
  1. 学校设有18个学院,有62个本科专业;110个学科具有硕士学位授予权,并设有MBA(工商管理硕士)、MPA(公共管理硕士)和JM(法律硕士)专业学位点;

    The University has 18 colleges , and has 62 undergraduate disciplines , 110 master-degree-granting disciplines , including MBA , MPA and JM .

  2. 有S4个本科专业,121个硕士授权点、43个博士授权点、16个工程硕士授权领域和工商管理硕士(MBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、高校教师专业学位授予权,并设有5个博士后流动站。

    The university now has 54 specialties for undergraduate studies , and it is entitled to confer master 's degrees in 121 programs , doctoral degrees in 43 programs , Engineering Master Degrees in 16 programs as well as the MBA program , MPA program , Normal Degree program for College Teachers and 5 post-doctoral centers .

  3. 论美国研究生学位授予权管理

    Discussion on Management of the Graduate Degree Conferral Right in America

  4. 申请学科、专业硕士学位授予权成功经验分析

    Experience analysis of applying the right to confer master degree of discipline

  5. 具有硕士学位授予权的高校图书馆情况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Basic Condition of Universities Libraries with Authority over Master Degrees

  6. 具有俄语语言文学专业硕士学位授予权的我国高校情况调查与分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Russian Language and Literature of University with Right to Confer Master Degree

  7. 请教“博士学位授予权学科”怎么说?

    The discipline that to be entitled ( or authorized ) to confer the Doctor 's degree .

  8. 1999年通过全国高等学校建筑学专业教育评估,具有建筑学专业学位授予权。

    In1999it passed the national architecture education assessment and has been qualified to grant the degree of architecture .

  9. 年,外国语学院获得英语语言文学专业硕士学位授予权;

    In2005 , the School of Foreign Languages was authorized as a MA degree granting institution in English Language and Literature .

  10. 我校是广东省历史最长、目前唯一开设水利水电工程本科专业且具有硕士学位授予权的学校。

    Water Resources and Hydroelectric Engineering The Water Resources and Hydroelectric Engineering specialty was found early in South China University of Technology .

  11. 河北北方学院位于张家口市,是河北省北部唯一具有硕士学位授予权的综合性本科院校。

    Hebei North University is located in Zhangjiakou City , Hebei Province with the northern part of the sole right to grant a master 's degree in integrated colleges .

  12. 自2012年初以来,许多独立院校获得了学位授予权,但中国教育部还未发布这些学校的名单。

    Since early 2012 , a large number of independent colleges have been granted degree-awarding powers but no central list these has yet been published by the Chinese ministry of education .

  13. 从1923年国立武昌高等师范学校首开政治学课程,到2003年获得政治学一级学科博士学位授予权并通过政治学(一级学科)博士后流动站评审,整整经历了80年。

    From National Wuchang Higher Model School 's initiating political curriculum in 1923 to being granted the right to award the degree of doctor , it has been full 80 years .

  14. 武汉大学现有108个本科专业,20个国家重点学科,28个一级学科具有博士学位授予权,197个二级学科专业具有博士学位授予权,272个学科专业具有硕士学位授予权,还设立有23个博士后流动站。

    It offers 108 undergraduate programs , 20 state key disciplines , 28 first-category Ph. D. degree programs , 197 second-category Ph. D. degree programs , 272 master 's degree programs and 23 post-doctorate research station .

  15. 在30多个学位授予权里,国际贸易、国际经济法、英语语言、国际商业管理等四个均为国家“211工程”列为的重点学科。

    Among the over 30 bachelor , master and doctoral programs that UIBE offers , International Trade , International Economic Law , English Language and International Business Management have been designated as key programs under " Project 211 "

  16. 设有9个具有博士、硕士学位整体授予权的一级学科,50个博士点,96个硕士点,4个在职攻读硕士学位招生类别;

    There are 9 doctoral and masters programs in the first level , 50 doctoral programs , 96 master 's programs and 4 on-the-job master 's degrees .

  17. 只有保障了教师招聘自由权、招生自由权、课程设置自由权和学位授予自由权这四大权利,才能切实的保障教学自由的实现。

    Only guarantee the teacher recruitment liberty , enrollment liberty , curriculum of liberty and the degree-conferring liberty , these four rights , can feasible safeguard teaching free realization .

  18. 北京师大世界经济学科是首批获得博士学位和硕士学位授予权的学科之一。

    The subject of the world economy at Beijing Normal University is the earliest one of having right to confer master degree and doctor degree .

  19. 60个本科专业,一个第二学士学位专业,博士、硕士学位授权的一级学科26个,有硕士学位授予权的一级学科一个。

    It has 60 specialties for undergraduates , 1 specialty for the second Bachelor 's degree , 26 doctorate or master programs in first-level disciplines , 1 single master program in first-level discipline , 17 doctorate or master programs in second-level disciplines , 38 single master program in second-level discipline ,