
  • 网络Zone System;Area System;Regional systems
  1. 城市与区域系统多流的演化特征分析

    Evolution Feature Analysis of City and Area System 's Multi-stream

  2. 公共工程是区域系统最基本的组成要素,不论对区域的经济、社会还是生态等都有重大的影响,公共工程的可持续能力在很大程度上决定着区域的可持续能力。

    Public project is the most basic component elements of area system and it has a significant impact on the regional economic , ecological and social , sustainability of public project to a large extent determines the sustainability of the region .

  3. 利用区域系统环境集成模式(RIEMS)和一个OFFLINE的大尺度汇流模型(LRM)对黄河的河川径流做了模拟。

    The streamflow over the Yellow River basin is simulated by using the high-resolution Regional Integrated Environmental Model System ( RIEMS ), and an off-line Large-scale Routing Model ( LRM ) .

  4. 在外界压力与系统内部间的相互作用下,当前秦岭地区TSESs面临的主要矛盾为:旅游发展加速与环境承载力不足之间的矛盾,区域系统内部发展不平衡间的矛盾。

    The pressure makes the Qinling mountain region TSESs the current main contradictions : the contradiction between tourism development and environmental bearing capacity , regional system internal unbalanced development pattern . That two contradictory together results in the fragility of the ecosystem .

  5. 单区域系统积差调频的改进与仿真

    Improving and simulation of I-frequency modulation based on alone power system

  6. 两区域系统实时校正累积偶然交换功率研究

    Time correction for inadvertent interchange accumulation of two area systems

  7. 草原区域系统承载力研究的意义与展望

    Significance and Expectation of Studying Regional System Bearing Capacity in Grassland Regions

  8. 方法可用于指导区域系统交换分析。

    It may be used for interarea system transaction analysis and price calculation .

  9. 我国城市经济影响区域系统的初步分析

    A preliminary analysis on the system of influence regions of china 's urban economy

  10. 区域系统结构模式研究

    Discussing on structural model or regional system

  11. 城镇区域系统演化具有多重关联、嵌套发展的适应性循环特征。

    Urban regional system evolution of the adaptive cycle characteristics of the multiple associated nested development .

  12. 区域系统物质代谢研究&以江苏省南通市为例

    Studies on Material Metabolism in the Regional System & A Case Study of Nantong City , Jiangsu Province

  13. 这些柔性集聚体发展成为颇具竞争力的区域系统,奠定了现代区域经济发展中最重要的空间格局。

    These flexible production agglomerations develop and become competent district system , which is important spatial pattern in modern economic development .

  14. 聚落考古是基于区域系统调查对社会形态进行多层次的科学研究的一个新兴的考古学方法。

    Settlement archaeology is a newly rising archaeological method based on regional systematical investigation to scientifically research social form from multi-layer .

  15. 从区域系统整体特征方面,分析了黄河中游地区黄土高原的土壤侵蚀特征。

    The characteristic of soil erosion on middle reaches of the Yellow River is analysed from macro-characteristic of the regional system .

  16. 不同的区域系统,其经济发展模式各异,但都必须有明确的战略发展目标。

    The economic development mode differs from region to region . However , each mode shall have a clear strategic development goal .

  17. 现代城市与乡村是一个复杂的社会经济地域系统,城市与乡村通过各种要素流的相互联系与相互作用构成了区域系统的两大子系统。

    Modern urban-rural is a complicated social and economic regional system . Urban and rural consist of two sub-system of region by the interrelation and interaction of every element .

  18. 通过对三个层次经济发展水平地区的实地考察,提出区域系统串联、串并联、并联的具有时序性和阶段性的区域系统结构模式。

    After investigating the regions at three different economic levels , the series , series & parallel and parallel structural model of regional systems which are in stage and in line are given .

  19. 该方法不仅能维持区域系统对外净交换功率的计划值,同时还可分别维持每条联络线交换功率的计划值,而且提高了控制实施的有效性。

    This control method may not only restrict the area subsystem net exchange power with other subsystem to the plan value , but also restrict every tie line transition power separately kept to the constant power .

  20. 文章分析了国有林区区域系统的静态结构和动态结构,认为国有林区区域系统的协同运行要保持系统同素结构与异素结构的协同,保持产业结构、利益结构和政府管理结构的协同。

    The paper analyzes the static and dynamic structure of the various systems and points out that to maintain the harmonious operation among all systems in the region , we shall first keep the concordance of industrial structure , profit structure and government administration structure .

  21. FDI对我国的经济、产品竞争力、产业结构、区域创新系统等等各个方面都产生了不小的影响。

    FDI has different influence on china economy 、 production competitiveness 、 industry instruction and regional innovative system and so on .

  22. 这两种新机制中,前者部署在Internet核心路由器或者区域自治系统的关键路由器上,作为安全基础设施。

    Of the two new mechanisms , the former can act as the security infrastructure , which can be deployed on the Internet core routers or key routers in local autonomic systems .

  23. 果洛州2002年生态足迹多样性指数和发展能力低,而GDP生态足迹较高,反映该区域生态系统结构单一,稳定性差,资源利用效率低。

    The ecological footprint diversity and development capacity is lower and GDP ecological footprint is higher , which reflect the ecosystem stability and resource utilization efficiency are lower .

  24. 建立了区域PRED系统可持续发展的定量判据;

    Builds the quantitative criterion of sustainable development on regional PRED system ;

  25. 说明重叠结构分解因子可按照区域子系统之间的额定荷比来选择,因此可提高系统AGC对负荷频率和交换功率波动的分散控制质量,达到电力系统AGC经济运行的目的。

    Overlapping decentralized factor chosen by a rating load ratio between areas can improve decentralized control quality of AGC to disturbances of load_frequency and exchange power , so as to meet the need of power system AGC economic operation .

  26. 结合当前国际上流行的VaR风险管理模型,在生态风险理论有关研究的基础上,建立了一类新颖而实用的区域生态系统风险管理模型-EVR。

    Based the research about ecological risk theory , the model of EVR has been established with use of VaR which is a very popular risk management model in international market . EVR is a new and useful risk management in regional ecosystem .

  27. 区域地理系统单元等级圆锥建模

    The research on the unit hierarchical taper of regional geographic system

  28. 区域供水系统供水短缺的风险分析

    Risk analysis of the shortage of cascade reservoirs water supply system

  29. 行政区划是指国家行政管理的区域组织系统。

    Administrative partition denotes the regional organization system of national administration .

  30. 基于功能与空间格局的区域生态系统保育策略

    A strategy for ecosystem conservation based on function and spatial pattern