
  • 网络Dahuofang reservoir
  1. 大伙房水库的自然生态环境特征是湖水的季节性分层和夏季底层贫氧。

    The results showed the deficiency in dissolved oxygen in water from bottom of Dahuofang reservoir during summer .

  2. 苏子河流域是大伙房水库及辽宁中部城市群的主要水源涵养区和水源供应地。

    Shuzi River is the main water head and water providing area for Dahuofang reservoir and cities in Liaoning central part .

  3. 结果表明:大伙房水库水体受到轻度污染,主要污染物质为氮、磷。

    Nitrogen and phosphorus are its main pollutants .

  4. 以大伙房水库流域为例,分别应用大伙房模型、新安江模型对大伙房流域进行洪水产流预报。

    The paper makes the forecast of runoff producing with Dahuofang model and Xinanjiang model taking Dahuofang reservoir as the example .

  5. 经历1995年浑河流域大洪水,经水文计算复核,大伙房水库实际抗御洪水标准已达不到原1000年一遇设计标准,水库被列为Ⅲ类险库。

    Experienced from the severe flood in Hunhe river in 1995 , the original design requirement has been not met through hydrologic rechecking .

  6. 通过对近几年的水库水质监测资料分析,大伙房水库水质不断恶化,总磷等污染在加剧。

    Based on the monitoring records in recent years , author concludes that water pollution of Da Huo Fang Reservoir is becoming more and more serious , especially the Total Phosphorous of pollution .

  7. 文中以大伙房水库输水工程为例,阐述了大型输水工程信息化系统实时监控、调度系统、通信及办公系统综合应用的方案设计。

    Taking the water conveyance project of Dahuofang Reservoir as a case , the design of the comprehensive applicable plan for the real-time monitoring , control , communication and office system within a informationized management system for large water delivery project is described herein .