
  1. 降低收入只会使这些家庭更加贫穷,而且可能诱使不法分子进一步犯罪。

    Reducing the income will further impoverish these families and could tempt an offender into further crime

  2. 不法分子逃脱不了法律的制裁。

    The lawbreakers will never escape the punishment of the law .

  3. 我不必离开自己的国家,也不必与不法分子斗争。

    I didn 't have to leave the country or fight outlaws .

  4. 上周,该部尚未拍摄完成的影片中的一些剧照遭到不法分子泄露,随后在互联网上疯传,其中包括一组男女主角Edward和Bella的床照。

    Several images from the unfinished film were leaked on the internet late last week , including several racy images of Edward and Bella in bed .

  5. 报告介绍,通过搭建与公共WiFi相近名字的伪冒WiFi局域网,不法分子诱使智能手机用户连接。

    By setting up a fake WiFi which is similar to the name of the public WiFi , criminals will lure smart phone users to connect it .

  6. 电子商务的盈利性,网络技术的安全程度,网络的虚拟性,给整个C2C电子商务环境造成了不确定性,给不法分子留下了可乘之机,也是出现道德失范现象的客观原因。

    E-commerce profitable , and network technology , safety , and network , the virtual e-business environment c2c caused uncertainty and left and wrong is the phenomenon of moral objective .

  7. 计算机安全公司赛门铁克的欧洲分公司技术总监GregDay说,过去的网络犯罪多多少少有点“随机性”,不法分子只是在到处找寻他们可以突破的漏洞而已。

    Greg Day , the chief technology officer for security in the European business of Symantec , a computer-security firm , says that for years cybercrime was more or less " random , " as crooks looked for any holes they could find anywhere .

  8. 世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)昨日发表的一项调查报告发现,腐败行为“根深蒂固”,而且不是因为“少数不法分子”,而是延伸至国际田径联合会(IAAF)的高层。

    An investigation published yesterday by the World Anti-Doping Agency ( Wada ) found that corruption was " embedded , " was not due to " a small number of miscreants " but extended to the top of the governing International Association of Athletics Federations ( IAAF ) .

  9. 大劫难后做个不法分子的头头

    Being the leader of a post apocalyptic gang of outlaws

  10. 有些不法分子利用这种信息隐藏技术进行信息传递。

    Some criminals use the information hiding technique for secret information transmission .

  11. 不要与那些不法分子交往。

    Don 't keep in touch with such as break the law .

  12. 杰夫:他得与不法分子斗争吗?

    JEFF : Did he have to fight outlaws ?

  13. 我很认真,粉丝们,这些不法分子必须得到惩罚。

    I 'm being genuinely serious , Twilight fans , punish them . '

  14. 各种不法分子利用计算机技术,借助网络平台而实施的新型侵权违法犯罪活动频生。

    Many criminals often use computer technology to do infringement and criminal activities .

  15. 要狠打,打得不法分子灵魂出窍、骨头发酥。

    To Henda , forcing the lawless SOUL , bones and hair crisp .

  16. 由于它的高风险性和高盈亏性,任何不规范的交易行为都可能带来巨额的赢利,这种极大的刺激性,诱使一些不法分子不惜铤而走险,违规操作,牟取暴利,严重扰乱了市场秩序。

    Any nonstandard dealing maybe attains enormous profits because of high risk and proceeds .

  17. 然而,一些不法分子在网上设置销售陷阱,致使消费者上当受骗。

    However , some unruly elements set online sales trap , causing consumer deception .

  18. 游客常常是不法分子下手的目标。

    Tourists are often easy prey for criminals .

  19. 货币资金包括现金、银行存款和其他货币资金,由于其可以直接用于个人消费,因此,它成为不法分子贪污、挪用和盗窃的对象。

    Monetary fund comprises cash , Cash in bank and other monetary fund forms .

  20. 务必保持更新,以防错误和漏洞被不法分子所利用。

    Keep them updated to make sure bugs and flaws can 't be exploited .

  21. 一伙不法分子曾经横行乡里,杀人抢劫。

    Bands of law breakers used to rage through the town , shooting and robbing .

  22. 由于商标权蕴含着巨大的经济价值,也使商标成为了很多不法分子觊觎的对象。

    Because trademarks contain great economic value , they become the target of criminals slowly .

  23. 他得与不法分子斗争吗?

    Did she have to fight outlaws ?

  24. 电力作为宝贵的资源,在实践中往往成为不法分子的窃取对象。

    Electricity as valuable resources , in practice , tends to become the objects of stealing .

  25. 苹果表示,将继续配合执法部门,协助找到与此事件有关的不法分子。

    Apple said it is continuing to work with law enforcement to help identify the criminals involved .

  26. 在包奇,有报道称警方阻止了不法分子在一个选举中心的纵火行为。

    In Bauchi , there were reports that police had foiled an arson attack on an election centre .

  27. 这些立法缺陷的存在,为不法分子逃避刑法制裁提供了可趁之机。

    Such defects in the legislation can provide the chance for the criminal to escape criminal law sanction .

  28. 他似乎与那些不法分子有交往,因此,多少与这个案子有牵连。

    He seemed to associate with those criminals and more or less he was involved in the case .

  29. 至于之前用于给不法分子定罪的最常用手段电话窃听,在这里也是完全站得住脚的。

    As for wiretapping , most commonly used before to convict mobsters , it is defensible here , too .

  30. 为此,要请专业装修单位施工,避免混入装修队伍的不法分子入户作案。

    Therefore , residents should use professional decoration units and avoid criminals mixing with the decoration team and commit crimes .