
  • 网络earthquake emergency response
  1. 地震应急响应系统中的数据分发

    Data distribution in earthquake emergency response system

  2. 介绍国家防震减灾指挥中心地震应急响应系统建设中数据分发的技术思路和实现方法。

    The paper introduces the method of realization and technique for data distributing in construction of the earthquake emergency response system , which is part of information system for National Center of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation .

  3. 地震应急响应技术系统联动集成。硬件平台、基础数据库、软件开发与灾害模型研究4个方面进行集成。

    The earthquake disaster emergency response system is concerted and integrated by the hardware platform , the foundational database , the software development , and the study of the disaster model ;

  4. 对于这些分属不同九五重点项目的内容,采取统一规划和设计,集中建设和实施,以保证系统能协同一致地完成地震应急响应和减灾的相关工作。

    For these jobs from different major projects , by planing and designing with centralized principle and constructing by integrated method make the system complete the related work of earthquake emergency and disaster mitigation in cooperative way .

  5. 国家地震应急快速响应信息系统建设&以首都圈地区为基础

    National earthquake disaster emergency rapid response system : being aimed at capital circle area

  6. 介绍了地震应急快速响应信息系统的总体构架及系统主要功能的实现。

    The framework and major function of earthquake emergency response information system are introduced in this paper .

  7. 随着信息时代的来临和全球危机应对(包括灾害应对)理念的提升,各国政府在破坏性地震发生后的应急响应能力正越来越引发公众的关注。

    With the arrival of information age and ascension of global crisis concept , governments of earthquake emergency response ability are increasingly concerned by people .

  8. 研究了震源与近源地下结构对地表地面运动的影响,探讨了这种烈度分布特征对区域地震区划、抗震设防、震害预测以及地震应急响应等方面的影响。

    In this paper , the influence on the ground motion generated by earthquake source and the underground structures near source also are studied . The influence on seismic zonation , anti-earthquake design , earthquake prediction and earthquake emergency responding produced by the abnormal density distribution are discussed .

  9. 而当地震发生后,地震规模、程度、空间分布、次生灾害,以及灾情发展趋势等灾情信息的快速获取是整个地震应急响应的核心,同时也是救援决策的关键。

    While the earthquake occurs , the earthquake scale , level , spatial distribution , secondary disasters and disaster trend , which became the core of the earthquake emergency response and the key technology of decision support system in rescue work .