
wén huà chōnɡ tū
  • cultural conflict
  1. 论HIP-HOP运动中的文化冲突与控制

    Theory about Cultural Conflict and Cultural Control in HIP-HOP Sport

  2. 最后,通过对惠州台资企业CoolerMaster进行案例分析,其目的是令大陆台资企业了解人力资源管理中的文化冲突,为此提供了相应的对策。

    Thirdly , the case analysis is carried out for Cooler Master , one Taiwan-funded enterprise in Huizhou with a purpose of letting the Taiwan-funded enterprises in the Mainland know about the cultural conflict in human resources management and corresponding countermeasures are provided for this .

  3. 这种音乐可是从两种互不相容的文化冲突中逐渐形成的。

    It is a music which evolved through the clash of two antipathetic culture .

  4. 我了解到你写了一本新书,书名是《文化冲突:投资和投机》(TheClashoftheCultures:InvestmentversusSpeculation)。

    I understand you have written a new book called the clash of the cultures : investment versus speculation .

  5. 法律文化冲突是一个客观的普遍的社会现象。

    Legal culture conflict is a objective and popular social phenomenon .

  6. 通过这三个维度,本文探讨了文化冲突在绩效管理中的作用。

    There is certain linkage between performance management and cultural conflict .

  7. 理解当代文化冲突&由中国大众文化引出的话题

    Conflict of Contemporary Cultures & Topic Arising from Chinese Mass Culture

  8. 爱尔兰人在美国的文化冲突是不可避免的。

    A conflict between Irish culture and American culture is unavoidable .

  9. 反对文化冲突和恐怖战争:文化间对话的形式

    Against Cultural Clashes and Terror Wars : Forms of Intercultural Dialogue

  10. 从文化冲突的视角解读农民工犯罪问题

    An Analysis of the Peasant-worker Crime through the Cultural Conflict Theory

  11. 第三章论述了文化冲突的一般进程。

    Chapter III elaborates on the general course of cultural Conflict .

  12. 文化冲突中的屈原悲剧人格

    Qu Yuan 's Tragic Personality in the Conflict of Cultures

  13. 企业并购后的文化冲突与管理

    The Culture Conflicts and Management after Enterprise Merger and Acquisition

  14. 三峡库区外迁移民的社区文化冲突及对策

    On Emigrants from Three Gorges Area : Conflicts and Solutions

  15. 全球化进程中文化冲突的两重性

    The Duality of Cultural Conflicts in The Process of Globalization

  16. 中国近代文化冲突中对先进文化代表的历史选择

    The histroy selection of modern Chinese culture against advanced of culture representative

  17. 跨国经营中的文化冲突问题和跨文化管理策略

    The Culture Conflict in Transnational Operation and the Cross-culture Management

  18. 虚拟企业的跨文化冲突及管理研究

    Research on the Cross-cultural Conflict and Management of Virtual Enterprise

  19. 道德形象的文化冲突与理想重塑&兼论刘备等形象的电视剧改编

    The Cultural Conflict and the Ideal Re-portrayal of Moral Figures

  20. 萧红小说中的文化冲突与整合

    The Theory of Cultural Conflict and Consciousness of Novels by Xiao Hong

  21. 反洋教斗争:文化冲突乎?排斥进步文化乎?

    Anti-Foreign-Religion Movement : Conflict or Culture or Discrimination against Advanced Culture ?

  22. 全球化时代的法律文化冲突

    The Conflict of Lex Culture on the Epoch of the Seven Seas

  23. 中西文化冲突说;

    2 , The Chinese and Western cultural conflict ;

  24. 民族混合家庭内的文化冲突与协调

    On the Cultural Conflicts and Harmonization within Nationality-Mixed Families

  25. 基于跨文化冲突的组织管理及协调机制的构建

    The Structure of Organization Management and Coordination Mechanism Based on the Cross-cultural Conflict

  26. 论跨国公司投资中国体育赞助的文化冲突和整合

    Multinational Corporations Investing in Sport Sponsorship in China : Cultural Difference and Integration

  27. 当代中国社会发展,正处在文化冲突的焦点。

    Social development of contemporary China , the cultural conflict is in focus .

  28. 我也帮助她作好心理上的准备,避免文化冲突。

    I also helped prepare her mentally on how to handle Culture shock .

  29. 清代畲汉文化冲突述议

    Statement and Analysis on Culture Conflict of the She & Han in Qing Dynasty

  30. 美国华人移民家庭的代际关系与跨文化冲突

    Intergenerational Relations and Cultural Conflicts : The Immigrant Chinese Family in the United States