
fàn zuì yù bèi
  • preparation for a crime;a crime in preparation
  1. 我国犯罪预备处罚原则反思

    Introspecting China 's Punishment Principle for a Crime in Preparation

  2. 浅析犯罪预备立法的合理性

    Analyzing the Rationality of the Stipulation on Preparation for a Crime

  3. 犯罪预备可罚性的本质探究&兼论抢劫罪犯罪预备的认定

    An Exploration on the Nature of the Punishment of Crime Preparation

  4. 论绑架勒索犯罪预备阶段及被害预防

    On the Preparatory Stage of Kidnapping and the Protection of the Victim

  5. 犯罪预备论预备犯刑事责任论

    A Study on the Criminal Liability of Preparation for Crime

  6. 犯罪预备立法及概念之比较

    The Comparison of Foundation and Concept of Criminal Preparation

  7. 论犯罪预备的立法模式

    On the Legislative Model of Preparation for a Crime

  8. 是犯意表示、犯罪预备、犯罪实行抑或非罪?

    Is it criminal intent , preparation for a crime , practical conduct ?

  9. 犯罪预备是准备实行犯罪而被迫终止在着手实行前的一种未完成罪。

    Preparation for a crime is an unfinished crime with the forced termination before starting .

  10. 犯罪预备论预备中止问题研究

    Study on Preparatory Discontinuance of Crime

  11. 犯罪预备论

    A Study on Criminal Preparation

  12. 在这部分论述的是私分国有资产罪的犯罪预备、犯罪中止以及犯罪未遂问题。

    The content of this part includes preparation for crime , discontinuance of crime and attempt of crime .

  13. 在有预谋、策划的情况下,聚众行为是聚众斗殴罪的犯罪预备行为;

    In premeditation , the action of gathering is the preparative state of the crime of gathering to assault ;

  14. 同时有共同犯中的犯罪预备,犯罪中止等犯罪的未完成形态。

    At the same time have jointly committed the preparation of the crime , discontinued crime and other crime unfinished form .

  15. 犯罪预备形态的处罚范围则是指哪些犯罪的预备形态应当纳入刑法规制范围。

    The concept of the scope of punishment refers to what kind of Crime Preparation Status should be penalized by Criminal Law .

  16. 在我国刑事司法实践中,真正对犯罪预备加以处罚的情形少之又少,这就在立法和司法层面上形成了鲜明的对比。

    In our criminal justice , the situation of punish the crime preparation only a few which make difference between legislative and practice .

  17. 全文除引言外共分为三个部分:第一部分:域外犯罪预备的立法概览。

    Besides the preface , the text is divided into three parts : Part 1 , The foreign legislative situation of criminal preparation .

  18. 这使得我国刑法规定的预备犯的处罚范围远远大于司法实践中犯罪预备的处罚范围,造成了立法的过剩与虚置。

    This makes the legislative punishment range too extensive than the punishment range of the judicial practice and it causes our criminal law is legislatively surplus and nominal .

  19. 如果单纯的从能不能角度看,在犯罪预备阶段当然可以成立犯罪中止,但是却没有存在的必要。

    If simply looking from the possibility , it may certainly establish the crime suspension in the crime preparation stage , but actually does not have the existence necessity .

  20. 从法律意义上来说,对于举动犯而言,法律给与行为人的选择只有一个点,在这个之前为无罪或犯罪预备,在这之后即为既遂。

    From a legal sense , the law gives a point chance only to the person , it is innocence or preparation before this point , but it is accomplished .

  21. 犯罪预备形态与犯罪预备行为以及预备犯具有各自的内涵,不能相混淆。

    The concepts of Crime Preparation Status and The act of Crime Preparation and the Perpetrator of Crime Preparation have their respective meaning and should not be confused with each other .

  22. 共同犯罪预备形态中教唆犯与帮助犯的从属性与独立性的学说争论,是本部分论述的重点。

    Common form of preparation for crime and help offenders in the instigator and independence from the properties of the theory argue , is the focus of discussion in this section .

  23. 处罚犯罪预备是因为预备行为具有危险性,如果不是行为人意志以外的原因阻挡,这种预备行为将可能会发展成实行行为。

    To punish the preparation of crime is because the preparation action is the dangerous action , which can lead to real crime if there is no external cause to obstruct the action .

  24. “着手”是刑法中的一个重要概念,其本身不仅是实行行为的起点,而且还是区分犯罪预备与未遂的重要标志。

    " Take measures " is an important concept in the criminal law . It 's not only the starting point of behavior , but also the important sign differs crimes preparation from unrealized crimes .

  25. 犯罪预备又可称为犯罪预备阶段,以区别于犯罪过程中的实行阶段、实行后阶段。

    Crime in preparation can also be called as the course of a crime in preparation , so as to distinguish from practice course and the course after practice in process of commission of crime .

  26. 最后本部分通过对犯罪预备与故意犯罪行为、故意犯罪过程、故意犯罪阶段、故意犯罪形态及预备犯等概念的关系厘定,得出了合理的犯罪预备的性质与内涵。

    Finally , through the study of the relationship between criminal preparation and intentional criminal action , criminal course , criminal phase and criminal modality , I draw a reasonable conclusion onthe nature and connotation of criminal preparation .

  27. 该部分运用了比较分析的方法分析了各国对犯罪预备的立法态度、各国犯罪预备的立法模式及预备犯的处罚原则。

    Using the method of comparison , this part analyses the legislative attitudes of the criminal preparation of various countries , the legislative mode of criminal preparation of various countries , and the penalty principles of criminal preparation .

  28. 在我国,犯罪预备形态的处罚根据可以从三个角度进行分析:即哲学依据是意志自由论、学理依据是修正的犯罪构成论、实质依据是预备行为的社会危害性。

    Appropriate penalty could be decided base on the analysis from three perspectives : the philosophy basis of free will , the logic basis of crime construction , the realistic basis of the damage of the crime to the society .

  29. 犯罪预备形态是行为人为了犯罪而在进行准备活动的过程中,由于行为人意志以外的原因未能着手实行行为即告停止的一种故意犯罪未完成形态。

    Crime Preparation is the status of discontinuance of intentional crime during the course of crime preparation , due to reasons other than the will of the perpetrator , who was not able to implement the behavior of a intentional crime as a result .

  30. 通过借鉴国外有关犯罪预备的立法经验,分析了我国刑法中对犯罪预备规定的弊端,提出对我国现行有关犯罪预备之规定的修改建议。

    Using lawmaking experience in preparation for a crime at home and abroad , the paper analyzes the abuses of preparation for a crime stipulated in Criminal Law of China , and then recommend the modification suggestions on existing stipulations of preparation for a crime .