
  • 网络Derivative;derivative instrument
  1. 这个词的创造者,美国BGCFinancial投资公司首席全球策略师、金融衍生工具研究主管迈克尔•普尔夫斯解释说,跟牛和熊相比而言,狼的体型更小,但动作迅速,决断果敢。

    Its coiner , Michael Purves , chief global strategist and head of derivatives research at BGC Financial said a wolf is clearly a smaller animal than a bull or a bear , but it 's very quick and decisive .

  2. 在这份自称“大变革”协议实施前的最后一刻,交易商和投资者紧紧环绕在国际互换和衍生工具协会(isda)的周围。

    At the eleventh hour , dealers and investors besieged the International Swaps and Derivatives Association ahead of implementing a self-styled " Big Bang " protocol .

  3. EDF模型度量信用衍生工具的信用风险研究

    Measuring the Credit Risk of the Credit Derivative with EDF Model

  4. 剖析在利率衍生工具定价中使用Black-Scholes模型的局限性。

    Analyses the limitation of Black Scholes model for the pricing of interest rate derivative products .

  5. 这一计划将创建两个实体来接收AIG部分不良资产的风险,包括在信贷衍生工具方面的风险敞口,创建资金主要来自美国政府,最高可达525亿美元。

    Two vehicles , funded largely by as much as $ 52.5 billion in government money , were created to take on risks from some of AIG 's souring assets , including exposure to credit derivatives .

  6. 行业组织国际互换和衍生工具协会(isda)昨日表示,将推出一项协议帮助清算涉及“两房”的信贷衍生品交易,并在适当时候公布更多详情。

    The industry body , International Swaps and Derivatives Association , said yesterday it would launch a protocol to facilitate settlement of credit derivative trades involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and wouldpublish further details in due course .

  7. 金融衍生工具最新会计处理的分析与评价

    Analysis and Review on the Latest Accounting for Derivative Financial Instruments

  8. 衍生工具信用风险控制:历史演进与发展新趋势

    Credit Risk Control of Derivatives : The Evolution and Development

  9. 如何利用金融衍生工具规避财务风险

    The methods of evading financial risk using derivative financial instruments

  10. 结构性衍生工具与新兴市场国际资本流动中的集体非理性

    Structured Derivatives and Collective Irrationality in International Capital Flows to Emerging Markets

  11. 金融衍生工具创新风险及其防范

    The Innovation Risks of Financial Derivative Means and Its Countermeasures

  12. 我们将提高衍生工具市场的透明度。

    We will bring more transparency to the derivatives market .

  13. 我们人为,场外衍生工具对这场危机起到了重大推动作用。

    We conclude over-the-counter derivatives contributed significantly to this crisis .

  14. 至于在市场上具体操作的行家,他们也通过使用金融衍生工具来规避风险。

    Market players also utilize derivative instruments to hedge risks .

  15. 最简单的衍生工具形式是股票期权。

    One of the simplest forms of a derivative is a stock option .

  16. 我国金融衍生工具审计研究

    The Audit Study on Our Nation 's Financial Derivatives

  17. 对于风险管理,本文采用了外汇期货、外汇期权、货币互换等金融衍生工具,同时也介绍了其它非金融衍生工具方法。

    Besides derivative instruments , other approaches are also introduced for risk management .

  18. 金融衍生工具的风险主要有市场风险、信用风险、流通性风险营运风险、结算风险和法律风险。

    The main risks of Financial Derivatives involve market risk , credit risk ;

  19. 金融衍生工具交易越来越集中于金融机构。

    The financial derivative trade concentrates on the financial institution more and more .

  20. 衍生工具的常见例子包括互换(掉期)、选择权(期权)、期货和远期。

    Common examples of derivatives include swaps , options , futures and FRAs .

  21. 可转换债券是一种介于普通债券和普通股票之间的混合型金融衍生工具,其实质是利率较低的公司债券附加上一个转股价格比发行时基准股票价格较高的转换期权。

    Convertible Bond is a derivative instrument between common bond and common share .

  22. 最后探讨两类衍生工具:远期与期货、期权。

    Lastly we discuss two kinds of derivative instrument , futures and options .

  23. 衍生工具尤其是金融衍生工具的风险究竟有哪些?

    Derivatives , financial derivatives in particular , are vital for risk management .

  24. 因此,我国银行发展金融衍生工具业务和管理其风险的问题也提上日程。

    The problem of derivatives risk management has arisen .

  25. 股票挂勾产品、结构性产品和衍生工具不是保本产品。

    Equity linked products , structured products and derivatives are not capital protected .

  26. 金融衍生工具在美国制药行业的应用研究

    The Financial Derivative Use in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry

  27. 金融衍生工具会计在我国的发展初探

    On Development of Financial Derivative Tool Accounting in China

  28. 巴塞尔协议2确使鼓励银行使用象信用衍生工具等金融工具。

    Basel 2 positively encourages banks to use instruments such as credit derivatives .

  29. 金融衍生工具的应用及风险管理

    Application and Risk Management on Financial Derivative Instruments

  30. 金融衍生工具的风险防范与化解策略

    Financial Derivative Security : Risk Prevention and Deletion