
pǎo dé kuài
  • run fast;run a good foot
  1. 我能跑得快。

    I can run fast .

  2. 我跑得快一点还来得及。

    I can make it if I run a bit faster .

  3. 吉姆比亨利跑得快,他抢到了球。

    Jim had the foot of Henry and caught the ball .

  4. 玛丽夸口说她比杰克跑得快。

    Mary bragged that she could run faster than jack .

  5. 如果跑得快,我们可以甩掉警察。

    If we ran fast we will be able to chuck the police off .

  6. 他两条腿跑得快。

    He 's quick on his pins .

  7. 自从装上了新的引擎后,我的车跑得快极了。

    My car goes like a bomb since I put that new engine in it .

  8. 彼得跑得快,我跑得也很快。

    Peter runs fast , but I run just as fast .

  9. 苏姗不但跑得快,而且跳得高。

    Susan not only runs fast , but also jumps high .

  10. 在比赛中我尽可能跑得快。

    I ran as quickly as I could in the race .

  11. 他跑得快以便赶上那末班车。

    He runs quickly so as to catch the last bus .

  12. 子弹与声音谁跑得快?

    Which one run faster , small arms ammunition or sound ?

  13. 她的新汽车比旧的那辆跑得快。

    Her new car goes faster than her ` old one .

  14. 志辉跑得快,但小明跑得很慢。

    Zhihui is a quick runner , but Xiaoming is slow .

  15. 他们跑得快吗?不,不快。

    Do they run fast ? No , they don 't.

  16. 怎么了?你经常比我跑得快呀。

    Why ? You usually run faster than I do .

  17. 由于他们跑得快,他们赶上了同学。

    As they ran fast , they caught up with their classmates .

  18. 野兔的腿强壮有力,所以跑得快。

    A hare has strong legs and can run fast .

  19. 我知道他比那跑得快。

    I have known him ( to ) run faster than that .

  20. 他不能像我一样跑得快。

    He can not run as fast as I can .

  21. 火车跑得快,离不开两条轨道这个基础。

    A train can only run fast on two tracks .

  22. 你能跑得快吗?是的,我能。

    Can you run fast ? Yes , I can .

  23. 李雷比其他的男孩子跑得快。

    Li Lei ran much faster than the other boys .

  24. 她吹嘘说她的汽车比我的汽车跑得快。

    She boasts that her car is faster than mine .

  25. 如果我追你你能跑得快些。

    You 'll run faster if I 'm chasing you .

  26. 请问手扶拖拉机有没有可能跑得快一点呢?

    Excuse me , hand tractor to have may run hurry up ?

  27. 她夸口说她比我跑得快。

    She bragged that she could run faster than I.

  28. 可否教我跑得快些?

    Can you teach me how to run faster ?

  29. 火车跑得快,全靠车头带。

    Trains run fast , with the front entirely .

  30. 他并不比别的小孩跑得快也不比他们强壮或是聪明

    He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children .