
xiānɡ dǎnɡ
  • fellow villager or townsman;village communities
乡党 [xiāng dǎng]
  • [fellow villager or townsman] 家乡,乡里

  • 各官之后,就是亲戚,以及乡党。--《幻中真》

  • 还付乡党。--宋. 司马光《资治通鉴》

  1. 在遥远的大洋彼岸,碰到乡党是一件让人兴奋的事。

    It is an exciting thing to encounter one 's countrymen in a foreign land .

  2. 孝把亲之道为基础的家庭伦理而扩展到乡党与社会范围。

    The filial piety as the family ethics can be spread to the community and society .

  3. 乡饮酒礼、乡射礼是周代乡党间经常性的礼乐活动,具有丰富的艺术蕴含,其仪式具有早期戏剧的特征,诗乐在乡党礼典中处于核心地位。

    The ceremonies of drinking and archery were regular local activities rich in artistic content , with rituals which show the characteristics of early drama .

  4. 关中地区的礼物交换从模式上看,主要发生在亲戚和乡党之间;

    From a viewpoint of the mode , gift-exchange in Guanzhong area , the middle part of Shaanxi Province , mainly occurs between relatives and villagers .

  5. 印度官差们经常抓不住那些投石党,暴怒之下,将附近的乡党一并株连,在不公的情况下以同谋问罪。

    Enraged officers usually fail to catch stone-lobbers , so lash out instead at families and residents nearby , accusing them , usually unfairly , of collusion .

  6. 该项制度的产生,主要是受中国古代社会注重维护宗法家族利益精神的影响,也与维护乡党利益、处理相邻关系及其些赋役征发的法例和习惯等因素有关。

    The origin of this system was affected by the spirit of focusing on consolidating the clan family interest , dealing with the neighborhood relationship , and levying some taxes .