
  • 网络local call
  1. 史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)通过iPhone成为电子设备教父,不过他很久之前就开始了高科技事业,做的是盗用本地通话线路从而实现免费远程通话。

    Long before the iPhone made him the god of gadgets , Steve Jobs launched his tech career by hacking land lines to make free long-distance calls .

  2. 本地通话是免费的,但别说的太长。

    Local calls are free , but don 't stay on too long .

  3. 然后它利用在全球各地建立的200个终接点中的两个点,在通话双方的公共电话网络上建立起他们之间的最终连接,并为这些基本上属于本地通话的呼叫向电信公司付费。

    Then it uses two of the 200 termination points it has established around the world to establish the final links between the two parties on their public telephone networks , paying the incumbents for these essentially local calls .

  4. 很多运营商现在已经完全废除了通话收费,取而代之的是每月收取固定的费用,为客户提供不限量的本地、国内通话,甚至还包裹一些国际通话。

    Many operators have now done away with call charges altogether and instead offer unlimited local , national and even some international calls for a flat monthly fee .