
  1. 加拿大公司questrareminerals计划开采不那么常见的重稀土。

    Quest rare minerals , of Canada , plans to produce heavy rare earths , which are less often found .

  2. (二)有计划开采的矿区范围、开采范围和资源综合利用方案;

    Having a planned mining area , the limits of mining and a plan for comprehensive utilization of the resources ;

  3. 对部分国家来说这个数字可能是相当大的挑战。埃登霍费尔提到了大型石油出口国,如沙特阿拉伯和几个计划开采化石燃料储量的非洲国家。

    For some countries this could be quite a huge challenge , he said , pointing to big oil exporters such as Saudi Arabia and African countries planning to exploit their fossil fuel reserves .

  4. 除了开采白金和其它贵重金属外,该公司还计划开采小行星中的水资源,来供应轨道燃料补给站,美国宇航局和其它机构都可以利用这些补给站进行机器人进行的和载人的航天任务。

    In addition to mining for platinum and other precious metals , the company plans to tap asteroids ' water to supply orbiting fuel depots , which could be used by NASA and others for robotic and human space missions .

  5. 一些政客一直在兜售他们实现2美元油价的三项计划:开采、开采以及更多的开采。

    As usual , politicians have been rolling out their three-point plans for two-dollar gas : drill , drill , and drill some more .

  6. 基本的管理制度有开采计划与开采环境影响评价报告、抵押金制度、年度环境执行报告书、矿山监察员巡回检查制度等。

    The basic management system includes evaluation report of exploitation plan and environment influence , guaranty money system , annually environment report , mine supervisor censorship etc.

  7. 仅一年前,Patriot还录得了创纪录的营收和运营利润,并正在启动一项“焦煤增产”计划,以开采新的焦煤煤矿,增聘最多200名矿工。

    Only a year ago Patriot was posting record revenue and operating earnings and embarking on a plan called the ' Met Built-Out ' to open new metallurgical mines and hire up to 200 new miners .

  8. 我们计划在国内开采更多原油,超过我们从其他国家的进口量,

    we 're projected to begin producing more of our own crude oil at home than we buy from other countries ,

  9. 然而,力拓与中国铝业(chinalco)刚刚证实,计划在几内亚合作开采铁矿石。

    And yet Rio and Chinalco have just confirmed plans for a partnership to develop iron ore deposits in Guinea .

  10. 计划新增加石油开采能力9500万吨,天然气开采能力370亿立方米。

    The newly added production capacity of oil and natural gas will reach 95 million tons and 37 billion cubic meters respectively .

  11. 澳洲没有核反应堆,无在建,无计划,也没有开采任何铀矿。

    Australia has no nuclear reactors , none under construction , none planned , nor any nuclear industry whatsoever beyond uranium mining .

  12. 编写合理优良的计算机模拟开采系统软件,对于露天矿山工程长短期生产计划的编制及开采方案的优选有着特别重要的意义。

    It is important for preparing the long-term or short-term yield plan in open mine project to develop the excellent simulation mining software .