
wén kē
  • liberal arts;the humanities
文科 [wén kē]
  • [liberal arts;the humanities] 科举制时以经学考选文士之科,别于武举而言。教学上指历史、哲学、文学、语言、经济等学科

文科[wén kē]
  1. 芳邦大学是一所文科大学,位于圣路易斯市郊的居民区。

    Fontbonne is a liberal arts college , located in a residential suburb of St. Louis .

  2. 文科课程的报名人数有所下降,而以商业为主、针对高薪职业的高度专业化培训课程则越来越受欢迎。

    There has been a decline in enrollment in liberal arts courses in favor of highly specialized training for high-paying careers , mostly in business .

  3. 我拿文科硕士学位其实就是觉得好玩儿。

    I took my M. A. just for fun really

  4. 她后来上了大学,先后获得了文科学士与硕士学位。

    She then went on to university where she got a BA and then an MA .

  5. 总统故作精明地说道,自己所接受的文科教育并不能使自己有能力应付如此复杂的问题。

    The President , trying to be cute , said his liberal arts education had not really prepared him for such complicated issues as this

  6. 用比较法进行文科C语言程序设计教学

    Comparing Method on Teaching C Language Program Design for Liberal Arts

  7. 他拥有布朗大学(BrownUniversity)英语文学文科学士学位。

    He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Brown University .

  8. 大学文科专业VISUALFOXPRO程序设计教学探索

    The Teaching Exploration of Visual FoxPro Programming Design for the College Liberal Arts

  9. VB教学在高校文科专业的探索与实践

    Research and Practice of teaching VB in the colleges of arts professionals

  10. 高校文科专业开设VB课程的教学策略研究

    Teaching Strategic Research on Providing VB Course for UNIVERSITY Liberal Arts Students

  11. 除文科外,医、理、工科学生均为阅读组得分高于对照组(P<0.0001)。

    Except the art department , the scores of the students from medicine , science , and engineering departments in the reading groups were all higher than those in the comparison groups ( P0.0001 ) .

  12. 某种意义上讲,提升文科教育的权重表明,传统的mba课程已经落后于时代的要求。

    In some respects , the increased emphasis on liberal arts is an acknowledgment that the traditional MBA curriculum has fallen short .

  13. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)终于迈出了进军数字教育领域的第一步。这所著名的商学院上周五宣布,准备面向文科专业本科生和应届毕业生推出一个收费1500美元、包含3门基础商业课程的在线项目。

    Harvard Business School on Friday made its first move into the digital educational realm with a $ 1500 online program of three fundamental business courses for undergraduates and recent graduates of liberal arts programs .

  14. ‘文科’这个词暗含某种高于功利心的意味。但文科教育是十分有用的(乔治F.威尔)

    The term ' liberal arts ' connotes a certain elevation above utilitarian concerns . Yet liberal education is intensely useful ( George F. Will )

  15. 在Bronx区的理科中学读书。她在攻读文科学位。

    At the Bronx High School of Science . She is reading for an arts degree .

  16. 因此,美国商学院的MiM往往是为其所属大学的文科本科生设计的。

    As such , masters in management ( MiM ) in the US were frequently designed for liberal arts graduates from the parent university .

  17. 清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)电机工程与应用电子技术系博士生郑一鸣说,我认为抱怨高等教育无用的人主要是非重点大学的学生,而且主要是文科专业的学生。

    ' I think people complaining about the uselessness of higher education are mostly coming from non-first-tier university students , especially liberal-arts majors , ' said Zheng Yiming , a doctoral candidate majoring in electrical engineering at Tsinghua University .

  18. SEB检测到大学生对文科专业有明显的内隐刻板印象,对理科专业没有明显的内隐刻板印象。

    SEB detect that college students have obvious implicit stereotypes to liberal arts , and donot have obvious implicit stereotypes to science students .

  19. 今年我们在WPI举行了一次编码dojo(dojo:是日本为文科学生提供的一个正式的训练大厅)。

    We have begun a coding dojo ( dojo : a formal training hall in Japan for students of the martial arts ) at WPI this year .

  20. 在IRI-C共情性关心量表得分上,文科教师得分显著高于理科和文体类教师。

    On the subscale of IRI-C empathic concern , arts teachers scored significantly higher than science teachers and cultural and sports teachers .

  21. 关于高校文科教学模式改革的若干思考

    Reflection on the Teaching Model Reform of Liberal Arts in Universities

  22. 高师文科课程考核改革初探

    On the Exam Reform of Liberal Arts Courses in Teachers College

  23. 福州大学文科楼结构设计随笔

    The Structure Designing Essay for Liberal Arts Building of Fuzhou University

  24. 谈E-时代文科研究生的计算机教育

    On Computer Education for Graduates of Humane Science in the E-Time

  25. 生命科学在大专文科教学中的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Life Sciences in College Liberal Teaching

  26. 关于文科学报的学术规范问题

    Problems Concerning the Academic Standards for University Journals of Social Sciences

  27. 高校文科数学教育的发展与思考

    Thinking on the Development of Higher Mathematical Education in Liberal art

  28. 文科专业开设数学思想与方法课的探索与实践

    Research & Practice of Teaching Mathematical Ideas in the Literature Specialities

  29. 高校文科实验室建设的实践与对策思考

    Practice and Countermeasures on Laboratory Construction of College Liberal Arts Course

  30. 文科院系112人,理科院系82人;

    112 majored in liberal arts and 82 majored in science ;