
  • 网络Regional Economics;Regional science
  1. 本文以GIS为辅助工具,以地理学和区域经济学有关理论为指导,对大连庄河市海洋产业空间布局问题进行探讨。

    This article take GIS as the auxiliary means , and take the geography and the regional economics related theory as the instruction , and carry on the discussion to the Zhuanghe sea industry space layout question .

  2. 集聚经济现象是目前区域经济学的重要研究领域。

    Agglomeration economy is an important research area in regional economics .

  3. 运用地理信息系统和区域经济学理论,探讨了河南省县际经济差异的空间格局及空间演化结构,在GIS空间分析和统计分析模型的支持下,分析了河南省县际经济差异格局及其变化的图形特征。

    Through GIS and theory of regional economy , with the aid of spatial and statistical model of GIS , spatial pattern and chang of regional economy differences of counties in Henan are discussed .

  4. 本文运用GIS(地理信息系统)和多种数学方法,结合区域经济学、发展经济学和经济地理学原理对泉州市的县域经济进行系统研究,得出较为客观正确的结论。

    This thesis is intended to apply GIS ( geography information system ) and various mathematics methods to make a systematical study of the county-level economy of Quanzhou City in combination with district economics , development economics and economic geography so as to draw an objective and correct conclusion .

  5. 城市空间结构是区域经济学研究的主题之一。

    Urban spatial structure is one of the themes of regional economics .

  6. 李靖宇教授:区域经济学的拓荒者

    Professor LI Jing-yu : A Pioneer in the Field of Regional Economics

  7. 从经济地理学角度对区域经济学理论体系的理解

    Towards the theory system of regional economics from the viewpoints of economic geography

  8. 一直以来,经济增长是城市与区域经济学研究的一个热点问题。

    Economic growth is always the hot topic of Urban and Regional Economics research .

  9. 关于区域经济学几个基本理论问题的思考

    On Certain Basic Theoretical Issues of Regional Economics

  10. 本文主要采用竞争力理论、区域经济学理论以及旅游学等领域的相关理论进行理论探讨。

    This paper mainly uses competitiveness theories , Regional Economics theories and tourism theories .

  11. 区域经济学视角下的中国传媒业发展模式分析

    The Development Mode of China 's Media Industries from the Perspective of Regional Economics

  12. 作为区域经济学研究的核心问题,区域经济差异一直被世界各国的学者所关注和研究。

    As the fatal question of Regional Economics , regional economic difference is widely studied .

  13. 运用区域经济学中区域差异存在和经济空间集聚的观点,阐述了农业产业化密集带的具体内涵和形成机制;

    Elaborate the meaning and the forming mechanism of agriculture industrialization intensive belt on theory .

  14. 类比法在北戴河海洋认知实习中的应用区域经济学区位理论;

    Application of the Analogism in the Practice of Marine Sciences at Beidaihe Area area economics ;

  15. 基于区域经济学基本假定的区域竞争力形成机制解释

    The Explanation of the Formation of Regional Competence Ability Based on Basic Assumption of Regional Economics

  16. 随着经济的发展,城市的经济地位及作用愈来愈得到人们的重视,对城市经济功能的研究成为区域经济学的主要任务之一。

    With the development of economy , a city is playing a more important role than before .

  17. 产业结构趋同是区域经济学中一个引人关注的课题,同时也是一个争议很大的课题。

    The convergence of industrial structure is an attracting topic and also a controversial one in regional economics .

  18. 文本借鉴了区域经济学、生态学、循环经济学等方面的理论知识。

    The text borrowed from the theoretical knowledge of the regional economics , ecology , and recycling economics .

  19. 产业集群的发展已经成为当前区域经济学及其它学科竞相关注的热点。

    At present , developments of clusters have become the focus of regional economics and other relative studies .

  20. 20世纪90年代以来,产业集群问题一直是区域经济学界关注的热点。

    Since the 1990s , the issue of industrial cluster has been the hot topic in regional economic circles .

  21. 产业集聚理论的研究涉及到产业经济学、区域经济学等诸多学科。

    The study of IA theory related to many disciplines : industrial economics , regional economics and so on .

  22. 运用区域经济学和国际经济学原理分析大国综合优势的形成机理和基本特征,提出了中国对外直接投资的产业战略、区域战略和企业战略。

    On this basis , it formed the basis of the theory that foreign direct investment in private enterprises .

  23. 应用区域经济学中的偏离份额分析法,对四川省12个地级市经济发展状况进行了比较分析。

    Shift-share-Analysis in Regional Economics is applied in this article to analyze economic development of 12 cities of Sichuan Province .

  24. 在地理学和区域经济学中,地区发展的均衡与差异是一个由来已久的问题。

    In the study of geography and regional economy , the equilibrium and disparities of regional development are long-existing problems .

  25. 2008年中国区域经济学研究热点综述近年来我国分类检索语言研究热点综述

    The Hot Point of Regional Economics in 2008 Summarization on Chinese Research Hotspots of Classification Retrieval Language in Recent Years

  26. 产业集群这一经济现象已成为各国区域经济学界关注的焦点。

    The industrial cluster this economic phenomena has become the focal attention point of various countries ' region economical educational .

  27. 现代区域经济学和空间经济学缺乏相应的微观基础,无法从微观主体的区位决策演绎到空间集聚。

    The modern regional economics and spatial economics lack micro-economic foundation , and can not deduce location choice to agglomeration .

  28. 从区域经济学看,县域经济是县域行政区间或其经济空间范围内的经济;

    Considered from zone economics , county economy is the economy in county and canton or its economy spatial scale .

  29. 构建中原经济区切合区域经济学理论,并已具备了相应的客观条件。

    Constructing the Central Plains Economic Zone conforms to regional economic theory , and has been with the corresponding objective conditions .

  30. 西方传统区位理论和区域经济学,都没有很好地将政区竞争与厂商区位选择联系起来进行考虑。

    The traditional occidental zone theory and zone economics did not match competition of administrative zones and selection of supplier location .