
  • 网络Zoning Regulation;zoning;Zoning Ordinance;Zoning Law
  1. 该报告将称,纽约市四分之三的Airbnb出租屋都是非法的,违反了行政区划法规或其他法律。

    The report will say nearly three-quarters of all Airbnb rentals in the city are illegal , violating zoning or other laws .

  2. 印度各地在商业企业和税收方面的行政区划法规,使这些宾馆无法更公开地招徕生意。

    Local zoning laws on commercial businesses and tax issues keep guesthouses from more open touting for business .

  3. 美国五个城市现行区划法规内容的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Content of the Present Division Rules of Law in Five American Cities

  4. 美国区划法规是一项法律文件,具有法定地位;

    The American division rule of law is a legal document and enjoys a legal status as such .

  5. 规避旨在监管旅馆位置的区划法规,对谁有资格开车载客的规定不管不顾,必然会带来一些风险,被服务一方真的应该警觉这些风险,如果你相信服务协议的话。

    Bypassing zoning regulations on where hotels can be located and negating licensing requirements related to who can pick up passengers poses risks that , if you believe the terms of service agreements , truly should make the buyer beware .

  6. 区划法规作为美国城市开发控制的法定依据,在美国城市规划法规体系和世界城市开发控制体系中均具有重要地位。

    The division rule of law , which acts as the legal basis for the control of urban development in the USA , plays an important role in American urban planning legal system and in the urban development control system of the world .