
  1. 常州市口岸办下设水港管理处和陆空港管理处两个业务处室。

    There are two offices in Changzhou Port Office , water port administration office and road-air port administration office .

  2. 研究表明这些内孤立波极有可能是由陆架坡折处的内潮因非线性和频散效应而局地产生的。

    Results indicated that they were probably generated locally from the shelf break by the evolution of the internal tides due to nonlinear and dispersive effects .

  3. 南海东北部陆架波折处潮&地作用激发非线性内波的数值模拟南海北部陆坡高速堆积体的构造成因

    Numerical modeling on the nonlinear internal wave generation by the tide-shelf break interaction at the Northeastern South China Sea Tectonic Control on the Formation of High-deposition-rate Sediment Drift in the Northern Slope of the South China Sea

  4. 陆-海相交处的河口混合区具有多方面的功能。

    Estuarine mixing zone between the land and the ocean has multiple functions .

  5. 采用多种数据处理方法,分析了南海西南陆架西边界处定点连续观测站上的海流记录。

    Harmonic analysis , singular value decomposition and wavelet transformation are used to analyze the continuous current records observed on the continental shelf nearby the southwestern South China Sea .

  6. 上海市陆上运输管理处已经以浙江省道路运输管理平台为参考原型,构建了上海城市交通行业诚信体系。

    Shanghai Land Transport Management Office has a reference to the prototype of " The Management Platform of Road Transport Industry ", the construction of the Shanghai Urban Transport industry credit system .