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yǎn shēng
  • derive
衍生 [yǎn shēng]
  • (1) [derive]

  • (2) 实际上或理论上从母体物质得到的 [物质] (如经过取代或水解)

  • (3) 演变而产生

衍生[yǎn shēng]
  1. 我们有理由认为记忆是最原始的心智技能,所有其他技能都在此基础上衍生出来。

    It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill , from which all others derive

  2. 因此衍生出了综合智能网和NGN智能网的概念及技术。

    Therefore derive a comprehensive intelligent network and the concept and technology segmented NGN .

  3. Easter(复活节)一词由Eostre(多神教的春天女神)衍生而来。

    The word Easter derives from Eostre , the pagan goddess of spring .

  4. 俱乐部称会从衍生商品中获得越来越多的利润。

    The club says it will make increasing amounts from merchandising .

  5. 科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。

    Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine .

  6. 他的设计是从一个1956年的装置衍生而来的。

    His design was a descendant of a 1956 device

  7. 在1944年通过的《教育法案》的诸多衍生条款中,就包括了现代青年教育服务。

    Among its many progeny , the 1944 Education Act gave birth to the modern youth service .

  8. 这些类型都是高度不育的,正如由基本的二倍体衍生三倍体和同源四倍体一样。

    These forms are highly sterile , as would be expected of triploids and of autotetraploids derived from basic deploids .

  9. 不断有类似的标题谴责网络及其衍生软件、社交媒体网站和网络游戏分散我们的精力。

    A steady stream of similar headlines accuse the Net and its offspring apps , social media sites and online games of addicting us to distraction .

  10. 历史见证了莎士比亚戏剧在世界各种重要语言中不间断的衍生着。

    History has witnessed the endless productions of Shakespearean plays in every major language of the world .

  11. 没错,其实这个说法就是从coldshoulder这个短语衍生出来的。这个表达与coldshoulder类似,后者通常用来表达拒绝或无视的行为。

    This expression is similar to " cold shoulder " , a phrase used to express dismissal or the act of disregarding someone .

  12. F9/Fast&Furious9《速度与激情9》范·迪塞尔回归《速度与激情》系列第十部电影(如果将衍生作品《霍布斯与肖》算在内),继续饰演多米尼克·托雷托。

    Vin Diesel6 is back as Dominic Toretto in the tenth Fast & Furious blockbuster ( if you include spin-off , Hobbs & Shaw ) , and this time the villain7 is ...

  13. Phubbing一词及其衍生词最早出现在2012年,由名词phone和表示“怠慢”的动词snub组合而成。

    The word phubbing and its related derivations first appeared in 2012 , formed from a blend of the noun phone and verb snub meaning ' to insult someone by ignoring them ' .

  14. 与racism(种族主义)和sexism(性别歧视)等词的衍生方式一样,motherism的衍生词motherist既可用作形容词来形容这种歧视态度,也可用作名词指抱有这种歧视态度的人。

    Following the derivational pattern of racism6 , sexism , etc , there 's also some evidence for use of motherist as both an adjective to describe such attitudes and a countable7 noun for people who perpetuate8 them .

  15. 柱前衍生化HPLC测定中药材氨基酸的含量

    Determination of Amino Acids in Chinese Medicinal Materials by HPLC with Pre-column Derivation

  16. 开发XML应用程序时常用到sax和dom处理模型,基于这两种处理模型又衍生出了很多XML处理工具,本文描述了处理XML格式文档的几种常见工具性能比较。

    SAX and DOM are two main processing models in developing xml-based applications .

  17. 用VB实现电脑画尺及其衍生图形算法

    Using VB to Realize Computer Ruler and Its Derived Graph Algorithm

  18. 其中1例患者经双色FISH检测证实两个衍生的20号染色体为伴有中间缺失的20号长臂等臂染色体。

    Two derivative chromosomes 20 were proved 20q isochromosomes with interstitial deletions by dual-color FISH in one patient .

  19. 正如前面提到的,修订ID直接反映修订的衍生关系。

    As mentioned above , a revision ID directly reflects the revision 's lineage .

  20. IL-1α诱导牛脑微血管内皮细胞释放血小板衍生性生长因子

    Effects of interleukin-1 α on platelet-derived growth factor release from bovine cerebral microvascular endothelial cells

  21. 采用硅醚化试剂衍生的方法,以正二十烷为内标,GC法同时测定大蜜丸中果糖和葡萄糖的含量。

    This paper describes a GC method to measure simultaneously fructose and glucose content in Da Mi Wan .

  22. 垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)的燃烧特性研究

    Combustion characteristics of refuse derived fuel

  23. EDF模型度量信用衍生工具的信用风险研究

    Measuring the Credit Risk of the Credit Derivative with EDF Model

  24. OPA柱前自动衍生-紫外检测米胚芽中的γ-氨基丁酸的HPLC法研究

    Determination of γ - Aminobutyric Acid in Rice Germ by HPLC with Automatic Pre-Column Derivation and UV Detection

  25. db2gds:基于UNIX系统的全局守护进程衍生程序(GlobalDaemonSpawner)进程,它将启动新的进程。

    Db2gds : The global daemon spawner on UNIX-based systems that starts new processes .

  26. 基于Black和Scholes关于期权定价的理论,可以得到衍生证券价格必须满足的微分方程。

    Based on the Black and Scholes 's Option pricing theory , it has the differential equation the derivative security mast be according with .

  27. 剖析在利率衍生工具定价中使用Black-Scholes模型的局限性。

    Analyses the limitation of Black Scholes model for the pricing of interest rate derivative products .

  28. 撇开苹果粉不说,iPhone手机对每个人而言仅仅是一个二十世纪80年代的芭比娃娃&科技发达衍生的小女孩的小玩意。

    The iPhone , to everyone but an Apple lover , is merely a girlie gadget with all the technological sophistication of a 1980s Barbie .

  29. 内毒素血症山羊内皮衍生因子(ET/NO)、脂质介质(TXA2/PGI2)的动态变化

    Dynamic changes of endothelium derived factors and lipid mediator in goats with endotoxemia

  30. 目的设计、合成新的1,2,3,4-四氢异喹啉衍生的异硫脲类化合物,并研究其对NOS抑制活性。

    Aim To get some novel potent compounds with NOS inhibitory activity , a series of new compounds of isothioureas derived from 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline were synthesized .