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  1. 中文或英文留学计画书。

    A copy of a study plan in English or Chinese .

  2. 学习建筑计画书之制作。

    To learn the construction plan of the production .

  3. 中文或外国语文留学计画书一份。

    Study plan in Chinese or Foreign Languages .

  4. 我们希望于九月底能将计画书呈报教育部。

    We hope to present a plan to the MOE by the end of September .

  5. 在会面开始之前,让有可能成为客户的商家了解你的计画书将会为他们带来何等利益。

    At the start of your meeting , let the potential client know up-front how you expect they will benefit from your proposal .

  6. 在你浏览计画书时,在你认为需要改进处做评论,或纠正句法文法的错误。

    As you read through the proposal , make comments in places that you think need improvement , or correct sentence structure or grammar .

  7. 本课程为企管系创业学程的课程之一,同时期望能协助学生将企业经营的创意写成营运计画书。

    This course is one of the enterprise program , also expects students to come up with innovative business ideas and practice writing business plans .

  8. 典型的评论中包含「概述」这个部分,在其中需说明评论者对计画书的整体看法、计画书的重要性及计画成功的可能性。

    A typical review consists of a " General " section in which the reviewer describes his or her overall impression of the proposal , its significance , and its probability of success .

  9. 但是计画书对于企业经营仍然是非常重要的,因为计画书能够帮助我们追踪公司在长期目标、长期策略等层面上,假设的状况是否出现变化,以及有没有出乎意料的结果。

    But they are also vital to running a business because they help us track changes in assumptions and unexpected results in the context of the long-term goals of the company , long-term strategy , etc.

  10. 研究计画规划书之内涵和配置。

    Contents and layout of a project planning report .

  11. 尽管在周围有数以百万计的励志书、电视节目和演讲者,事实是,这些东西不会提供真正且持久的动力。

    Despite the millions of motivational books , programs , and speakers out there , the truth is that none of that stuff provides real , long lasting motivation .