
  1. 沙湖位于宁夏平罗县,国家首批AAAAA景区,距银川市区56公里。

    Shahu , the first national AAAAA scenic spot , 56 kilometers from Yinchuan urban areas .

  2. 土壤有机碳储量与固碳速率:从1980年到2011年,平罗县农田土壤有机碳含量与有机碳密度(SOCD)均显著增加。

    Soil organic carbon storage and sequestration rate : From1980to2011 , soil organic carbon and organic carbon density in Pingluo ( SOCD ) were significantly increased .

  3. 平罗纹印花开胸长袖婴儿睡袍一件黑色丝绸女式长睡袍

    Infant 's printed stretch long-sleeve robe a black silk negligee

  4. 论产粮大县平罗的盐碱地改良与排水

    On improving saline-alkali land and drainage in pingluo , yhe grain-producing County of Ningxia

  5. 平罗纹大身圆型针织机

    Plain rib body machine circular open-width sweater-strip machine

  6. 平罗纹特白开襟童衫开往北京的12次特快

    Infant 's white shirts with front opening the No. 12 special express to Beijing

  7. 包罗万象的长篇小说平罗纹印花长袖衬衫

    A panoramic novel printed stretch long-sleeve shirt

  8. 紫茎泽兰在罗甸县的分布及危害调查平罗县陶乐镇中小学学生常见病分析

    Analysis of common diseases among pupils and middle school students in Taole town of Pingluo County

  9. 平罗纹印花双襟婴儿衫

    Infant 's printed stretch shirt

  10. 平罗纹印花宝宝套装

    Printed stretch suit for baby

  11. 平罗纹印花婴儿睡袍

    Printed stretch robe for infant

  12. 平罗纹印花长袖衬衫

    Printed stretch long-sleeve shirt

  13. 1739年平罗8.0级地震的发震构造及其孕育特征

    Characteristics of the earthquake-generating structures for magnitude 8.0 Pingluo earthquake of 1739 and the process of its preparation

  14. 为保证平罗县供电公司智能电网建设项目的顺利实施,按期完成各项工作目标。

    To ensure the smooth implementation of the smart grid power company Pingluo construction projects , and fulfill the objectives .

  15. 平罗县农村专业技术协会发展现状、存在的问题及促进发展的几点建议

    The Current Situation , Existing Problems and suggestions of the Rural Special Technology Association in PingLuo County , Ningxia Autonomous Region

  16. 本文运用定性与定量的研究方法,对国网平罗县供电公司智能电网建设项目质量控制体系进行了全面研究。

    This paper uses qualitative and quantitative research methods , the national network of smart grid construction supply company Pingluo project quality control system for a comprehensive study .

  17. 文章对平罗供电公司智能电网建设项目质量控制的有效实施奠定了基础,为平罗供电公司智能电网建设项目的质量控制提供借鉴思路。

    Articles on the effective implementation of smart grid power company Ping Luo quality control of construction projects laid the foundation for quality control Ping Luo supply company providing smart grid construction projects draw ideas .

  18. 文章首先梳理了项目质量控制相关理论,在此基础上,介绍了平罗供电公司智能电网建设项目的概括,探索公司智能电网建设项目质量控制的主要影响因素及面临的问题。

    The article first reviews the project quality control theory , on this basis , introduces the generalization Ping Luo power company smart grid construction projects , the main factors to explore the issue of smart grid construction company project quality control and face .

  19. 西夏建国后,景宗李元昊更加重视农业生产的发展,大力兴修水利工程,并亲自主持修筑了从今青铜峡至平罗的灌渠,世称“昊王渠”或“李王渠”。

    Emperor Jingzong ( Li Yuanhao ) placed even higher emphasis on agricultural development . He not only had large-scale irrigation works built , but also personally took charge of the building of a canal from the Qingtong Gorge to Pingluo , called MKing Hao Canar , or " King Li Canal . "