
  1. 学而不思则罔;思而不学则殆。(《论语》)

    Learning without thought means labour lost ; thought without learning is perilous .

  2. 例如,他的一句名言"学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆"告诉我们学习和思考的重要性。

    For example , one of his famous sayings , " He who learns but does not think is lost ; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger " , tells us the importance of learning and thinking .

  3. 它们之被群众阅读,有如群众之阅览繁星,至多是从星象学而不是从天文学的角度阅览的。

    They have only been read as the multitude read the stars , at most astrologically , not astronomically .

  4. 随着人们对人类学习中认知失误行为的日益关注,以项目反应理论(IRT)为基础的诊断测验逐渐兴起,它结合认知心理学、教学研究、及心理计量学而渐渐发展成为一门新兴科学。

    Since people are paying more and more attention to " cognitive bugs behavior " in study , Diagnostic testing based-on Item Response Theory ( IRT ) has been springing up increasingly , which combines cognitive psychology and teaching research with psychometrics to develop to form a new science .

  5. 但最重要的是,法国以其美食学而闻名。

    But above all , France is noted for its gastronomy .

  6. 学而不思,犹如进食却不消化。——

    To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting . -

  7. 《论语·学而篇》的编排具有内在的逻辑。

    There is internal logic in Xue Er of The Confuncian Analects .

  8. 他们为了学习工商管理学而去了国外。

    They went abroad to study science of Business Administration .

  9. 加强理论研究为建立现代期刊管理学而努力

    A Thinking of the Theory Research of Modern Journal Management

  10. 人非生而知之,而是学而知之。

    We are not born to know , but learn to know .

  11. 不用说,学而不思则罔。

    Needless to say , learning without thinking is useless .

  12. 《论语·学而第一》首章的美学解读

    The Aesthetic Interpretation on the First Chapter of the Analects of Confucius

  13. 不,学而不用没有什么好处的。

    No , it is no good learning without practice .

  14. 正在为建立质量学而努力。

    Work hard for setting up quality to study .

  15. 好老师教学生学会生活以及为学而活的道理。

    Good teacher teach students to learn to live and live to learn .

  16. 他认为对人生重要的是文学和政治学而不是哲学。

    He thinks literature and political are more important than philosophical in life .

  17. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆.

    Learning without thought means labor lost ; thought without learning is perilous .

  18. 学而不思则罔(只学习不思考是一件危险的事情。)

    Learning without thinking is a dangerous thing .

  19. 据记载在他当选之前他以其怜悯和好学而著称。

    Prior to his election , Benedict had a reputation for learning and piety .

  20. 就像恋爱,嫉妒看上去也是自然的,不学而知的。

    Just as falling in love seems " natural " and unlearned , so does jealousy .

  21. 探讨他的语法思想,为发展中国语法学而努力。

    This pape probes into his grammatical theory to contribute to the development of Chinese grammar .

  22. 这食物易被消化[吸收]吗?学而不思,犹如食而不化。

    Does this food assimilate easily ? To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting .

  23. 第三章学术自由的限度;《论语》学而章辨义

    Chapter Three : The Scope of Academic Freedom ; The Meaning Analysis of " Xueer " in Analects

  24. 子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”

    The Master said , " Learning without thought is labor lost ; thought without learning is perilous . "

  25. 首先我们应该明确,语言是靠学而不是别人教所能真正掌握的。

    First of all we need to recognize the essential truth that languages can only be learned ; they cannot be taught .

  26. 陶渊明诗歌的无我之境和他伟大的人格是白居易效陶诗欲学而不能的。

    The " non-self meaningful realm " of Tao Yuanming and his great personality are what Bai Juyi desired but failed to attain .

  27. 《孙子兵法》的胜在竞技排球制胜中的哲学思辨经验无学问,胜过学而无经验。

    The Philosophy Speculation in Volleyball Competition & Sun-tzu s Art of War ; Experience without learning is better than learning without experience .

  28. 合理结构多媒体信息,构建学而非教的发现学习环境的原则;

    Principle of rational structure of multimedia information so as to constitute a discovery learning environment of " learning " instead of " teaching ";

  29. 其主要特点表现在穷究天人之际,讲求大本大源,吸纳百家之学而综合创新;

    Its main characteristics are while deeply studying nature and man , stressing on big origin and big source , absorbing much knowledge but comprehensive innovation .

  30. 人只要活着,学习就不该停下来,学习能力会因为不学而萎缩。&罗伯特·胡钦斯。

    Learning does not stop as long as a man lives , unless his learning power atrophies because he does not use it . & Robert Hutchins .