- 网络rural China;from the soil;Earthbound China

Rediscovery about Earthbound China
On Anthropological Research of Rural China THE NATIVE SOIL AND VILLAGERS
Chinese Culture and Peasantry in Pearl S. Buck ′ s Novels
Christianity and Rural China : Another Side of Golden Wings
New Trend of " Diversity-orderly Structure " of Chinese Native Soil Society
Ending of The Rural Country and Founding of China Ruled by Law
An Analysis of the Image of Shanghai in Some Novels by Wang An-yi
Native China is the cultural cause of localism ;
Rural China Studies in Overseas Anthropology
Modern Significance of Native China
The literary world of Chinese modern small cities and towns was unique scenery of modern novel .
This paper focused on exploring the changes of traditional Native Family sense by the impact of modernity .
Traditional Chinese Toys-The Diabolo
Th-ere is not such a society that has no tradition ( Local China by Fei Xiaotong ) .
The general literary theme of 20th century is centered by the motif-theme structure of modern city and rural China .
The author of " the judicial view of local China " think that we should treat the legal extensity seriously .
Through case studies , proving the rural tourism on the local Chinese the difficulties encountered in the transition relief well .
With more people leaving to urban cities leaves lesser capable women and a base of female political power in the rural areas .
The village , as the basic unit in Chinese society structure , whose development always plays a pivotal role in progress of historic footnote .
The reason why the writers depict the extreme plight and tragic life of the country is because they feel disappointed in this era in their hearts .
Native China , with a 37 year - old history , can be called consultation report about China that has people think deeply of reality again .
Traditional Chinese culture on the whole provides an unfavourable condition for the cultivation of taxpayer consciousness , and even less of the consciousness of taxpayer fights .
The generation of rule of law has its historical logic and real basis , and Local China becomes the certain premise of construction of Chinese rule of law .
China 's household registration system , based on old-time planned economy , divides Chinese society into two parts , that is , the urban society and the rural society .
After 1980 's , with the rapid modernize process of the rural China , the madness spray surge between " Blue Culture " and " Yellow Culture " in china .
The situation of the disintegration of rural community in contemporary rural society could be described of structural chaos , which cannot be explained exactly by the ideal type of Rural China that rose by Fei-Xiaotong .
Because the understanding of modernization is established on the linear monistic historical development concept , it is difficult for the intellectuals to make suitable estimation on the importance of rural china , and hardly rethink the west modernity rationally .
Owing to Shanghai 's especial status in the modern history of Agrestic China , more and more authors have written and described this city , with their respective positions and characters , and have been figuring various types of Shanghai .
The situation of the survival of migrant workers is a reflection of the historical evolution of rural China in the period of modernization transition , and the research on the modernity of contemporary literature should begin with peasants entering the city .
Based on his deeply observation of Chinese society , Professor Fei Xiaotong proposed the characteristics of the structure of Chinese society as " a pattern " in his early book " Homebound China " and compared with the social structure in the West .