
  • 网络new rich class
  1. 近年来,随着中国经济持续稳定发展,涌现出一批新富阶层。

    With the steady development of Chinese economy in recent years , a group of new rich class has been emerged .

  2. 新富阶层是新近崛起的、富有活力的新兴阶层,是社会发展和阶层分化的必然产物。

    The China New Rich Stratum as a new stratum with strong energy , is the inevitable result of the social development and the stratum transformation .

  3. 事实上,我们目前每年的销量达90万辆,大部分出售给了新富阶层。

    In fact we are selling 900,000 a year , largely to the newly affluent .

  4. 这也引发了中国不加约束的奢侈品购买热潮,因为中国的新富阶层希望以此来显示他们的地位。

    It also has fueled a no-holds-barred luxury-buying binge , as the newly rich Chinese seek to show their status .

  5. 经营艺术品的商家们说,中国的新富阶层已经彻底颠覆了传统的秩序。

    Players in the art market said that the new riches of the Chinese wealthy class have upended the traditional order .

  6. 这些国家的新富阶层都急着购买奥迪、梅赛德斯汽车和其他欧洲国家的各种奢侈商品。

    The newly affluent in those countries are rushing to buy Audis and Mercedes , as well as luxury goods from other European countries .

  7. 胁非洲大象数量的活动曾有很长一段时间销声匿迹,现在这些活动又再度卷土重来,而这一切要拜中国新富阶层不断上涨的象牙需求所赐。

    A long-dormant threat to Africa 's elephant population is back with a vengeance , thanks to rising demand for ivory from newly affluent Chinese consumers .

  8. 但是,在某些领域,它们将与当地银行形成正面竞争,特别是在为大批新富阶层理富领域。

    But in some areas , they will provide head-on competition for the local lenders , especially in managing the wealth of the Legion of new rich .

  9. 在英格兰,关于礼节的书籍从来都不会因为要教育那些新富阶层适应他们生活的新方式而缺乏。

    In England there has never been any shortage of books on etiquette for teaching the newly rich the manners appropriate to their new way of life .

  10. 奢侈品产业的蓬勃发展,不但表现在消费文化相对成熟的欧美国家,在新兴发展中的国家,例如中国、印度、俄罗斯等,奢侈品更是被新富阶层消费者所拥抱,甚至迷恋。

    Luxury goods consumption occurs not only in Europe or America , those mature markets , but also in the new developing countries , such as China , India , and Russia .

  11. 所有的航运公司都表示,中国的需求日益增长,是因为中国新富阶层强烈渴望欧产汽车,他们往往不愿购买相同公司在中国工厂生产的汽车。

    All the operators said growing China demand was a result of the strong desire among newly wealthy Chinese for cars built in Europe , often in preference to the same companies ' cars built in Chinese factories .

  12. 对于私人银行和其他财富管理公司而言,新富阶层的要求可能要苛刻得多,这在一定程度上是因为,要让他们相信自己以前从未使用过(甚至从未考虑过)的服务是值得买单的,可能得花一番功夫。

    The newly rich can be much more demanding clients for private banks and other wealth managers , partly because they can take some convincing that a service they have never used or thought about is worth paying for .