
  • 网络Beixin;Shinchi
  1. EaglesNest,BayofIslands,NewZealand新西兰岛屿湾五个远离喧嚣的别墅,隐藏在北新西兰岛屿湾的半岛中,混合了海景和最简约的当代家具、抽象艺术和迷人的配件、包括平板电视和家庭影院系统。

    Five secluded villas , hidden away on a peninsula in northern New Zealand 's Bay of Islands , blend ocean vistas with minimal contemporary furniture , abstract art and glam gadgets , including flatscreen TVs and home cinema systems .

  2. 期刊的中间姿态与新文学的建构&以《北新》为例

    Periodicals with Middle Stance and Construction of Modern Literature

  3. 《北新》是其中颇有代表性的一个。

    Beixin is the representative of middle periodicals .

  4. 大华北新构造运动和地震活动成片迁移的成因探讨

    The cause of new tectonic movement and migration of earthquakes in groups in and around North China

  5. 从陀螺仪寻北的原理出发,在智能寻北系统中引入了一种快速寻北新方法&加速度判定法。

    A quick coarse north-seeking method named curve fitting is brought into the intelligent gyro theodolite system in this paper .

  6. 沈阳北新客站主楼用大型悬挑桁架支模的尝试

    Attempt to using great impending truss formwork in the construction for the main building of Shenyang northern new railway station

  7. 桂西北新建柑橘园土壤水分变化及其水分管理

    Change of Moisture and Management on Water in Soil from Newly Established Citrus Orchards in the Northwest of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  8. 新泽西也大致可分为三个地理区域:北新泽西州,新泽西州中部,南部和新泽西州。

    New Jersey also can be broadly divided into three geographic regions : North Jersey , Central Jersey , and South Jersey .

  9. 第二天七点多钟,我们从下榻的辽宁大厦赶往沈北新区的辽宁大学浦河校区。

    Early the next day , we hurried to Puhe campus of Liaoning University , Northern Shenyang New Zone from the hotel where we stayed .

  10. 甘多菲尼扮演的托尼肩膀宽厚,眼神孤独。他的讽刺挖苦中带着典型的北新泽西式的牢骚,就好像是一个身份特殊而富有魅力的普通人。

    Gandolfini 's Tony -- broad shouldered , eyes forlorn , his sarcasm tinted with that distinctly North Jersey whine -- became an unlikely but captivating everyman .

  11. 采用中国湖北新、旧制土壤基层单元的划分标准和日本的土壤基层单元的设定标准进行了高场示范区土壤类型的区分。

    The soils of Gaochang model district were identified using new and old distinction standards of soil basic unit of Hubei , China and established standards of Japan .

  12. 在沈北新区的一个展示区内,许多动漫粉丝拿着手机在空中挥舞,以此来操控着电视机里面的网球比赛。

    Shen Beixin in a display area , many anime fans waving in the air holding a cell phone as a way to control a TV inside of tennis .

  13. 新城市主义思路下的住区规划设计&以江门市北新城区居住小区规划为例

    Planning and Design of Residential District under " New Urbanism " & Take the Planning of the Residential District of the North New City Zone of Jiangmen City for Example

  14. 作为金属贸易行业的企业之一&北新集团物流中心,既面临发展的大好机遇,同时在激烈的市场竞争中又面临着巨大的压力和威胁。

    The logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group is one of the enterprises in metal trades industry . It is facing good opportunities of developing and tremendous pressure and threats .

  15. 有的说,他曾经被巡捕带往北新书局去,问是否是柔石,手上上了铐,可见案情是重的。

    Others said he had been taken to Bei Xin Bookshop and asked whether he were actually Rou Shi or not . And he had been handcuffed & a sign that his case was grave .

  16. 2010年是沈阳沈北新区开发建设的第五年,经过五年的发展,沈北新区的建设已经初具规模,也取得了一些成绩。

    The year 2010 is the fifth year since the New Zone in north of Shenyang opened up . During five years , the New Zone in the north of Shenyang has already obtained some achievements .

  17. 为了北新集团物流中心能够充分地抓住机遇、回避威胁、发挥优势、克服劣势,能够在激烈的市场竞争中得以生存和发展。

    In order to make the logistics center of Beijing New Building Material Group can catch the opportunities , avoid threats , exert the enterprise advantage , overcome disadvantage , and can exist and develop in keen competition of the market .

  18. 首先分析城市新区的模式和发展经验,继而分别研究国外和国内城市新区的发展历程,从中总结出对沈北新区的发展具有借鉴意义的启示。

    It analyses the development experience and models of urban Economic Development Zone . Then , it researches the process of the development of urban New Zones in China and other countries separately , in order to conclude some meaningful enlightenment .

  19. 本文结合近年来上海市人口老龄化的相关数据和在长宁区北新泾社区进行的焦点组访谈结果,剖析了人口老龄化和疾病谱转变对医疗卫生体系产生的影响。

    Combining the date related to the population aging situation in Shanghai and the key group interview results , in this paper we analyzed the impact on the medical system exerted by the trend of population aging and the change of disease pattern .

  20. 度过了20年的监狱生涯后,拉曼纳于2004年回到了北新泽西“再战江湖”。双方沉积已久的恩怨和仇恨立刻被再度点燃。拉曼纳无视托尼的权威,还迅速在底层小弟中获得了号召力。

    After a 20-year prison stint , Feech returns to North Jersey in 2004 to " get back in the game . " Long-dormant tension and resentment quickly boil over as Feech ignores Tony 's authority and grows increasingly popular with the lower ranks .

  21. 第一章,在引言里介绍了皖北地区的地理环境特征,搜集了与皖北新石器文化有关的文献材料,对本地区考古工作概况进行总结,介绍了学者们的考古发现和研究成果。

    Chapter I , in the introduction , describes the geographical features of North Anhui Province , collected materials associated with Neolithic cultures in Northern Anhui , summary of the survey of archaeological work in this region , introduced the archaeological discovery and research of scholars .