
  • 网络great goods
  1. 成就幸福即成为Aristotle的终极或最高大善。

    The attainment of happiness became the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle .

  2. 他必须为这个可怜的老妇人做件大善事。

    He must do a great kindness to the poor old woman .

  3. 成就幸福即成为亚里士多德的终极或最高大善。

    The attainment of happiness becomes the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle .

  4. 最后,我们做的事必须是有利于行大善;

    Finally , the work that we do must benefit some greater good ;

  5. 行大善而为小恶,历来被圣人们不齿。

    Greater good and evil is small , has traditionally been the saints have despised .

  6. 到最后,你会发现,只有浅水湾的鲨鱼才是一个大善人根。

    To the last , you will find that only the RepulseBay is a big shark improving root .

  7. 修行完备之人,他们的存在虽不会对人造成伤害,但他们也不会费心地做大善人,到处施惠,为自己建功德。

    The men of perfect practice don 't do harm to others but they don 't make efforts to do well everywhere .

  8. 这位大善人站在莲花的中心,把食物倒进了寂静佛的碗中。

    While standing in the heart of the lotus , the Great Being poured the alms food into the bowl of the Silent Buddha .

  9. 如果你可以找到这样的事,它绝对是普世的终极大善,或是全人类最后的目标。

    If you could find such a thing , that would be the universal final good or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings .

  10. 儒教里有知行合一的法门,就是要你明白,只要理想大善,便可无所不为。

    Confucianism is the unity of knowledge and practice , is want you to know , as long as the ideal of good , will stop at nothing .

  11. 如果你能找到那样一件事物,它绝对是普世的终极大善,或是全人类最后的目标。

    If you could find such a thing , that would be the universal final good , or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings .

  12. 在周四的国家祈祷早餐会上,奥巴马告诉聚集的人群说:我们已经看到宗教信仰这个行业,既是行大善的工具,也正在以恶魔的名义被扭曲。

    Obama told a gathering Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast that we have seen professions of faith used both as an instrument of great good but twisted in the name of evil .

  13. 当然,大善寺里也有一个很大的放生池。当这两位学者看到放生池里的鳝鱼和其他鱼快乐地游来游去,他们深深感动了。

    Of course Tashan Temple had a big Free Life Pond , and when these two scholars saw the thousands of eels and fish swimming happily in the pond , they were touched .

  14. 对于对方没有固定的要求,但我想你必须有大善大勇才能够和我在一起,才能牵手一起创造幸福生活。

    So I am capable of taking good care of myself , yet not sure if I can deal with a family , but still love to have a try if you are brave enough to love me , haha .

  15. 我相信我们应该持续尽我们所能来降低苦难、减少暴力,销弱仇恨,进而扩大善的循环让世界产生改变。

    I believe that we must continue to do what we can to make a better world , to alleviate the suffering , to lessen the violence , to counter the hatred , to expand the circle , to bend the arc .