
  • 网络regional economic geography
  1. 新时期我国区域经济地理学发展问题初探

    An Initial Approach to Future Development of Regional Economic Geography in China

  2. 区域经济地理学理论方法建设简论

    Progress of theory and methods of regional economic geography

  3. 地域产业结构是区域经济地理学研究的重点和主要内容。

    Regional industry structure is an important part of study in regional economy .

  4. 区域经济地理学的几个问题探讨

    On several problems of regional economic geography science

  5. 我对区域经济地理学的认识与几点实践体会

    Thoughts on regional economic geography and practical experience

  6. 全国区域经济地理学理论与实践研讨会简记

    A Brief Account of the National Symposium on Theory and Practice of Regional Economic Geography

  7. 作为区域经济地理学的基础理论,梯度推移理论对于区域旅游资源开发有很大的借鉴意义。

    To be grounded theory of Regional Geonomics , Gradient-transfer theory is of reference significance to regional tourism resources development .

  8. 从区域经济地理学的应用领域,从规划的角度,选择了生态经济方面的问题来研究。

    Starting from application to regional economic geography and an angle of city planning , the paper studies on the problem of eco-economics .

  9. 区域经济地理学作为既古老又年轻的地理学分支,经历了萌芽、形成与发展过程。

    Regional Economic Geography ( REG ) appeared in the form of description on regional economic activities in ancient geography , and it formed an independent branch of modern geography .

  10. 本文的写作与完成不仅在一定程度上体现出区域经济地理学的学科优长,而且丰富和深化了国际贸易地理学的实践领域。

    Writing and finishing the text is not only embodiment of advantage of subject on region economic geopolitics in a certain extent but also enrich and deepen practice domain of international trade geography .

  11. 经济活动的区位分析是区域经济学和经济地理学领域最古老和最重要的研究内容之一。

    Location analysis on economic activity is one of the most ancient and most important topics in regional economics and economic geography .

  12. 关于这一方面的研究目前已经成为区域经济学、经济地理学等相关学科研究的热点问题之一,引起了国内外的广泛关注。

    Recently researches on this subject are becoming the most heated topics of regional economics , economic geography and other related subjects .

  13. 本文以区域经济学和经济地理学相关理论为指导,从区域关系的视角分析区域经济发展问题。

    Under the guidance of interrelated theories in regional economics and economic geography , this paper analyzes the regional development through regional relations .

  14. 产业区位问题一直是区域经济学、经济地理学和产业组织学等学科的重要研究内容。

    Industry location issue has been the important research content of disciplines , such as regional economics , economic geography and industry histology , etc.

  15. 因此,对于县域经济发展的实证研究日趋成为区域经济学、经济地理学等相关学科研究领域的重点。

    Therefore , the empirical studies of county economic development has been gradually became the focus of research field of regional economics , economic geography and other related disciplines .

  16. 本文以区域地理学、经济地理学、城市地理学、城市经济学等学科的理论为指导,探讨了都市区空间发展战略问题。

    This paper has discussed the developing strategic of metropolis district space , which is taking theory of the subjects such as regional geography , economic geography , city geography and city economy as guidance .

  17. 区域发展理论是经济地理学和区域科学基础理论的核心。

    In Economic Geography and Regional Science , regional development theory is the most essential and attracts more and more scholars'attention .

  18. 在起步阶段,区位理论和区域经济地理成为经济地理学研究的重点;

    In the start-up phase , Location Theory and Regional Economic Geography has been the focus of economic geography studies in Japan ;

  19. 本文以四川地区作为研究对象,结合金融发展理论、区域经济理论以及金融地理学等分析方法,对四川地区金融发展差异进行认真研究。

    This paper , however , particularly begins its research based on Sichuan province . By combined using the theory analysis methods of financial development theory , regional economic theory and financial geography , it carefully studied the financial development differences of Sichuan region .

  20. 我国的区域经济地理研究与区域经济地理学

    Regional economic geography study and the regional economic geography science in China

  21. 本文从区域的视角,运用区域经济学和新经济地理学的理论与方法,对关中城市群的发展模式进行了较为深入的剖析。

    This thesis , with the theories and methods of regional economics and new economic geography from regional visual angle , researches thoroughly on the development model of urban agglomerations in Guanzhong region .