
  • 网络Regional Policy
  1. 区域政策项目评价的基本问题与分析框架

    Some Basic Issues and Analysis Framework of Regional Policy Programme Evaluation

  2. 区域政策成本效益绿色分析浅析

    A Study on Green Analysis of the Regional Policy Costs and Benefits

  3. 分析了EU及其成员国的区域政策新动向及其依据;

    Furthermore , the article also analyzes the new dynamic and its foundation of regional polices of EU and its members ;

  4. 区域政策改善了落后地区的投资环境,吸引了FDI,但是投资环境的其他方面,例如区位优势、市场容量、市场化程度等因素对FDI有更重要的影响。

    Although regional policies help to improve the investment environment in hinterland and to attract FDI , other aspects of investment environment , such as geographic advantages , market capacity , degree of marketization , will also exert indispensable influences .

  5. 本文另辟蹊径,采用系统的数据和经济计量方法,具体运用多元线性回归模型和因子分析模型,从产业转移的角度对FDI的区位选择进行全面分析,并提出了引进外资的区域政策建议。

    This article , especially , using the system data and the economy positive methord including multi-dimensional linearity return model and the factor analysis model , comprehensively analysis location selection of FDI from the industry - transferring angle , and put forward the region policy proposal of introduction foreign investment .

  6. 地方政府是区域政策创新的主体。

    And local governments are the body of regional policies innovation .

  7. 世界城市的未来及面临的区域政策问题

    The future of global city and its regional political problems policy

  8. 适度倾斜:中国区域政策之出路

    Proper unbalance : the way out for Chinese Regional Policy

  9. 制度对经济增长的影响主要从区域政策与制度创新两方面来体现。

    System affects economy growth through the regional policy and system innovation .

  10. 2007&2013年欧洲区域政策的目标、对象和实施

    EU Regional Policy during 2007-2013 : Goals , target regions and Implementation

  11. 区域政策的矛盾内涵解析

    Study on the Incompatible Relationships of Regional Policy Analysis of Dialectical Contradiction

  12. 区域政策是区域规划的实施手段;

    Regional policy is the implementing means of regional planning ;

  13. 中国区域政策对区域差距影响研究

    Study of China Regional Policies ' Impact upon Regional Disparities

  14. 新经济区位分析与区域政策调整探索

    Location analysis of new economy and modulation of regional policy

  15. 劳动力流动、人力资本转移与区域政策

    Labour Mobility , Human Capital Transfer and Regional Policies

  16. 论博弈分析在区域政策中的运用

    The application of game analysis in the regional policy

  17. 对我国产业布局政策和区域政策的探讨

    A Study on the Policy of Industrial Deployment and the policy of Regional Development

  18. 泰国的工业化及其区域政策

    Industrialization of Thailand and Its Regional Policy

  19. 中外区域政策对比研究

    A study on the comparison between the regional policies in China and in other countries

  20. 与产业结构调整和区域政策密切相结合;

    Combine with regional policy and economy ;

  21. 区域政策工具是促进区域发展的具体措施。

    The regional policy device is the concrete measure of the advancement of regional development .

  22. 区域政策与西部外商直接投资

    Relationship Between Regional Policy and Foreign Investment

  23. 世界城市的未来:亚太地区城市和区域政策的作用

    World City Futures : The Role of Urban and Regional Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region

  24. 区域政策、规划和服务

    Regional Policy , Planning and Servicing

  25. 国外区域政策有效性评价研究

    Validity Evaluation on Foreign Regional Policy

  26. 我国目前实施各种区域政策方兴未艾,比如西部大开发、中部区域创新发展以及振兴东北地区等老工业基地战略。

    China indulges herself in regional policy devices , such as West Development , Northeast Development .

  27. 区域政策环境影响评价研究

    Study on the regional policy EIA

  28. 中国八五和后十年区域政策系统的构思

    An Outline of China 's Regional Economic Strategy for the 8th Five Years and Next Ten Years

  29. 欧盟区域政策对中国区域经济均衡发展的启示和建议

    The Revelation and Suggestions of European Union ' Regional Policy on China 's Regional Economic Balanced Development

  30. 创新的区域政策选择

    Selection of Regional Innovation Policy