
  • Derivatives;otc;credit derivatives
  1. 总部位于美国的全球衍生品经纪商mfglobal的首席策略师迈克尔罗奇(michaelroche)没那么担心。

    Michael Roche , chief strategist at MF global , the US-based global derivatives broker , is less nervous .

  2. 假设我们将衍生品交易记录存储在DB2中,并可以从web服务获得股票信息,那么我们的应用程序就需要联接永久和临时XML数据。

    Assuming we have derivatives trade records stored in DB2 and can obtain stock information from a web service , our application needs to join persistent and transient XML data .

  3. 韩国证券期货交易所(KoreaExchange)是目前全球最大的衍生品交易所,这得益于散户投资者广泛且不断增长的兴趣。

    The world 's biggest derivative exchange , by far , is the Korea Exchange , thanks to extensive and growing retail interest .

  4. 衍生品经纪公司MFGlobal首席经济学家奥沙利文说,市场上仍有大量过剩房屋。

    ' There still is a huge , huge excess of homes , 'says Jim O'Sullivan , chief economist at MF Global .

  5. 信用违约互换(CDS)对债务违约提供一种保险形式,是信用衍生品最普遍的一种类型。

    CDS , a form of insurance against bond defaults , is the most common type of credit derivative .

  6. 随着中国加入WTO,金融业也面临着巨大的机遇和挑战,这就要求中国金融市场必须按照国际惯例进行运作,发展金融衍生品交易,以便适应金融市场全球化的环境。

    It requires that the operation of China 's financial market should follow international practice and develop financial derivatives so as to adapt to the globalization of the financial market .

  7. 它们辩称,重启信用衍生品将让现代金融安全得多,尤其是如果(或者当)美联储(Fed)最终加息的时候。

    Rebuilding credit derivatives , they argue , will make modern finance considerably safer , particularly if ( or when ) the US Federal Reserve finally puts up rates .

  8. 目前证交所整合的动力来自:衍生品数量巨额增加、对冲基金交易量上升、算法交易(algorithmictrading)大规模增多,以及对企业国际上市的争夺。

    Consolidation is being driven by huge growth in derivatives , increased trading by hedge funds , massive growth in algorithmic trading , and competition for international listings .

  9. Amaranth衍生品违约所带来的系统性影响微不足道,而雷曼和美国国际集团的违约则造成了重大的冲击波。

    Amaranth 's derivative defaults had trivial systemic ripples , while those of Lehman and AIG created major shockwaves .

  10. 多数衍生品都是轻度监管的“场外交易”(otc);其面值是在交易所交易的衍生品的10倍以上。

    Most derivatives are lightly regulated " over-the-counter " deals ; their face value is more than tenfold that of derivatives traded on exchanges .

  11. 在20世纪90年代,华尔街投资银行摩根大通(JPMORGAN)的一支年轻团队设计了一种新的营利方式信用衍生品。

    In the 1990s , a young team at Wall Street investment bank JP Morgan pioneered a new way of making money credit derivatives .

  12. 新加坡证交所与芝加哥期货交易所组建了一家对等持股的合资公司,将大宗商品期货在新加坡的联合亚洲衍生品交易所(jade)上市,目的是进入零散但增长迅速的衍生品市场。

    The SGX has a 50-50 joint venture with the CBOT to list commodity futures on a Singapore-based platform called Jade , which aims to tap the fragmented but fast-growing derivatives market .

  13. 利率衍生品市场交易量迅速增长,在OTC金融衍生品交易中所占比重在70%以上。

    The volume of trade in the interest rate derivative market increases rapidly and has accounted for more than 70 percent of the OTC financial derivative trading .

  14. 有些公共机构,比如英国央行(boe),已开始在其参与的衍生品交易中提供担保品。

    Some public entities , such as the Bank of England , have started posting collateral in their own derivatives deals too .

  15. 这部分“敞口”包含了一系列复杂的交易,包括直接持有的公债、摩根士丹利与对手的交易敞口,信用违约掉期(CDS)等衍生品。

    The " bet " is a series of complex transactions including direct holdings of government bet , exposure from transactions the firm has made with counterparties and derivatives such as credit default swaps .

  16. 在2004年至2007年期间,CDO和信用衍生品领域以惊人的速度扩张,为不少银行创造了丰厚的利润。

    Between 2004 and 2007 , the world of CDOs and credit derivatives exploded at a stunning pace , creating fat profits for some banks .

