
  • 网络northern han
  1. 北汉局促河东的原因及其割据的条件

    Causes of the Confinement of North Han to Hedong ( Present Shaanxi Province ) and Conditions for Its Independence

  2. 除北汉在北方外,其余各国在中国南部。

    With the Nortern Han in the North and the other states were all in the Southern part of China .

  3. 954年郭威去世后不久,北汉的刘崇拥有对于今天的山西省地区的管辖权,

    In 954 , shortly after Guo Wei died , Liu Chong of the Northern Han , who had jurisdiction over present-day Shanxi Province ,

  4. 周太祖死后,北汉刘崇勾结契丹一同出兵进攻后周。

    Shortly after Guo Wei died , Liu Chong of the Northern Han , who formed an alliance with the Khitan to attack to the Late Zhou .

  5. 柴荣个人领导着后周的军队与刘崇交战与高平(今山西高平县),在那里他使北汉的军队遭受重创。

    Chai Rong took personal command of the Later Zhou 's army and engaged Liu Chong at Gaoping ( modern Gaoping County , Shanxi ) where he exacted a heavy toll of the Northern Han army .

  6. 十国指吴国、南唐、前蜀、后蜀、吴越、楚、闽、南汉、后梁和北汉。

    The Ten States are Wu , the Southern Tang , the Former Shu , the Later Shu , Wuyue , Chu , Min , the Southern Han , the Later Liang and the Northern Han .

  7. 北汉:北汉为后汉高祖之弟刘崇所建,是建国最晚的一个,成立后唐末期、后晋和后周之间。

    The State of Northern Han : The State of Northern Han by Liu Chong appeared somewhat later than the others , it was established towards the end of the Later Tang , during the period of the Later Jin , and the Later Zhou .

  8. 五代是中原上的五个王朝,先后与之并存的十国除北汉外都在秦岭——淮河以南,其它与之并存的还有辽和西夏。

    Five dynasties were the five kingdoms established on the Central Plain and the ten states were all in the south of the Qinling Rang and Huihe River except the Northern Han . Meanwhile , there were other parallel administrations established by minorities tribes like Liao and the West Xia .

  9. 丹江口水库&南水北调引汉工程的理想水源

    Danjiangkou reservoir the ideal source of South to North Water Transferring from Hanjiang river

  10. 在这一时期,吴在东南部的发展还是卓有成效的,到280年,吴的领地已从长江以南扩大到越南以北,是汉末时期的两倍。

    During this period , the expansion of authority in the southeast was remarkable . By 280 , within the territory of Wu , from the south of the Yangtze River to the north of Vietnam , the number of counties had doubled since the time of the Later Han .

  11. 武汉农机展得到了国家农业部、北省政府、汉市政府等单位主要领导的关怀和支持。

    Wuhan farm machinery exhibition has obtained concern and support from many main leaders of some enterprises , such as National ministry of agriculture , Hubei province government , Wuhan municipal government and so on .