
piān xiānɡ guān xì shù
  • partial correlation coefficient
  1. 再根据流量的自相关系数和偏相关系数,从不同的角度进行分析,分别得到了流量变化的AR模型和ARMA模型;

    Then the autocorrelation coefficient and partial correlation coefficient of traffic were analyzed from different angles , and the AR model and ARMA model of the GPRS cells traffic were proposed .

  2. 排除农艺性状指标间互相关影响后,偏相关系数可靠性大,可作为变量间关系密切程度的量化指标。

    Therefore , the partial correlation coefficient can be used as a quantitative index to evaluate the relationship among variations .

  3. 首先提出用偏相关系数判定各自变量的相关性,从而确定BP网的输入因子;

    First , the determination of independent variable relativity according to partial relative coefficient are proposed so that input factors of BP network can be confirmed .

  4. UL、CVI与梗阻程度相关,偏相关系数B分别为0.178和1.025,t值分别为2.325和2.131,P值均<0.05。

    UL and CVI were considered as correlative factors with the severity of lower urinary obstruction with B value of 0.178 and 1.025 respectively . t value was 2.325 and 2.131 respectively .

  5. 宫高≥37cm者,AC与出生体重的相关性最好,CD次之,偏相关系数分别为0.68454(P<0.001)、0.22152(P<0.05);

    The best correlation was between AC and birth weight , while CD was the second . The coefficients of partial corelation were 0.684 54 ( P < 0.001 ) and 0.221 52 ( P < 0.05 ), respectively .

  6. 钙、铁、锰对血铅值的倒数(PB1)的作用显著(P<001),但相关并不密切,偏相关系数分别为-0079007006;

    The correlations of Ca , Fe , Mn levels with the reversed values of blood lead ( PB 1 ) were significant but not strong and the partial correlation coefficients were - 0.079,0.07, 0.06 respectively .

  7. IPCB算法结合假设检验方法和偏相关系数,选择目标节点的候选邻居节点,继而在受限的空间里进行受限的贪婪搜索,最终得到相应的因果结构。

    The IPCB algorithm combines the method of hypothesis testing and partial correlation coefficients to select candidate neighbors of the target node . A greedy hill-climbing search is performed in a constrained space to obtain the ultimate causal structure .

  8. 4个因素与产量的偏相关系数均为正值。

    Partial correlation coefficients between four factors and yield are all positive .

  9. 本文用偏相关系数计算方法,通过归一化处理等得到一组独立性权数。

    In this paper the partial correlation coefficients may be used to calculate the weight of independence .

  10. 方法通过绘制时间序列图和计算指标间的偏相关系数说明医院住院指标的变化情况。

    Method Explaining changes of hospital indexes through drawing time series sequences and computing partial correlation coefficients .

  11. 比强度与单株皮棉产量的单相关系数、偏相关系数和直接通径系数分别为-0.206,0.481,0.129。

    The PECC , PACC and DPC between fiber strength and lint yield per plant were-0.206,0.481, 0.129 respectively .

  12. 偏相关系数表明体重、年龄是影响甲状腺容积的本质因素;

    The coefficient of partial correlation indicated that age and body weight were essential influencing factors of the thyroid volume .

  13. 二元回归相关分析进一步表明:复相关系数和偏相关系数均达极显著水平。

    The result of binary regression analysis showed that both multiple regression coefficient and partial regression coefficient attained the levels of highly significance .

  14. 最后分别运用偏相关系数分析法和单项因子权重度量法来估算各因子的影响程度。

    Finally , the affected degree of factors is evaluated by applying partial relation coefficient analysis method and single factor weighted index method .

  15. 一般而言,技术引进和外商直接投资两者应存在正相关关系,但我国外商直接投资对我国技术引进偏相关系数并不显著。

    Generally speaking , there exists positive correlation between technology importing and FDI . But things are different in China - it presents deviation .

  16. 蒸腾速率日进程与光照强度为显著正相关,偏相关系数为0.849~;

    There is a significant positive correlation between the diurnal variation of transpiration rate and sunlight , and its partial correlation coefficient is 0.849 ;

  17. 首先,从理论上证明了对于线性结构方程模型产生的数据,在样本数不是很小的情况下,偏相关系数的统计量服从t分布。

    For datasets generated by the linear SEM , the number of samples is not a small case , partial correlation coefficient statistic submit the t-distribution .

