
dà huānɡ
  • great famine;vast tracts of wasteland
大荒 [dà huāng]
  • (1) [uncultivated land]∶边远荒凉的地方

  • 北大荒

  • (2) [famine year;year of bad harvest]∶灾情严重的荒年

  1. 公司生产的“北大荒”系列品牌大米成为AA、A级绿色食品、中国名牌产品、中国名牌农产品。

    The'Beidahuang'series brand rice produced by the company has become the AA , A grade green food , Chinese famous brand , Chinese agricultural brand-name product .

  2. BRYANLIANG:“互联网就像是西大荒。任何人都可以出售药物,任何人都可以购买活性成分。”

    BRYAN LIANG : " The Internet is the Wild , Wild West . Anybody can sell drugs . Anybody can buy active ingredients . "

  3. 中国最大的农业投资集团北大荒集团(BeidahuangGroup)计划在菲律宾北部的吕宋岛设立一家工厂,用糖和其它农作物生产乙醇。

    The Beidahuang Group , China 's biggest agricultural investor , plans to set up a plant on the northern Philippines island of Luzon to produce ethanol from sugar and other crops .

  4. 样品的Na元素和Cl元素XRF分析结果表明:李屋遗址和大荒北央遗址出土的盔形器的含盐量明显高于其他样品,显示这二地的盔形器与早期海盐生产有关。

    The analysis and results of XRF verified that there was a higher salinity in galeiform vessels than in other samples , which suggests that galeiform vessels are related to ancient sea-salt prodution .

  5. 真是集天下之大荒,让人啼笑皆非!

    It set the world of Da Huang , ridiculous people !

  6. 北大荒开垦后生态环境的演变含大量有机物的废水中硒的测定

    Determination of Selenium in Wastewater Containing a Great Amount of Organic Substances

  7. 他们踏上了去北大荒的征程。

    They took the road to the Great Northern wilderness .

  8. 这里的一切昭示着北大荒精神的旗帜必将高高飘扬!

    Everything here presages a wilderness spirit flag will be flying high !

  9. 她说阿拉斯加州是最后一片大荒原。

    She said Alaska was the last great wilderness .

  10. 在北大荒的原野上

    In the Great Northern Wilderness

  11. 北大荒发展绿色食品的优势分析&以黑龙江省虎林市为例

    Advantage analysis on developing Green-food In " Beidahuang " ── A case study of Hulin city in Heilongjiang province

  12. 有人曾预言地球会导致大荒灾和疾病。

    It has been predicted that the Earth will tilt on its axis , causing catastrophic famine and disease .

  13. 关于西大荒的西部小说和电影都以印第安人的威胁为主题。

    Westerns , i.e.films and books about the Wild West , use the threat from Indians as their central theme .

  14. 在西大荒,牛仔们曾为得到悬赏而穷追任何要追捕的对象。

    In the Wild West there were cowboys who used to hunt down any man with a price on his head .

  15. 这些就是西大荒时期的创业精神,不论你在哪里生活,你梦想的工作是什么。

    These are the Wild West days of entrepreneurship , no matter where you live or what your dream job is .

  16. 到底是个女的,他想,尽管也去过北大荒。

    She is a woman after all , he thought to himself , even if she had a tough life in the Great Northern Wilderness .

  17. 他还说:这里的情况有点像美国原来的西大荒,在实际操作过程中仍然缺乏公众监督。

    He added : You have a bit of a Wild West situation where the public oversight is still lacking in terms of on-the-ground implementation .

  18. 萧红充满乡土风情、蕴含浓重文化意识的作品,填补了北大荒地域文化的空白。

    Xiao Hong 's works , which is full of local customs and contains thick cultural ideology , fills the cultural gap of Northern Waste region .

  19. 可是以前上山下乡,去北大荒,在农村的时候抽过烟。

    But before while being sent out to the countryside , I went to the Great Northern Wilderness , and had smoke cigarettes when in rural villages .

  20. 他这最后一句话使她听了心里难受,她想起了在北大荒时在一个农场里干活的一个康拜因手。

    His last sentence had pained her ; she thought of a combine operator she 'd known when she worked in the Great Northern Wilderness on a farm .

  21. 黑龙江省作为曾经的北大荒到现成为中国粮仓,为国家的粮食安全保证做出贡献。

    Heilongjiang Province as the former " Great Northern Wilderness " to now become the " granary of China " to ensure food security for the country to contribute .

  22. 我们敢于步入一块真实且近似于西大荒的领域,讨论对能力的需求这一遭到忽视的问题,并敢于迎头而上,将这些需求作为首要重点来解决。

    We have dared to step into the real , almost Wild-West territory of neglected needs for capacity , and to address them , head-on , as a top priority .

  23. 在东北部边陲,也有一支版画创作劲旅,起初以表现北大荒垦荒生活为主,以后又反映了社会建设和生活。

    In Northeast china , woodblock printing was first used to describe the life of exploration to document in the wastelands , and then to document social organization and daily life .

  24. 在文化传媒领域,《花木兰》、《情系北大荒》等影视产品发行业绩不俗,受到广泛好评。

    In the field of culture media ," Hua Mulan "," The feelings on the Great Northern Wilderness " and other video products got a good results and won a range of popularity .

  25. 北大荒股份公司成立以来,始终坚持规范运作、诚信经营,互利双赢,实现了文化品牌向市场知名品牌的转换。

    Since the company was set up , it always adheres to the standard operation , honesty , mutual benefit and win-win situation , to achieve the transition from cultural brands to market-leading brands .

  26. 整所房子的进深和许多间没人住的空屋子把这兽穴从大路隔离开来,它唯一的窗户又正对着一片被围在砖墙和木栅栏里的大荒地。

    The whole thickness of a house and a multitude of uninhabited rooms separated this den from the boulevard , and the only window that existed opened on waste lands enclosed with walls and palisades .

  27. 凭国运昌盛,振兴东北老工业基地之契机,秉关爱生命健康之理念,展北大荒丰缘集团之实力。

    Based on a chance of prosperous nation fortune and vigorously developing the old industrial base in Northeast china , and an ideal of loving the life and health to develop the strength of Beidahuang Fengyuan group .

  28. 当“野牛”比尔的“西大荒”表演在美国巡回演出时,包括印第安酋长卧牛在内的许多美洲原住民参加了演出,许多人赶来一睹这位昔日的大敌。

    When Buffalo Bill , began touring the US with his Wild West show , the chief Sitting Bull was one of many Native Americans in it , and many people went to see this former great enemy .

  29. 为食者造福、为耕者谋利,将北大荒的资源优势、环境优势发展成品牌优势、实力优势,为我国绿色食品的发展做出新贡献,是北大荒丰缘集团的历史使命。

    Making the resource and environment advantages of Beidahuang to become a brand and strength advantages and to benefit for trenchermen and seek favourable for cultivators , we will make a new contribution for development of domestic green foodstuffs , therefore it 's a history mission of Beidahuang Fengyuan group .