
  • 网络Outperform;Market Outperform
  1. 德勤(deloitte)欧洲、中东和非洲人力资本首席咨询合伙人布雷特沃尔什(brettwalsh)支持上述观点,他认为,将人力资本作为一个投资领域“可能跑赢大盘”。

    Brett Walsh , lead consulting partner for human capital in Europe , the Middle East and Africa at Deloitte , supports his view and sees human capital as an investment area " likely to outperform " .

  2. 不过,他对新鸿基股票维持“跑赢大盘”的评级。

    He maintained an " outperform " rating on the stock , however .

  3. 将人力资本投资作为提供跑赢大盘表现的有效战略,可能会引发人们的疑问,但在axawfhumancapital,基金经理认为这将行得通。

    Investing in human capital as an effective strategy for delivering outperformance might raise a few questions and eyebrows , but at AXA WF human capital , fund managers believe it will work .

  4. 今春斯坦哈特在接受CNBC采访时称,如今的基金经理似乎满足于回报率跑赢大盘即可,真正赚钱则是靠扩大资产规模,依赖管理费生存。

    Steinhardt told CNBC this spring that managers today seem happy to perform just well enough to stay ahead of the market , and make their real money by growing assets and living off of the management fees .

  5. 这并不意味著你就没有机会跑赢大盘。

    That doesn 't mean you won 't earn market-beating results .

  6. 还有一些人青睐积极管理型基金,希望它们能跑赢大盘。

    Others prefer actively managed funds , hoping to beat the market .

  7. 虽然有一些特例,但似乎很难跑赢大盘。

    Although there are some anomalies , the market seems hard to beat .

  8. 无疑,另一个影响是,国防类股应会继续跑赢大盘。

    Clearly , the other effect is that defence stocks should continue to outperform .

  9. 一个指数如何能在近20年时间里每年都跑赢大盘5%呢?

    How can an index outperform the market by 5 % annually over nearly 20 years ?

  10. 2014年,托德o康姆斯和特德o韦施勒显然都未能跑赢大盘。

    Todd Combs and Ted Weschler both appear to have failed to beat the market in 2014 .

  11. 股价表现在2007-09年期间与大盘表现一样糟糕(此后则跑赢大盘)。

    The stock performed just as badly as the wider market in the 2007-09 rout ( and has outperformed since ) .

  12. 部分投资者(多为本土散户投资者)确实在更具投机性的市场板块显著跑赢大盘。

    Some investors , mostly local and retail , did manage to outperform significantly in a more speculative segment of the market .

  13. 我尝试进行这一句话的解释:所谓跑赢大盘是指人进行有价证券的收益高于同期的平均水平。

    I will try to explain this sentence : refers to the so-called outperform portfolio returns were higher than the corresponding average .

  14. 一旦考虑到真实的风险程度,许多似乎是在跑赢大盘的投资策略就不是那么回事儿了。

    Many investment strategies that seemed to be beating the market were not doing so once the true measure of risk was considered .

  15. 尽管收入最高的对冲基金经理去年的收入大幅增加,但多数对冲基金未能成功跑赢大盘。

    While the top managers sharply increased their earnings in 2013 , most hedge funds did not manage to beat the wider market .

  16. 这两个模型都可以跑赢大盘,改进模型精度更高。

    The results show that These two models can outperform the average yield of the market and the Improved model is more accurate .

  17. 詹森1968年发表的博士论文,为此定下了正确的基调:他发现,作为一个整体,共同基金经理人无法跑赢大盘。

    Mr Jensen 's doctoral thesis published in 1968 set the right tone when he found that , as a group , mutual fund managers could not outperform the market .

  18. 没有免费的午餐原则指的是,市场价格是无法预测的,因此,在考虑风险因素后,任何投资者都很难跑赢大盘。

    The no free lunch principle is that market prices are impossible to predict and so it is hard for any investor to beat the market after taking risk into account .

  19. 在今年5月之前的两年时间里,美国武器制造商股价的走势与大盘保持同步;此后则跑赢大盘10个百分点,而昨日的跌幅略高于其他行业的股票。

    US weapons makers moved in line with the wider market for two years until May ; since then they have outperformed by 10 percentage points , before yesterday falling a little more than other sectors .

  20. 中国大多数对冲基金与嘉实这只基金有着相似的投资组合,这使得它们更难以跑赢大盘,因为它们持有低收益的债券和现金存款,对业绩形成了拖累。

    The majority of Chinese mutual funds have a similar composition to that of harvest , which makes it harder for them to beat the index because of the drag from lower-yielding bonds and cash deposits .

  21. 第一季度,中国国内只有不足5%的股票基金回报率跑赢大盘,原因是基金经理被迫保留比例高得异乎寻常的现金,以应对资金流波动性猛增。

    Less than 5 per cent of Chinese domestic equity funds beat their benchmark in the first quarter , because managers were forced to hold an unusually high level of cash to cope with a sharp rise in fund flow volatility .

  22. 在2003年和2004年股市一直处于低迷状态时,我国开放式基金业绩在整体上仍然能够跑赢大盘,给投资者的回报收益率大于同期银行存款利率,可是基金市场却遇到投资者的大量赎回。

    The performance of open-end fund in China still could won over the composite when stock market was in bear market in 2003 and 2004.The yield investor got was higher than bank deposit rate of corresponding period . But funds were met investor 's large redemption .

  23. 以至于他们的基金甚至跑不赢大盘。

    So their funds or can 't out-run grail .