
dì zhèn zhèn jí
  • magnitude
地震震级 [dì zhèn zhèn jí]
  • [earrhquake magnitude] 表示地震震源释放能量的大小等级

  1. 晋西南某些历史地震震级确定的依据和商榷意见

    Basis and Negotiation Opinion of Magnitude Determination of Some Historical Earthquakes in the Southwest Region of Shanxi

  2. 地震震级误差对b值的影响

    The effect of the magnitude uncertainty on the b value

  3. 地震震级为里氏3级。

    The earthquake registered 3 on the Richter scale .

  4. 地震震级通常因地震目录的不同而不同,由此所计算的b值也不尽一致。

    Since the magnitude is usually not the same from one catalog to another for the same earthquake , the calculated b value will change with different catalogs .

  5. 进一步考虑不同危险区预报震级与实际发生地震震级间的差异,文中还分震级档计算了相应的R值评分。

    And then the predicted earthquake magnitude in seismic risk areas and the happened magnitude have also been taken into account , R-value of different magnitude levels have been calculated .

  6. 依据最大熵原理求解出地震震级和地震间隔时间的最可几分布为威布尔(Weibull)分布。

    According to the theory of greatest entropy , it is found that the most probable distribution of magnitude and interval time of earthquake are Weibull distribution .

  7. 地震震级&频度G-R关系的偏离度

    Deviation between magnitude - frequency statistics and G-R relationship

  8. 美国地质调查局(USGeologicalSurvey)表示,这次地震震级为里氏7.4级,震中位于南崎巴札(NamcheBazar)镇以西68公里处,靠近珠穆朗玛峰(MountEverest)。

    The US . Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of 7.4 and struck 68 km west of the town of Namche Bazar , close to Mount Everest .

  9. 结论BAYES统计推断法和专家-测量资料法评估方法正确性较好;如果没有测定资料,可采用专家-参考文献评估法,但主观性较强。山西地震震级概率分布的Ω法统计推断

    Conclusion BAYES statistics and expert-measurement were precise and expert-reference was candidate if no measurements in spite of its subjectivity . Statistical Inference of the Magnitude Probability Distribution of Shanxi by Making Use of Ω Method

  10. 应用P波初动半周期和地震震级资料测定环境应力值的方法,利用广西台网30多年地震观测记录资料,测算了广西及其邻区大量中、小地震震源处的相对剪切应力强度值。

    Based on the earthquake record data of Guangxi seismic network in more than 30 years , the ambient shear stress values around many middle and small earthquake sources in Guangxi and adjacent rigions are determined by using the method of half period in P wave first impulse and magnitude .

  11. 美国地质调查(USGS)缩小对地震震级的报道已经超过10年了,并且从其数据库中删除了一些地震数据。这样数据库里的统计数据看起来就一切如常了。

    The USGS has been under-reporting earthquakes for over a decade , and dropping them from the database , all so that statistics run up from these databases look normal .

  12. 地震震级频度的古登堡-里克特关系式(简称G-R关系式)一直是许多地震学问题研究的重要前提之一,然而实际分布常常与这一关系式有一定的偏离。

    The G-R relation between the earthquake magnitude and frequency has been an important premise in seismological study , but its actual distribution often deviates from its theoretic result .

  13. 该区观测报告给出的大多数地震震级偏差不大于0.3,但也有少数震级偏差达0.4,其分布与介质品质因子Q0值分布相关,说明震级测定可能受地壳介质衰减横向变化的影响。

    Most of the magnitude biases are less than 0.3 , only a few as large as 0.4 , and the distribution has relation with the Q_0 values distribution , which means that the crustal attenuation has influence on the magnitude measurement .

  14. 年最大地震震级分布置信限曲线和置信度研究

    Distribution of annul largest magnitudes of earthquakes and confidence limit research

  15. 乌鲁木齐西山断层活动性鉴定与潜在最大地震震级评估

    Appraisal of activity and potential max-magnitude of Xishan fault in Urumqi

  16. 水库规模与水库地震震级的关系

    Correlation between " scale " of reservoir and induced magnitude

  17. 核安全导则中的地震震级划分意义

    Implications of earthquake magnitude division in nuclear safety guide rule

  18. 中国大陆地震震级和地震活动断层长度的关系讨论

    The relationship between earthquake magnitude and length of active fault in China

  19. 地震震级和地震间隔时间的统计分布研究

    A study on statistical distribution of magnitude and interval time of earthquake

  20. 科学家记录此次地震震级为8.9级。

    Scientists recorded the magnitude of the earthquake at8.9 .

  21. 湖北地区历史有感地震震级测定方法的探讨

    The discussion of magnitude determination method about historical felt earthquakes in Hubei region

  22. 大地震震级测定及速报

    Determination of magnitude of strong earthquakes for quick report

  23. 这次地震震级为里氏5.1级,共造成9人死亡。

    The quake measured 5.1 on the Richter scale and killed nine people .

  24. 辽宁省及邻近地区较大地震震级的测定方法

    Method of determining magnitude of larger shocks in Liaoning Province and neighboring region

  25. 地震震级测定为6.6级。

    The quake 's magnitude was measured at 6.6 .

  26. 水库地震震级预测的回归模型

    Regression model in magnitude estimation of reservoir earthquake

  27. 未来地震震级概率预测方法探讨

    A discussion on Probability Forecast of earthquake magnitude

  28. 用烈度衰减的椭圆模型标度华北地区历史地震震级

    Estimating magnitude of historical earthquake in North China using the ellipse model for intensity attenuation

  29. 历史地震震级研究

    A study on magnitudes of historical earthquakes

  30. 对未来陕西省可能发生的最大地震震级的探讨

    Discussion on the Maximum Magnitude of Earthquake possibly Occurred in Shanxi Province in the Future