
běi miàn
  • to the north of;The North Face;TNF;northern side
  • face north
北面 [běi miàn]
  • [face north] 古代君主面朝南坐,臣子朝见君主则面朝北,所以对人称臣称为北面

  • 北面而事之。--《资治通鉴》

  1. 东块剩余油主要集中在Es中3亚段4砂组、127井北面及其东北和西南方向约200~300m内,其他层系的剩余油饱和度都比较低且十分分散。

    The residual oil distribution is principally concentrated on Sand Group 4 in the middle position of Es 3 , to the north of Well 12-7 and within 200 ~ 300m in the north-west and south-west . The residual oil saturation of the other strata is low and highly dispersive .

  2. 那座公园在山的北面。

    The park lies to the north of the hill .

  3. 北面有山。

    There are mountains to the north .

  4. 外面凉飕飕的微风从北面吹来。

    Outside the breeze was fresh and from the north .

  5. 法辛巷刚好在大街的北面,与大街平行。

    Farthing Lane 's just above the High Street and parallel with it

  6. 福建北面与浙江交界。

    Fujian is bounded on the north by Zhejiang .

  7. 江苏北面与山东交界。

    Jiangsu is bounded on the north by shandong .

  8. 户外服饰公司北面(NorthFace)的广告则主打非洲之旅中的动物图片,以吸引规模日渐壮大的中国游客消费群。

    Ads for North Face , the outdoor wear company , featured images of animals from an African safari , in an effort to appeal to the growing legions of Chinese travelers .

  9. 他刚结婚和妻子、子和丈母娘住在恩顿北面,房子在城边离m1高速公路入口几步远的地方。

    He had recently married and he lives with his wife , child , and mother-in-law just steps from the M1 motorway entrance in hendon , on the northern edge of the city .

  10. 测流结果还表明:南海东北部W向流的南侧可能存在着一个涡状结构,而其北面向岸一侧,则有偏E方向的流动。

    It is shown from current measurements that there is an eddy-like structure to the south of the westward current in the northeast of the South China Sea , and an eastward flow in the further onshore area to the north of the westward current .

  11. 目前,隆戈的小组仅仅研究了位于北面天空的星系,由于SDSS项目位于新墨西哥。

    To date , Longo 's group studied only the galaxies located in the northern hemisphere of the sky as the telescope project SDSS is located in New Mexico .

  12. 乌玛贡把我们带到了北面这里的变异人总部。你会装成是GDI军队进攻。变异人会怪罪GDI,而我们会赢得支持。

    Umagon has led us to the mutant headquarters here in the north . You 'll attack posing as GDI force , the mutants will blame GDI , and will gain us support .

  13. 芬兰地势平坦,很少有山,其最高点,高1328米,在拉普兰(Lapland)的最北面。

    The Finnish landscape is mostly flat with few hills and its highest point , the Haltitunturi at1,328 m , is found in the extreme north of Lapland .

  14. 纳希契凡(Nakhichevan)自治共和国(位于阿塞拜疆国家外的领土)在北面和东面和亚美尼亚接壤,伊朗位于它的南面和西面,土耳其则在它的西北面。

    The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic ( an exclave of Azerbaijan ) borders Armenia to the north and east , Iran to the south and west , and Turkey to the northwest .

  15. 我来到有一块大石头的地方,那儿大路岔开,左手一边通到荒野,有一根粗糙的沙柱,北面刻着W.H.,东面是G.,西南面是T.G.①。

    I came to a stone where the highway branches off on to the moor at your left hand ; a rough sand pillar , with the letters W.H.cut on its north side , on the east , G. , and on the south-west , T.G.

  16. 东沙岛西面和北面,相速度在1-1.5m/s左右,振幅在5-20m左右。

    In the western and northern part of Dongsha Island , the phase speed is in 1 ~ 1.5 m / s around , the amplitude is in 5 ~ 20 m around ;

  17. 他们不会向北面这么远地寻找我们的?

    They won 't be looking for us this far north ?

  18. 不过船去了北面而不是南面。

    It was just that it went north instead of south .

  19. 我要调用主要兵力从北面开始进攻。

    I 'll attack from the north with the main army .

  20. 在北面15尺处有2个房间。

    There are two rooms to the north , 15 feet .

  21. 而美国第二装甲师却突然从北面打来。

    The U.S. 2nd Armored Division suddenly struck from the north .

  22. 亮光离开了,去了北面。

    The light 's passed on , away towards the north .

  23. 他们从山的北面爬上来。

    They climbed up via the north face of the mountain .

  24. 美国北面与加拿大交界。

    The U. S. is bounded on the north by Canada .

  25. 加拿大北面&育康和西北特区。

    Canada 's Northen region , Yukon and the Northwest territories .

  26. 赛利斯在森林的北面击败了我们。

    The zeriths had defeated us north of the nordessa forest .

  27. 从北面攀登这座山更方便。

    The mountain may be conveniently climbed from the northern side .

  28. 利弗西医生,烦劳你守住北面。

    Dr Livesey take the north side , if you please ;

  29. 现在,信风是吹向北面的。

    Now , the trade winds are blowing north right now .

  30. 我们在森林的北面找到的。

    We found this one up north of the nordessa forest .