
  • 网络culturalism;culture
  1. 从CUBA看大学校园文化论大学校园的健美操运动

    Comments on College Campus Culture from CUBA

  2. 周作人的日本文化论

    Zhou Zuo-ren 's Study of the Japanese Culture Impression on Japan

  3. 彝族服饰文化论略

    A brief discussion of the dress culture of the Yi people

  4. 日本文化论再认识

    CULTURE Understanding the New Trend in Cultural Heritage of Japan

  5. 西方心理学中多元文化论运动的意义与问题

    Significance and Problems of Multicultural Movement in Western Psychology

  6. 海派电影文化论

    On the Culture of the Shanghai - styled Film

  7. 翻译间性文化论

    Inter-ness as the Cultural Ideal of Translation CULTURE

  8. 文明与文化论略

    A Brief Discussion of Civilization and Culture

  9. 中国蚕业文化论

    The Generality of Chinese Culture of Sericulture

  10. 海盐文化论苦卤中重水含量测定


  11. 生殖崇拜的功能主义文化论和未来发展

    Cultural Functionalism and Worship of Human Reproduction

  12. 体育运动文化论

    On the Culture of the Sports Games

  13. 多元文化论强调文化的多样性。

    Multiculturalism emphasizes the diversity of culture .

  14. 生态文化论

    The Scientific Theory of Ecological Culture

  15. 图书馆组织文化论

    Discussion on Organize Culture of Library

  16. 编辑文化论略

    A Brief View of Editing Culture

  17. 云南山茶文化论

    On the camellia culture of Yunnan

  18. 琵琶文化论

    On the Culture of Pipa

  19. 青春审美文化论&电子时代的青春消费

    On the Aesthetic Culture of the Youth : Consumption of " Youth " in the Electrical Age

  20. 封建家长制及族权浅析东乡族宗法文化论

    Analysis on the Feudal Patriarch System and Clan Authority On The Patriarchal Culture of the Dongxiang People

  21. 断层文化论

    On the Fault Culture

  22. 台湾选举文化论略

    On Taiwan Election Culture

  23. 西方心理学的多元文化论取向

    Multiculturalism in Western Psychology

  24. 因此,本文选择研究诺尔的科学文化论思想演变,重点探讨诺尔的认知文化研究。

    This article deals with Knorr 's conversion of science cultures thoughts and puts emphasis on her studies of epistemic cultures .

  25. 后现代心理学的理论基础是社会建构论,多元文化论、现代女性心理学都是后现代心理学的重要形式。

    The basic theory of late modern psychology is social construction while its important forms are multiculturalism and female modern psychology .

  26. 随着科学观从知识论向文化论的转变,教育观也面临着重大转变。

    With the transition of the scientific outlook from intellectual theory to cultural theory , educational outlook is also facing significant transition .

  27. 文学文本批评的逻辑定性,基原子批评与欣赏展开的文化论域。

    To decide the logical quality of a literature text is based on the cultural debate field that criticism and appreciation are held .

  28. 关于环境问题发生的原因有三种理论:技术论、制度论和文化论。

    The theories about the causes of environmental problems include three kinds : the technology theory , the institution theory , the culture theory .

  29. 另外,以新工艺文化论为理论依据,在历史背景下分析当前这种创作倾向的合理性与必然性。

    Moreover , based on The New Craft Culture Theory , the article analyzes this kind of tendencys rationality and inevitability under the historical perspective .

  30. 本文探讨了英语词汇中的性别歧视现象,并在权势论和双文化论的方法基础上对该现象做了社会语言学分析。

    From the aspects of social pragmatics , this article analyses the existed semantic bias and prejudice in sex , race , class , area , profession , etc.