 's actually a fairly attractive , simple notebook , but it seems unusually " fat " for a notebook that lacks an optical drive and uses a low-power processor .

  7. 我要一些可读的东西,这些书本本枯燥乏味。

    I want something to read . These volumes are stodgy .

  8. 社会主义革命与建设进程中的基本准则&从《反对本本主义》说起

    Basic Principles in the Course of Socialist Revolution and Construction

  9. 那全是本本,这才是实践。

    That is all book , and this is practice .

  10. 他本本可以能过和平的手段来达到他的目的。

    He could have achieved his ends by peaceful means .

  11. 请把书一本本叠起来怎么用英语说呢?

    Please put the book together a stack of books .

  12. 不能用本本去框实践;

    Theories ought not to be used to frame practice ;

  13. 你想看我本本里面的仿真模拟吗?

    You want to see a simulation on my laptop ?

  14. 普里契特先生我是本本·杜根

    Mr. Pritchett . Uh , Ben - Ben Dugan .

  15. 认认真真做事,本本分做人是我性格又一个特点。

    Working conscientiously , part man is also a feature of my personality .

  16. 靠还在降,准备去买一个本本来用用!

    Also drop by , ready to buy a used by the original !

  17. 如果本本游戏功能超强,你还需要什么呢?

    If acomputer is powerful at games , do you need anything more ?

  18. 我妹妹动手把赞美诗集一本本叠好。

    My sister started piling the hymn books on top of each other .

  19. 厚厚的书一本本渐次吃完。

    One thick book after another were devoured .

  20. 要克服保守主义和本本主义。

    Conservatism and book worship should be overcome .

  21. 用强劲声波警报锁来阻止你的本本被人偷窃!

    Sonic lock loud alarm deters laptop theft !

  22. 我不明白为什么还是不能使我的的这台本本平稳运行。

    I could not figure why I could not get this laptop running smoothly .

  23. 郝建军正在他的本本上工作,他的邻座则在放平的座椅中睡觉。

    Hao worked on his laptop as his neighbor slept on the fully reclining chair .

  24. 最成功的企业家都有本“小本本”,里面装着所有业内专家的联系方式。

    The best entrepreneurs have the best " little black book " of expert contacts .

  25. 一旦电池真的耗尽了,本本就不得不关机了。

    Once the battery is truly exhausted , the computer is forced to shut down .

  26. 本本的封面一般是真皮的,看上去相当显眼、时髦。

    The planners are usually covered in real leather and are quite striking and stylish .

  27. 注重先前的规则和本本学习过于它们自身价值的人。

    A person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit .

  28. 为什么要烧你的黑本本?

    Why burn your black book ?

  29. 他翻找一本本的参考书。

    He pawed through reference books .

  30. 他们尽管凭常识作出判断,但却按规则和本本讲话。

    They speak by rule and by book , though they judge and determine by common sense .