  18. 偏相关系数的一种迭代算法提出用合类偏相关系数的大小作为选择方程的依据,并给出计算该系数的优化算法。

    Based on the whole class partial correlation coefficient the equation of nonlinear regression is selected , and the optimize algorithm to calculate the coefficient is given .

  19. 由于农艺性状指标间互相关的影响,冠层温度与农艺性状指标间的单相关系数可靠性差,且与偏相关系数有明显的差异;

    The reliability of simple correlation coefficient is lower because of the cross correlation of agronomic character indices , and the reliability of partial correlation coefficient is higher .

  20. 与腰围的偏相关系数,腰围指数为0.72,体重指数为0.62。

    And , partial coefficient of correlation between WC and WI was 0.72 , and that between WC and BMI was 0.62 , respectively , adjusted for gender and ethnic .

  21. 实证模型分别用北京(2006-2010)数据和美国(1991-2006年)数据做对比分析,之后又利用偏相关系数构造了房价投机泡沫度指标。

    The model uses Beijing 2006-2010 year data and American 1991-2006 year data makes a contrastive analysis separately , afterward we using the partial correlation coefficient constructed the house price index .

  22. 本试验对315份广东珍珠豆型花生品种的八个性状间的多元回归方程偏相关系数进行了测定和检验,分析了与单株产量有关的主要综合性状。

    Tests on multivariate regressive equation and partial correlation coefficient between 8 characters of 315 Guangdong Spanish-type peanut cultivars were done to analyse the major integrated properties relating to the yield per plant .

  23. 再生稻产量构成因素与产量间均呈正相关,且有效穗数、每穗总粒数、结实率三者与产量间的偏相关系数均达到了极显著水平;

    Positive correlation existed between the yield components with yield in ratooning rice . And coefficient of partial correlation between the effective tiller number , whole grams per panicle and seed-setting percentage with yield were significant at the 0.01 level .

  24. 格点滤波法优于自相关法的实质,在于格点滤波的偏相关系数{Km}、{Cm}都是以与输入信息有关的和式比的形式给出的。

    Lattice fil - tering is superior to autocorrelation method in that the partial correla - tion coefficients { K_m } and { C_m } of lattice filtering are given in the form of ratios of summation formulas relating to input informations .

  25. 铃容重、铃体积和单铃种子数的偏相关系数为达极显著水平,在竞争优势和中亲优势中,三性状的合计相对决定度分别占总决定度的69.06%和71.07%。

    The partial correlation coefficients of boll density , boll volume and seeds per boll were extremely significant . Their total relative determinative degree for check and mid parent heterosis took up , respectively , 69.06 % and 71.07 % of all .

  26. 本文论述多元线性回归中的回归系数与偏相关系数之间的数量关系以及它们的统计意义.通过例子,说明正确理解这些关系和意义对实际应用的重要性和必要性。

    This paper deals with the quantitative relations between regression coefficients and partial correlation coefficients in multivariate linear regression , and their statistical meanings . It is presented by the example that correctly understanding these relations and meanings is important and necessary for actual application .

  27. 地形因子的分析说明在火烧迹地更新种植针叶林主要是受坡度的影响,偏相关系数为-0.6835。

    According to the analytic results in this dissertation , we can find that slope was the pivotal factor for the conversion of the burned blank into coniferous forest , and the Partial Correlation Coefficients is -0.6835 . Bum severity is also affected by the topography .

  28. 首先,利用自相关系数和偏自相关系数图以及二阶自回归模型对机动车辆保险的周期存在性进行定性与定量分析。

    Firstly , the thesis tests the existence of U / W cycle in Chinese motor insurance through the analysis of the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation and the test of two order autoregression .

  29. 主成分回归模型的相关系数为0.9780,偏最小二乘法模型相关系数为0.9986。

    The correlation coefficients of PCR and PLS are 0.9780 and 0.9986 , respectively .

  30. 应用偏相关分析法得出建设用地与这些因素的偏相关系数,进而根据偏相关系数判断各影响因素的重要程度。

    Second , use partial correlation analytical method to get the partial correlation coefficients of developed land and prominent influencing factors , and judge the importance degree of influencing factors according to partial correlation coefficients .