  17. Libor利率是对衍生品定价的关键基准。Libor利率几个基点的变动,就会造成大幅盈利或巨额亏损的差别。

    The interbank rates are a critical benchmark for pricing derivatives , which makes a swing of a few basis points the difference between large profits or heavy losses .

  18. 不过,交易商间经纪行业还面临潜在的长期威胁,因为未来会有越来越多的场外(OTC)衍生品交易转移至透明化的交易场所,以满足20国集团(G20)的强制监管要求。

    Nevertheless , the industry faces potential long-term threats as it prepares for more of the over-the-counter derivatives market to move on to transparent trading venues to meet requirements mandated by the G20 .

  19. 国际互换及衍生品协会的报告中指出,国际OTC互换合约价值从1994年的113亿增长至2000年的600亿。

    The International Swaps and Derivatives Association reports that the notional value of outstanding OTC swap contracts increased from $ 11.3 trillion in 1994 to more than $ 60 trillion by mid-2000 .

  20. 《金融时报》解释称,这种风险在场外交易市场尤其普遍,而交易所开放式指数基金(ETF)、外汇期权和多种大宗商品衍生品的通常进行场外交易。

    The FT explains that this risk is particularly prevalent in over the counter markets , where ETFs , foreign exchange options and a number of commodity derivatives trade .

  21. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的课程重点在于投资问题,关注主要资产类别,比如债券、股票、衍生品等,同时也在对冲基金、房地产、风险投资信托和慈善事业等方面花一些时间。

    Credit Suisse runs courses that focus on investment issues . Its courses look at major asset classes – bonds , equities , derivatives – and also spend time on hedge funds , real estate , venture capital trusts and philanthropy .

  22. 或许纽约证券交易所(nyse)看上去像是一家老式的交易所,包括它的交易大厅和开盘钟声,但其背后的那家公司,却越来越专注于衍生品。

    It may look like an old-fashioned stock exchange , complete with trading floor and opening bell , but the company behind the New York Stock Exchange is increasingly about derivatives .

  23. 然而干散货航运FFA市场作为一种航运衍生品,一种特殊的金融市场产品,和一般的金融市场产品一样,也具有波动溢出效应。

    However dry bulk shipping FFA market as a shipping derivatives , a special kind of financial market products , comparing with general financial market products , also has the fluctuation spillover effect .

  24. 衍生品是交易利润最为丰厚的产品,在多德-弗兰克(dodd-frank)和其它推动衍生品到交易所交易的监管规定出台后,也是增长潜力最大的产品。

    These products are the most lucrative to trade , and also promise the greatest growth in the wake of Dodd-Frank and other regulation pushing derivatives trading onto exchanges .

  25. 按照新的机制,使用swift网络处理衍生品交易和外汇市场及货币市场交易的银行,可订立相关条款,指定它们的离岸人民币交易须遵守一项特别的“中断事件协定”。

    Under the new mechanism , banks using the swift network to process transactions in foreign exchange markets , money markets , and derivatives can specify that their offshore renminbi trades are subject to a special " disruption event agreement " .

  26. 此举出台之际,监管重点持续聚焦在信用违约互换(CDS)市场。CDS市场属于场外交易的衍生品领域,在过去10年间大幅增长,为华尔街带来了巨额利润。

    The move comes as the regulatory spotlight continues to shine on the credit default swaps ( CDS ) market , a sector of the privately-traded derivatives universe that grew dramatically in the last decade and generated huge profits for Wall Street .

  27. 2010年上半年以美元计价的黄金需求额同期增长77%,其中以ETF为代表的衍生品投资增长额高达567%。

    The gold demand in US dollars increased by 77 percent in the first half of the year 2010 ; among which the derivatives investment , mainly ETF , reaches up to 567 percent .

  28. 上述衍生品将以“回购隔夜指数平均”(ronia)利率为基础。

    The derivatives will be based on the repurchase overnight index average ( Ronia ) rate .

  29. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)高级经济学家曼莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)表示,这些监管措施看起来不太可能充分降低场外衍生品的系统性风险,未来靠纳税人纾困的可能性仍很大。

    These regulatory steps seem unlikely to adequately reduce systemic risk from OTC derivatives and the likelihood of future taxpayer bail-outs appears to remain significant , says Manmohan Singh , senior economist at the International Monetary Fund .

  30. 其次,衍生品交易商和投资者从被视为弱小的对手方那里转走业务现代版的银行挤兑的可能性,形成了监管者对于otc市场必须如何改革的观点。

    Second , the potential for derivatives dealers and investors to switch business from a counterparty considered to be weak a modern version of a run on the bank has formed regulator views on how the OTC market has to change .