
  • 网络rural China;from the soil;Earthbound China
  1. 新乡土建筑乡土中国的再发现

    Rediscovery about Earthbound China

  2. 乡土中国人类学研究

    On Anthropological Research of Rural China THE NATIVE SOIL AND VILLAGERS

  3. 赛珍珠小说对乡土中国的发现

    Chinese Culture and Peasantry in Pearl S. Buck ′ s Novels

  4. 基督教与乡土中国&试论《金翼》中的基督教因素

    Christianity and Rural China : Another Side of Golden Wings

  5. 乡土中国社会差序格局新趋势

    New Trend of " Diversity-orderly Structure " of Chinese Native Soil Society

  6. 乡土中国的终结与法治中国的建立

    Ending of The Rural Country and Founding of China Ruled by Law

  7. 上海:乡土中国的他者&王安忆部分小说中的上海镜像分析

    An Analysis of the Image of Shanghai in Some Novels by Wang An-yi

  8. 乡土中国是地方主义产生的文化原因;

    Native China is the cultural cause of localism ;

  9. 海外人类学的乡土中国研究

    Rural China Studies in Overseas Anthropology

  10. 《乡土中国》的现代意义

    Modern Significance of Native China

  11. 本文试图通过对现代小城镇小说文本创作的分析,展示小城镇角色功能的特殊性和小城镇文学承载的人生内容的丰富性,以及近现代乡土中国在现代文明冲击下的特殊状态与特殊风貌。

    The literary world of Chinese modern small cities and towns was unique scenery of modern novel .

  12. 本文着力探究在现代性的冲击下,传统乡土中国家族观念的变迁。

    This paper focused on exploring the changes of traditional Native Family sense by the impact of modernity .

  13. 乡土中国童玩:空竹篇

    Traditional Chinese Toys-The Diabolo

  14. 不论哪一个社会,绝不会没有传统(费孝遥乡土中国)。

    Th-ere is not such a society that has no tradition ( Local China by Fei Xiaotong ) .

  15. 20世纪的文学总主题,是以现代都市与乡土中国这样一个文学形象组合为核心的母题&主题结构;

    The general literary theme of 20th century is centered by the motif-theme structure of modern city and rural China .

  16. “认真对待法律的空间性”是《乡土中国的司法图景》的作者提出的一个命题。

    The author of " the judicial view of local China " think that we should treat the legal extensity seriously .

  17. 通过对个案的实证研究,得出乡村旅游对乡土中国在转型期遇到的困境得到很好的缓解。

    Through case studies , proving the rural tourism on the local Chinese the difficulties encountered in the transition relief well .

  18. 越来越多的人离开乡村去城市发展,于是乡村地区留守的是能力弱小和以女性为基础的政治权力的乡土中国。

    With more people leaving to urban cities leaves lesser capable women and a base of female political power in the rural areas .

  19. 村庄作为乡土中国的基本单位,其发展变迁始终是中国社会历史进程的重要呈现。

    The village , as the basic unit in Chinese society structure , whose development always plays a pivotal role in progress of historic footnote .

  20. 对乡土中国的困境与残缺生活展开极端描写的背后,呈现的是作家面对这个时代内心的荒凉。

    The reason why the writers depict the extreme plight and tragic life of the country is because they feel disappointed in this era in their hearts .

  21. 《乡土中国》是前现代中国的国情咨询报告,历经37年的风雨,仍以强烈的现实性再次引起人们的思索。

    Native China , with a 37 year - old history , can be called consultation report about China that has people think deeply of reality again .

  22. 本文从乡土中国文化、中国传统法律文化与中国传统税收文化三个方面分别剖析了中国传统文化对当今纳税人意识的影响。

    Traditional Chinese culture on the whole provides an unfavourable condition for the cultivation of taxpayer consciousness , and even less of the consciousness of taxpayer fights .

  23. 法治的生成自有其内在的历史逻辑与现实根基,乡土中国构成了中国法治建构的当然前提。

    The generation of rule of law has its historical logic and real basis , and Local China becomes the certain premise of construction of Chinese rule of law .

  24. 以计划经济为背景建立和完善起来的中国户籍制度构筑了城市中国与乡土中国的分立壁垒。

    China 's household registration system , based on old-time planned economy , divides Chinese society into two parts , that is , the urban society and the rural society .

  25. 在1980年后的中国,伴随着乡土中国迅疾的现代性旅程,“水”与前现代中国激荡出惊心动魄的疯癫浪花。

    After 1980 's , with the rapid modernize process of the rural China , the madness spray surge between " Blue Culture " and " Yellow Culture " in china .

  26. 今天的乡村社会,已非费孝通乡土中国的理想类型所能准确概括,它呈现出结构混乱的态势,即村庄共同体趋于瓦解,乡村面临着社会解组的危险。

    The situation of the disintegration of rural community in contemporary rural society could be described of structural chaos , which cannot be explained exactly by the ideal type of Rural China that rose by Fei-Xiaotong .

  27. 因为对现代化问题的理解建立在线性的一元历史发展观上,中国知识分子对乡土中国的现代意义很难做出适当的价值估量,并对西方的现代性作出应有的反思。

    Because the understanding of modernization is established on the linear monistic historical development concept , it is difficult for the intellectuals to make suitable estimation on the importance of rural china , and hardly rethink the west modernity rationally .

  28. 由于现代史中的上海在乡土中国的特殊地位,引致了众多作家对这做座城市的书写和描绘,他们带着各自的立场和性格,塑造着不同的上海。

    Owing to Shanghai 's especial status in the modern history of Agrestic China , more and more authors have written and described this city , with their respective positions and characters , and have been figuring various types of Shanghai .

  29. 农民工群体的生存境况是乡土中国在现代化转型时期所经历的历史性嬗变的折射,当下文学的现代性理应由农民进城谈起。

    The situation of the survival of migrant workers is a reflection of the historical evolution of rural China in the period of modernization transition , and the research on the modernity of contemporary literature should begin with peasants entering the city .

  30. 费孝通教授通过对中国社会的深入观察,在他的早期著作《乡土中国》中把中国社会结构的特点归纳为差序格局,并与西方社会进行了系统的比较。

    Based on his deeply observation of Chinese society , Professor Fei Xiaotong proposed the characteristics of the structure of Chinese society as " a pattern " in his early book " Homebound China " and compared with the social structure in the West .