
fàn zuì xiàn xiànɡ
  • criminal phenomenon
  1. 有必要对CEPA协议下的走私犯罪现象进行深入地研究和讨论,以支持海关对此类走私犯罪问题的追查工作,保护内地与港澳地区的正常贸易活动。

    It is necessary to study this kind of crime under CEPA agreement so as to support the examination work by the Custom and maintain the normal trade between inland and Hongkong , Macao .

  2. 彩色透明正片,即彩色反转片,以C-41工艺冲洗.可获得反差大、色饱和度高的负像,对于鉴别犯罪现象的痕迹物证极为有效。

    Color Diapositive Film , i. e. color reversal film , can be processed with C-41 yielding a negative image performing higher contrast and higher color saturation very efficient for identifying traces of material evidence at crime site .

  3. 与犯罪现象、疾病、贫困等作斗争。

    Wage war on crime , disease , poverty , etc.

  4. 广东省村干部违法犯罪现象的实证研究

    Empirical Study of Village Cadres Illegal and Criminal Activities in Guangdong Province

  5. 我国犯罪现象的类型学分析与建构

    The Analysis and Construction with Typology on Chinese Crime Phenomena

  6. 我国上市公司高管犯罪现象分析

    The Analysis on Top Management Crime in Chinese Listed Companies

  7. 因此,务必采取相应的预防对策以根除这种违法犯罪现象。

    Therefore , corresponding countermeasures of prevention must be taken to resolve it .

  8. 在公司犯罪现象的测量问题上,犯罪黑数问题更为突出。

    Criminal Dark Figures is more outstanding in the Corporate Crime phenomena measuring .

  9. 大学生犯罪现象及原因思考

    University students ' crime phenomenon and reasons for it

  10. 大学生违法犯罪现象透视

    Study on the Phenomenon of Crime by College Students

  11. 社会控制与犯罪现象有密切联系。

    The social control is closely related with crimes .

  12. 犯罪学是研究犯罪现象的科学。

    Criminological is a phenomenal science researching in crime .

  13. 经济发达地区职务犯罪现象解析及防治对策研究

    Economical Developed Area Duty Crime Phenomenon Analysis and Preventing and Controlling Countermeasure Research

  14. 论青少年网络成瘾导致犯罪现象与素质教育

    Crime Phenomenon of Teenagers Network Addiction and Quality-oriented Education

  15. 与此同时,以手机为作案工具的高科技犯罪现象逐渐增多。

    At the same time , the high-tech crime using mobile phones increases gradually .

  16. 有组织犯罪现象已经引起世界各国和国际社会的高度重视。

    Organized crime has aroused the world and the international community attaches great importance .

  17. 对大学生犯罪现象的分析

    Brief Analysis of The University Students ' Crime

  18. 下岗失业人员犯罪现象探究

    Probing into the Criminal Phenomenon of Laid-off Workers

  19. 行政执法行为缺陷引发犯罪现象探析

    Crime Caused by Deficiency in Administrative Law Execution

  20. 青少年网络犯罪现象辨析

    Discrimination of the Adolescent Delinquency on the Network

  21. 西汉官吏经济犯罪现象的文化透视

    The Cultural Essence of Economic Crimes of Government Officials in the Western Han Dynasty

  22. 对城市农民工犯罪现象的透视与反思

    Reflecting and grasping the essence of the crimes committed by rural workers in cities

  23. 其次,选取研究对象,以理想类型为参照,将具体犯罪现象予以归类;

    Secondly , choose the study objects , classify them by the ideal types ;

  24. 当前我国违法犯罪现象对大学生品德发展的影响及德育对策

    The Affection and Countermeasures of Illegal and Criminal Phenomenon of Moral Development of College Students

  25. 当前,社会上职务犯罪现象普遍存在,社会危害性越来越严重。

    Currently , widespread crimes committed in society , more and more serious social harm .

  26. 对毒鼠强犯罪现象的剖析

    Analysis of " Tetramine " Criminal Phenomenon

  27. 其后果便是道德堕落与犯罪现象,简言之,就是个人的与社会的解组。

    The result is immorality and delinquency ; in short , personal and social disorganization .

  28. 牵连犯是客观存在着的一种犯罪现象在法律上的反映。

    Implicated crime is a reflection of a criminal phenomenon of objective existence in law .

  29. 随着人身或财物犯罪现象增多,出现了规模更大、训练更有素的保安队伍。

    As crimes against persons and property increase , larger and better-trained security forces appear .

  30. 犯罪现象的季节性动态分析

    Analysis of Seasonal Trends in Criminal phenomena