
  • 网络northern england;North England
  1. 除非在这个月底找到买主接管本田车队,否则它将终止在北英格兰的赛事,结果将使700多人失业。

    Unless a buyer for the Honda team is found by the end of this month , its racing operations in northern England will cease with the loss of over 700 jobs .

  2. 我相信北英格兰有些特殊的景观

    The North of England , I believe , boasts some spectacular scenery .

  3. 凭一己之力挽救了3家将要倒闭的医院,并经营了北英格兰最好最安全的儿童之家

    Personally managed to save three hospitals from closure and ran the best and safest children 's homes in north England .

  4. 北半球的英格兰和爱尔兰群岛以及南半球的北岛和南岛就是这样的一种巧合。

    The islands of England and Ireland in the Northern Hemisphere and the islands of North Island and South Island in the Southern Hemisphere are just such a coincidence .

  5. 因此只有北爱尔兰同英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰联合起来,而组成了联合王国,这一点从新的联合王国国旗上可以看得出来。

    So only Northern Ireland joined with England , Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack .

  6. 自编自导了几部小短片,并受邀参加法国、德国、西班牙、北爱尔兰、英格兰、苏格兰、罗马尼亚、美国和印度等国举办的国际电影节。

    She has written and directed several short films , which have been invited to international festivals in France , Germany , Spain , Italy , Northern Ireland , England , Scotland , Romania , USA and India .