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yǎn wén
  • redundancy;duplication
衍文 [yǎn wén]
  • [redundancy due to misprinting or miscopying] 因缮写、刻版、排版错误而多出来的字句

  • 乃逸二字衍文。--王念孙《读书杂记》

  1. 为了保证这部著作的质量,编者对文章中的脱字、漏字以及衍文进行了必要的校正。

    The complier of it has revised the missing words , carets , and derivatives in order to maintain its quality .

  2. 但是,通过核对《古代社会》1877年版的原文,本文发现,这句话居然是一句衍文,是《古代社会》译者所做的一句多余而错误的解释。

    However , through checking the original texts of Ancient Society which printed in 1877 , the author surprisingly found that this sentence is a false one . The translator of Ancient Society made this redundant and false interpretation .

  3. 现行影响较大的点校本存在有错字、脱文与衍文、标点之误、正文误作评语、删节等问题,有违古籍整理出版的规范性和学术性。

    The proofreader 's copy that had great influence now has the wrong words , lost words and surplus words , the punctuation errors , making main body as remark , and the problems of abridgement , which ran counter to the standard and academic character .