
  • 网络thoughtcrime;Crimethink
  1. 青少年网络犯罪思想:特征、成因与对策

    Network Criminal Thought of Teenagers : Characteristics , Causes & Countermeasures

  2. 福柯之犯罪思想研究&犯罪的权力分析

    Research on Foucault 's Theory of Crime & Power analysis of crime

  3. 西周初期,中国上古时代的预防犯罪思想承前启后,发生了若干重要的变化,较之夏商两代有了新的发展。

    In the early period of XiZhou , the ideas on crime prevention in ancient times of China served as a link between the preceding and the following ideas , and had several important changes .

  4. 有效的沟通能够促进罪犯心理的转化,使罪犯自愿、自觉、乐意、主动接受劳动教育改造,消除犯罪思想根源及其他消极思想,最终实现彻底改造。

    Effective communication can promote the transformation of criminal psychology , makes criminal voluntary , conscious , pleased accept labour educational transform initiatively , eliminate criminal ideological source and other negative thoughts , realize thorough transform eventually .

  5. 预防未成年人犯罪的思想道德教育思考

    Think Deeply in Thought of Ideological Education on Preventing Juvenile Delinquency

  6. 殷周时期的犯罪心理学思想初探

    A preliminary study of criminal psychology in Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties

  7. 西方现代犯罪心理学思想评析

    A comment on the western modern criminal psychological thought

  8. 这三大方面的内容反映了王守仁犯罪预防思想的主要特性。

    These three aspects reflect the main features of Wang Shou-ren crime prevention ideas .

  9. 商鞅预防犯罪的思想

    On Shang Yang 's Prevention Thoughts of Crime

  10. 宋代理学家的犯罪心理学思想研究

    A tentative research on thoughts of criminal psychology in idealist philosophy of Song Dynasty

  11. 非犯罪化思想的流行也具有一定的现实背景和哲学基础。

    Not the prevalence of the committing crime thought have certain realistic background and philosophical foundation too .

  12. 第四部分是文章的重点,对王守仁犯罪预防思想的实践活动做了较全面的分析和论述。

    The fourth part is the focus of the article , Wang Shou-ren crime prevention thinking practice to do a more comprehensive analysis and discussion .

  13. 综合分析王守仁的犯罪预防思想,其核心在于回归人的本心,达到互利共赢的价值追求。

    Comprehensive analysis of Wang Shou-ren of the crime prevention ideas , its core is to return to the original mind of the person to reach the value of the pursuit of mutually beneficial and win-win .

  14. 第三部分详细阐释王守仁犯罪预防思想的三大主要内容,破心中贼的思想,从人的思想意识出发进行犯罪预防。

    The three major content of the third part of the elaborate Wang Shou-ren crime prevention thinking ," thinking of the " broken the hearts of thieves , the departure from the ideology of crime prevention .

  15. 笔者综合采用多学科交叉研究的方法,就徽学中鲜有涉及的法律思想史领域中的犯罪预防思想进行较全面研究,力图弥补徽学研究的不足。

    The author uses the interdisciplinary research methods to make a more comprehensive study on the Crime Prevention thoughts in the field of law system which is seldom concerned in Huizhou Studies , trying to compensate the deficiencies of early studies .

  16. 明代徽州学者犯罪预防思想以徽州为地缘依托,徽州本土文化尤其是程朱理学思想为载体,以学者家学渊源和政治实践为背景,形成了具有徽州特色的法律思想。

    The Huizhou scholars ' thoughts of crime prevention formed the legal thoughts of the Huizhou law system , based on Huizhou geography , taking Huizhou local culture especially the thoughts of neo-Confucianism as the carrier , on the background of the scholar family history and political practice .

  17. 大陆法系犯罪论体系思想根基追问

    Question on the Thinking Foundation of Crime Theory System of Continent Legal System

  18. 中国古代关于预防犯罪的教育思想

    Educational Thought on Anticrime in Chinese Antiquity

  19. 然而,在法律思想领域,特别是对其犯罪预防法律思想方面鲜见专题性研究成果。

    However , in the field of legal thought , especially its crime prevention legal thinking uncommon thematic research .

  20. 第一部分引言,通过整理目前学术界对王守仁相关思想的研究概况,发现在其犯罪预防法律思想方面的研究欠缺,从而引导出写作本文的目的。

    The first part of the introduction , finishing overview of current academic research on the related ideas of Wang Shou-ren , found the lack of legal thinking in its crime prevention , in order to guide the purpose of writing this article .

  21. 新时期大学生违法犯罪现象与加强思想道德教育研究

    A Study on Criminal Offenses Committed by College Students and an Enhancement of Ideological and Ethical Cultivation Among College Students in a New Era

  22. 麦克白这个悲剧人物,在走向犯罪的历程中思想上矛盾重重,野心和人性,善与恶在不断斗争,不能不引起观众的怜悯和同情,《麦克白》的悲剧性即在于此。

    The tragedy lies in that there are violent struggles between ambition and humanity , good and evil when Macbeth is plunged into sin and his inner remorse causes the reader 's pity and sympathy .

  23. 在未成年人的犯罪认定上应坚持有别于成年人犯罪的立法思想,对一些轻微犯罪行为不做犯罪处理;

    In cognizing juvenile delinquency , we should differentiate it from the idea of adult criminal legislation , and avoid criminal settlement to some minor infringement .

  24. 本文第二章分析了我国未成年人犯罪负刑事责任的基本原则,包括从宽处罚原则、不适用列刑原则、相称原则和双向保护原则,指出了我国未成年人犯罪立法思想、精神。

    Chapter 2 puts efforts into analysing the basic principles of criminal responsibility system for China 's juvenile delinquency , including loose punishment principle , no death penalty principle , symmetrical principle , and two-way protection principle etc , putting out lawmaking thoughts and spirit of China 's juvenile delinquency .