
qū huà
  • Zoning;plan;compartment;division into districts;divide into sections
区划 [qū huà]
  • (1) [divide into sections;division into districts]∶区别划分

  • 行政区划

  • (2) [plan]∶亦作区画。谋划;筹划

  • 怎么区划,可以两全?--《禅真后史》

区划[qū huà]
  1. 关于新疆1∶100万农业地貌区划问题的讨论

    Discuss on the agriculture geomorphic division into districts in Xinjiang

  2. 中国建造太阳池的区划初探

    A preliminary exploration for division into districts of solar ponds in China

  3. 在自己家用手机也要被扣“边界漫游”费,这种情况每天都发生在行政区划交界处的居民身上。

    Imagine using your mobile phone and then being hammered for border roaming charges without leaving your home . That 's what happens daily for residents near regional borders .

  4. 基于GIS的浙江省茶树栽培气候区划

    Tea plant climate division in Zhejiang province base on GIS technology

  5. 基于GIS的滑坡、泥石流灾害危险性区划关键问题研究

    Key research on landslide and debris flow hazard zonation based on GIS

  6. 基于GIS的马铃薯种植气候区划及风险区划的研究

    Potato Agricultural Climate and Harvest Risk Demarcation Using GIS Technique

  7. GIS支持下的黄土高原地震滑坡区划研究

    GIS Based Seismic Landslide Zonation of the Loess Plateau

  8. GIS技术在宁夏枸杞气候区划中的应用

    Application of GIS for Climate mapping of Chinese Wolfberry in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

  9. 基于GIS的陕西省旬阳地区滑坡灾害危险性区划

    The hazard zoning of landslide supported by GIS in Xunyang region of Shanxi Province

  10. 基于MapX+VISUALBASIC的专题地理信息系统二次开发&以开发海洋功能区划管理信息系统为例

    Secondary Development of Thematic GIS Based on MapX + Visual Basic & Taking the Development of a Marine Function Zoning MIS as an Example

  11. GIS与农业气候区划

    GIS and Agro - climatic Division

  12. 本文首次应用GIS技术研究沈阳市区主要绿地害虫的地理区划与分布规律。

    The urban pest distribution and geographic division of Shenyang green space were studied using GIS technology .

  13. GIS支持下的农业地质区划

    Agrogeological division under GIS

  14. 长江经济带:行政区划VS流域一体

    The Yangtze River Economic Belt : Administrative System vs Regional Integrity

  15. 利用GIS的空间分析功能,获得兰州滑坡地质灾害危险性分布图,并进行区划。

    By using GIS space analysis functions , obtained the landslide risk distribution map of Lanzhou , and divided it .

  16. GIS在农业气候区划中的应用东北黑土区地域界定及其水土保持区划探析

    Application of GIS in Agricultural Climatic Zoning Defining of Chernozem Area and Zoning of Soil and Water Conservation in Northeastern China

  17. 讨论了将信息量模型与GIS系统结合,进行地质灾害危险性区划的方法。

    The assessment of geological hazards risk by combining information method model with geographical information system is discussed in this paper .

  18. 本文首次应用GIS技术,研究我国稻田蜘蛛的地理分布与区划。

    It was reported for the first time that the geographical distribution of spiders in rice ecosystem was studied using GIS technology in this paper .

  19. 应用3S技术制作张掖甘蓝型油菜区划方法初探

    Preliminary study on climate division of cabbage rape with " 3S " technology in Zhangye

  20. 基于GIS的巴西陆稻IAPAR-9种植气候区划研究

    Climatic Zoning of Brazilian Upland Rice ( IAPAR-9 ) Planting Based upon GIS

  21. 根据实际采样诊断土壤类型并在GIS界面修正原始土壤分布图,完善了当地的土壤图,并且在制图过程中将研究区行政区划图根据最新情况做了修订。

    The original soil map was amended and perfected in GIS interface based on actual soil type diagnosis . The administrative map was revised according to the latest version and related information .

  22. 由全形态Voronoi图的基本定义和旅游区划的内容可以看出,全形态Voronoi图最为适合这种地理客体的空间吸引范围的划分。

    Comparing the concept of voronoi diagram to the district partition of tourism resource , it can find voronoi diagram is very fit .

  23. 基于PPDC模型的中国生态环境质量区划

    Regionalization of eco-environment quality in China based on PPDC model

  24. 对海洋功能区划与环境敏感区进行分析和预测结果表明,拟用海域在潮间带养殖池塘,其高度平均为2m左右。

    Results of analysis and predicts on ocean functionality area and environment sensitive area show that : make use of tide to build up the breed aquatics pond whose average height is around 2 meters .

  25. 而地形图和在此基础上形成的DEM图除对森林植被分类具有参考价值外,同时对区划小班、林班也具有重要的应用价值进而对TM影像数据处理,得出广州市中心城区森林植被分类情况。

    Map and derived DEM has important effect not only on classification , but also on stand division . The relationship of vegetation indexes and vegetation classes were developed based on the landsat TM data of Guangzhou City center district forest classification .

  26. FCJ-GIS动力区划模型及其在斜坡灾害危险性评价中的应用

    FCJ-GIS geodynamic zonation model and its application to risk evaluation of slope hazards

  27. 智能辅助地震区划系统IASHES

    Intelligence Aided Seismic Zonation System IASHES

  28. 分析了潜在震源区划分范围,震级上限Mu及β值等地震活动性参数的不确定性对地震危险性分析的影响,其结果可供地震区划及工程地震等工作者参考。

    Influences of uncertainties in seismicity parameters , such as confines of potential earthquake source region , upper limit of magnitude , Mu and β value , on calculated seismic risk have been analyzed . The results of this study are of value for seismic regionalization and engineering seismology .

  29. 图文信息可视化系统(MFIVS)在山区综合区划中的应用&以湖南怀化市为例

    Applied Study on map and file information visibility system ( mfivs ) in the comprehensive regionalization of mountain area & taking Huaihua City of Hunan Province as an example

  30. 山地灾害危险区区划的原理与进展

    Principle and Progress in the Danger Area Planning of Mountain Disasters