
  1. 大西沟金矿是一个典型的中浅成中低温岩浆热液型金矿床。

    Daxigou gold deposit is a typical meso-epithermal magmatic gold deposit .

  2. 大西沟金矿床是冀北地区近几年来新发现的重要金矿床之一。

    Daxigou gold deposit is one of the important gold deposits found recently in the northern Heibei Province .

  3. 研究结果表明:纯大西沟铁矿粉造球,由于成球性较差,爆裂温度偏低,不利于工业化生产;

    The results indicate that , the pellets made from pure Daxigou ore fines are not suitable because of low yield and low decrepitation temperature .

  4. 其成矿物质源于下伏的寒武&奥陶系基底岩层,而中泥盆统特别是大西沟组地层对该矿床只具时控和层控作用。

    Its minerogenic elements are from underlying foundation bed while the strata of middle Devonian series , espically that of Daxigou Group , only have time-bound and strata-bound function to this deposit .

  5. 以新疆霍城县大西沟自然状态下的野生樱桃李为研究对象,调查了30余种野生樱桃李的不同种下类型,测定了在原生状态下枝叶形态、花器官形态和果实形态特征差异。

    In this study , the investigation of over 30 different varieties of wild cherry plum was conducted to determine the difference of branches and leaves shape characteristic , flower organ shape characteristic and fruit shape characteristic .

  6. 辽宁宽甸大西岔乡庙沟硼矿赋存于下元古界辽河群含硼变粒岩层位。

    The Miaogou boron deposit occurs in granulitite of Liaohe group , lower proterozoic erathem , locating at Daxicha village , Kuandian town , Liaoning .