
xué tú zhì
  • apprenticeship
  1. 基于其基本主张,建构主义还提出了许多教学改革设想,如认知学徒制。

    Based on their opinions , they put forward some instruction models , such as cognitive apprenticeship .

  2. 要实行整个行业的学徒制,由整个行业负起责任。学徒制度是世界上最古老的职业教育形式。

    There will have to be apprenticeship with the industry as a whole , and the industry will have to take responsibility for it .

  3. 认知学徒制在推理与专家系统教学中的应用

    Cognitive Apprenticeship apply in Teaching of Reasoning and Expert System

  4. 学徒制是一种传统的职业教育形式。

    The apprentice system is a kind of traditional occupation education form .

  5. 澳大利亚新学徒制的建立及其启示

    The Construction of the New Apprenticeships System in Australia and the Inspiration

  6. 餐饮业依然秉持学徒制的观念。

    The food industry still maintains the idea of apprenticeship .

  7. 现代学徒制:我国教师培训的重要途径

    Modern Apprentice-system : The Important Way of Teachers ' Training in China

  8. 芬兰学徒制培训基本特征和质量管理策略

    Basic Features and Quality Management Strategies of Apprenticeship 's Training in Finland

  9. 再析英国的现代学徒制培训

    Re-exploration on the Modern Apprenticeship Program in the UK

  10. 英国业本学习路线下的现代学徒制

    A Work-based Program in the UK : Modern Apprenticeship

  11. 不过,当地的社会模式和招募人数无法保证实行“量体裁衣”的学徒制。

    But local social patterns and recruitment numbers have not warranted tailor-made apprenticeships .

  12. 第五章:两种学徒制对建立中国现代学徒制的启示。

    Chapter V : Revelation of the two apprenticeships to our modern apprenticeship system .

  13. 该组织还希望看到英国在改革技能和学徒制结构方面取得更大进展。

    It also wants to see further progress in reforming the skills and apprenticeship structure .

  14. 第三章:英国现代学徒制的实施情况及特征。

    Of UK modern Apprenticeship system .

  15. 只有切实提高完成率,才能使现代学徒制发挥最大的价值。

    Only through increasing the complete rate thoroughly , modern apprentice system will exert maximal value .

  16. 学徒制被认为是最古老的职业教育形态,但却拥有巨大的生命力。

    Apprenticeship is seen as the oldest way of vocational education , but it has enormous vitality .

  17. 学徒制和训练委员会

    Apprenticeship and Training Council

  18. 奥地利职前职业教育主要有两种模式,全日制职业学校模式和学徒制职业教育模式。

    Full-time vocational schools and apprenticeship are the main models of initial vocational education and training in Austria .

  19. 比尔克林顿首创的“从学校到工作岗位”是向学徒制体系致意,当初被人耻笑为二流的教育体系。

    Bill Clinton 's school-to-work initiative , a nod to the apprenticeship system , was derided as second-rate education .

  20. 在许多当代的西方发达国家,现代学徒制已经成为了它们新的职业教育战略选择。

    Currently , modern apprenticeship has been chosen as a new vocational education strategy by many western developed countries .

  21. 另一个因素是,传统的银行学徒制在瑞士进行扩张的其它市场中,很大程度上不为人所知。

    Another factor is that traditional bank apprenticeships are largely unknown in the other markets into which the Swiss have expanded .

  22. 科拉德也表示赞同:“学徒制一直是塑造员工的传统方式,而且仍将持续下去。”

    Mr collardi agrees : " apprenticeships have been a traditional way of building staff , and will remain so . "

  23. 通过对两种学徒制的比较,在总结其经验、教训的基础上,得出了有益于我国建立现代学徒制的启示:营造良好的外部环境;构建完善的内部发展标准。

    According to the comparison before , author concludes some beneficial revelations : cultivating good external environment , establishing perfect internal development standards .

  24. “明尼苏达模式”的成功应用也显示出了建构主义尤其是认知学徒制在物理教学中的作用。

    Its function in physics problem-solving instruction has been appeared after the successful application of " Minnesota Model for Large Introductory Courses " .

  25. 二战后德国双元制的成功,引发了英国改革本国学徒制的热情。

    The success of the German Dual System after World War II has caused the British enthusiasm for the reform of their apprenticeship .

  26. 我国职业教育在经历了漫长的学徒制之后,1904年才正式进入学制系统,并得到不断发展。

    After long history of Apprentice system , Chinese vocational education enter into formal educational system in 1904 , and make more and more achivement .

  27. 论文以学徒制形态的变化为依据将学徒制的发展历史分为形成时期、发展时期、衰落时期以及重建时期四个阶段。

    Based on the morphological changes of apprenticeship , the history of apprenticeship is divided into periods of formation , development , decline and reconstruction periods .

  28. 笔者就此针对我国职业教育现状,提出了在我国职业学校中实行和完善学徒制的一些建议,并以我校为例进行了个案分析。

    According to the present vocational education in China , the writer gives some suggestions on carrying on and perfecting the apprenticeship in Chinese vocational schools .

  29. 教育的社会化,社会的教育化,实行开放性教育和学徒制等富有特色的教育,使瑞士真正实现了教育大众化的目的。

    The socialized education and educated society , opening education and the system of apprentice , enable switzerland to have reached the aim of popularizing education .

  30. 重新审视学徒制的地位和作用,提倡和重视学徒制,同时引导个体反复自主训练;

    Re-consider the status and function of apprenticeship training , advocate and attach importance to apprenticeship training , and guide individuals to train repeatedly and independently ;